/mlpol/ - My Little Politics


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Archived thread

161005 161018
>Researchers at University College London developed a new way to measure how memes are made and spread. What they found won’t surprise anyone who’s peered into the darker parts of the internet in the last few years: The most toxic, yet most effectively spread, memes are first shared on two places, the subreddit r/the_donald and 4chan’s “politically incorrect” forum, called /pol/.

>“Considering the increasing relevance of digital information on world events, our study provides a building block for future cultural anthropology work, as well as for building systems to protect against the dissemination of harmful ideologies,” they added.

>They’re not the first to think deeply and academically about the meme ecosystem, but the patterns they found also bolster what we already knew about memes: that based on sheer size and spread of these communities, you’re probably sharing images that were made to be distributed in toxic communities.

>The researchers did not determine who actually made the memes, just where they were first shared on the public internet—as Motherboard has previously reported, many memes originally circulate in small Discord channels or on group chats before being posted to bigger platforms like Reddit or 4chan.

>/pol/ had the highest volume of memes, while the_donald was the best at getting memes spread outside of its own community. Reddit and Twitter users shared more “fun” memes, they concluded, while /pol/ and Gab saw more racist or politically-motivated images.

>But within Reddit, subreddits like the_donald were still considered fringe by the researchers. “Reddit users are more interested in politics-related memes than other type of memes,” the researchers write in the study. “That said, when looking at individual subreddits, we find that The Donald is the most active one when it comes to posting memes in general. It is also the subreddit where most racism and politics related memes are posted.”

>The researchers posit that this kind of algorithm—which they’ve made openly available—could be useful for social media platforms trying to automatically detect hateful content.


>On the Origins of Memes by Means of Fringe Web Communities

>In this paper, we detect and measure the propagation of memes across multiple Web communities, using a processing pipeline based on perceptual hashing and clustering techniques, and a dataset of 160M images from 2.6B posts gathered from Twitter, Reddit, 4chan’s Politically Incorrect board (/pol/), and Gab over the course of 13 months.

>When measuring the influence each community has with respect to disseminating memes to other Web communities, we found that /pol/ has the largest overall influence for racist and political memes, however, /pol/ was the least efficient, i.e., in terms of influence w.r.t. the total number of memes posted, while The_Donald is very successful in pushing memes to both fringe and mainstream Web communities.

https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.12512v1 (also source of pics)

We must exploit this. Somehow.
161007 161019
metokur reddit.jpg
I universaly disavow the entirety of reddit and r the dolan specifically. Dolan is not chan culture, dolan squanders chan culture to normies, effectively killing it in the process and perverting it for further use. THe only thing dolan is good for is killing memes.
161010 161019
Except they do most of the distribution.
So what is your plan, keep the world shit and /pol/ isolated? Or change the world by spreading into normieland in a form they can handle?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) punch.jpg

I will not enable or support reddit or reddit associated websites, companies, memes or individuals in any form whatsoever and disassociate myself from anyone who does so, no exceptions.
161015 161016
So don't reply in my thread anymore then :)
Isn't that what the study is showing. We ARE exploiting the situation. If you mean /mlpol/, what can all 10 of us do?
anime girl with gun bathtu….jpg
cat gun.jpg
christ chan gun.png
stutterstock male model wi….jpg

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She's actually cute, reminds me of Tidepony-sama. I guess I like reddit-tan now, thanks.
>this study
>People are getting payed to browse memes all day
I'm actually rather envious…
He's right. Reddit is where memes go to die.
While that's also true, it's preferable to keep chan culture as far away from plebbit as possible, for quality's sake.
161022 161025
How will you implement the quarantine?
The truths chans uncover should not change the world?
161027 161037 161046
Schizophrenic and untrue ramblings about how the Jews literally micromanage society isn't something worth sharing.
Take your meds.
161026 161033 161169
Can someone explain to me why reddit gets so much hate? It's shit but same can be said about 4chan. It's full of normies and faggots but same can be said about 4chan and especially /pol/.
It works differently with points and lack of anonymity but people claiming that chan way is somewhat objectively better are bunch o dinguses, both have pros and cons.

Is it just newfags trying to adapt to chan culture by acting even more >chan, then when they became oldfags new people try do be even more radical to surpass them and prove that they aren't new?
Is it because reddit is also host to bunch of leftist shit (same as 4chan)?
Or just because reddit is popular and chan culture is in nature contrarian so people hate it for the sake of hating it? probably
>How will you implement the quarantine?
Poners have worked well enough so far.
Historically, Reddit has been a cancer that has always plagued 4chan. Reddit users never adapted (i.e. refused anonymity and took on names for no reason), and outright steals content. Reddit has very little originality, if any. That's one perspective at least.
>ramblings about how the Jews literally micromanage society
>isn't something worth sharing.
161029 161064
It's really not. It makes people look nuts. Simply pointing out facts such as who has the most influence in the world is more sane and is easier to prove.
Well, I guess that goes without saying…
they are also thick headed liberals.
from what I hear, you can tell them all of the most clear facts ever 'til kingdom come. but they will refuse to listen.

they also have absolutely no respect for what has been built before [pic related] and will mindlessly ruin it and change it into something objectively inferior. this can also apply to memes every meme that /pol/ makes is ruined a single week after reddit finds it and lathers shit all over it through a collective apathy towards quality of the meme but no “i maked da meme das me” like the tragedy of the commons memes are quickly and viciously milked to death and die.
Back in the 2000’s memes used to last years, not because they were great but because no one was there to make them shit.
4/pol/ is a decentralized meme engine/research tool. It attracts people who are not interested in normal social media which has reputations to uphold. This means 4/pol/ are less likely to go and promote the content of 4/pol/ on social media. Reddit fills in this gap, they are the bridge to Twitter, Facebook etc. We are well past the point of 4chan being a secret club that no one is watching closely. We should recognize the infosphere ecology and work with it. Fighting it achieves nothing.
average fan of Steven Bonn….jpg
pol tells reddit to fuck o….png
reddit cancer on pol.png
reddit cant delete nigger ….png
reddit larpers in cow keyw….png


Reddit is like a parasite. They steal content and discredits its meaning and history.

Chan sites are like wholesome farms. we grow the food out communities thrive on in earnest.
We should never sell out to middle man. In fact i would say, the more secretive and xenophobic we act will make us even stronger.

The question if and to what degree chan communities as the producers of modern internet power can or even should directly market their ideas towards the end consumers (as in the normans) is a whole other question. If this can even achieved at all one must consider all the consequences that come with it. Perhaps it is a better fate to not serve our literal secret society knowledge to outsiders at all, least we are to sell out our second indentities for it.
/pol/ uncovers more things than that.
>Perhaps it is a better fate to not serve our literal secret society knowledge to outsiders at all

Lets hide the truth!! Because… Reddit…. really?
It cheers me greatly that the chans can have anyone read them and not become a new form of elitism.
pop team epic beserk egg i….jpg

I was never a fan of the theory "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Quite the opposite. I was always more of a fan of mutually assured destruction.

Death is the favourable alternative to corruption. (or siding with REDDIT of all people for that matter.)
Nazi Pepe Dab.jpg
Jews are basically vampires.
Thanks for a interesting lead.

> In Ashkenazi Jews, French Canadians of southeastern Quebec, and Cajuns of southern Louisiana, the condition is more common.[2][1] Approximately 1 in 3,600 Ashkenazi Jews at birth are affected.

> Ashkenazi Jews. A four base pair insertion in exon 11 (1278insTATC) results in an altered reading frame for the HEXA gene. This mutation is the most prevalent mutation in the Ashkenazi Jewish population, and leads to the infantile form of Tay–Sachs disease.[14]
> Cajuns. The same 1278insTATC mutation found among Ashkenazi Jews occurs in the Cajun population of southern Louisiana. Researchers have traced the ancestry of carriers from Louisiana families back to a single founder couple – not known to be Jewish – who lived in France in the 18th century.[15]
> French Canadians. Two mutations, unrelated to the Ashkenazi/Cajun mutation, are absent in France but common among French Canadians living in eastern Quebec and Acadians from the Province of New Brunswick. Pedigree analysis suggests the mutations were uncommon before the late 17th century.[16][17]

>Mate selection. In Orthodox Jewish circles, the organization Dor Yeshorim carries out an anonymous screening program so that carrier couples for Tay–Sachs and other genetic disorders can avoid marriage.

>Ashkenazi Jews have a high incidence of Tay–Sachs and other lipid storage diseases. In the United States, about 1 in 27 to 1 in 30 Ashkenazi Jews is a recessive carrier. The disease incidence is about 1 in every 3,500 newborn among Ashkenazi Jews.[34] French Canadians and the Cajun community of Louisiana have an occurrence similar to the Ashkenazi Jews. Irish Americans have a 1 in 50 chance of being a carrier.[citation needed] In the general population, the incidence of carriers as heterozygotes is about 1 in 300.[7] The incidence is approximately 1 in 320,000 newborns in the general population in United States.[35]

>Jewish immigration to the United States peaked in the period 1880–1924, with the immigrants arriving from Russia and countries in Eastern Europe; this was also a period of nativism (hostility to immigrants) in the United States. Opponents of immigration often questioned whether immigrants from southern and eastern Europe could be assimilated into American society. Reports of Tay–Sachs disease contributed to a perception among nativists that Jews were an inferior race.[43]

>Since carrier testing for Tay–Sachs began in 1971, millions of Ashkenazi Jews have been screened as carriers. Jewish communities embraced the cause of genetic screening from the 1970s on. The success with Tay–Sachs disease has led Israel to become the first country that offers free genetic screening and counseling for all couples and opened discussions about the proper scope of genetic testing for other disorders in Israel.[48]

>Researchers have also tried directly instilling the deficient enzyme hexosaminidase A into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which bathes the brain. However, intracerebral neurons seem unable to take up this physically large molecule efficiently even when it is directly by them. Therefore, this approach to treatment of Tay–Sachs disease has also been ineffective so far.

That last quote reminds me of:

> These are the "bloodline" and "Sick club" members #QAnon talks about. QAnon.pub. I was born into a family of cannibal vampires who used ritual abuse and torture to terrify me so they could live parasitic off of the adrenaline in my blood and CSF until I was 35.


Continuing Wikipedia:

>Cord blood transplant

>This is a harsh procedure, which involves killing the patient's blood system with chemo and administering cord blood. This procedure has been done before, with several people surviving the infantile form, to age 8 and on. Cord blood is immature, so it easily accepts its new host without rejecting it. As to date, the two hospitals that do this procedure are the University of Minnesota and Duke Medical Center.[60]
>Critics criticize its harsh nature, and that it is unapproved. It is also hard for it to cross the blood-brain barrier. The earlier treatment starts, the better. It is often very pricey, with $25000 per unit. Adults will need many units of cord blood.[61][60]

This could make a culture of abusers and killers.
So, Jews then.
161070 161073
a meme that never happened.png

essentially it is never not jews
Are the Clintons Jewish?
File (hide): 88438489B4D326FD20D0D622A574ED26-1787583.webm (1.7 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:00:22, jews support clinton.webm) [play once] [loop]
jews support clinton.webm

maybe .(°).
degenerate indoctrination.png
more evidence why a chansite should never support reddit

>>160819 →

as much alt light cancer dolan is, it is not representative for the whole site. the vast majority of reddit (including its parent company and site staff) supports NeoMarxism.
Only 75%, there's a statistically relatively-significant number who voted for Thrackerzod. Idiot.
Reddit promotes echo chambers, unpopular opinions are downvoted and buried so no discussion actually happens, just a bunch of people agreeing with each other all the time, anyone else is driven out to coalesce and create their own echo chambers. Imagine reddit as a chan board full of generals, but with the capacity to vote posts to the top of the thread.

Ironically enough, 8chan uses much the same structure (create your own subreddit board!) and the posters there can't stop sucking each other's dicks and drive out anyone that might dissent even a little bit. Reddit is not good for the free spread of information, and not solely because of its mods, the site is just designed that way, user agency doesn't matter to them, if enough people don't like thing, then the site hides it from everyone whether they like it or not.
>unpopular opinions are downvoted and buried so no discussion actually happens

And how it's different than chan? Maybe I'm biased because my only experience is with /pol/ but I feel like every time people say some ambigious critique about reddit it can also be applid to 4chan.
Of course you can't downvote posts but people are perfectly happy with calling unpopular opinions shilling or jewish and end whole discussion here. Hell, it happens even here, though less.

Of course discussion happen sometimes and I'm sure that it can also happen on reddit if someone decides to argue with downvoted post.

I just feel like most of time people hate reddit for the sake o hating it without really understanding why and even if it's their enemy or not.
And then most of them me included click reddit links while searching for some info because there is actually bunch of useful and readily available knowledge there.
The point is that the site is designed to aid and abet that process, yes, we can call people shills here, have their threads deleted, but this is only within the scope of left vs right. The difference between us and them is that we don't have very many other places to discuss our political leanings, and we've seen what happens when we take the high road of not rooting out liberals and normos whenever they rear their ugly heads with 4chan.

That said, it's not a total thing, we have libertarians and statists both posting on this site more or less peacefully, just because this is a nazi horse fucking forum doesn't mean we start banning anarcho-capitalists and anyone who is not, also, a national socialist. Criticise anything Trump does as maybe not the wisest of acts? Certainly, but you go ahead and try it on T_D, and to a lesser extent, /pol/. We have a good site here with good staff and a good community, inviting the sorts of people who are used to simply burying the opposition in any discussion with downvotes, IE Reddit, is just inviting them to attempt the same here.

Not to mention that the site tends to attract the pseudo-intellectual, self important types that absolutely love to claim things they did not create as their own, shriek about people being disingenuous all day long and have a nasty predilection for overusing the word 'y'all'. They are a channer's anti-thesis, anonymity does not exist, posts are given preferential treatment (by the site, not the community) due to popularity (whichever 'brigade' gets to the voting button first), they care about protecting feelings more than truthful information and really just tend to ruin everything they touch. Remember why this site exists, because a bunch of /pol/acks realised one day that a bunch of literal horsefuckers was easier to get along with than redditors, also shill bots breaking, but who's counting?

You are correct in one way, though, Reddit tends to be better at collating information and keeping it readily available due to the permanent nature of posts, and yet we have archives for this purpose, searching them is just beyond the average user too lazy to go beyond a search engine and do some reading.
Study of 4chan’s Pol.pdf
I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet