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159375 159423 159428 159441 161219
So many right-wingers and so many skeptics keeps talking about a "moderate and rational left", and refer however to absolutely 100% of the political cases, events, news, etc, about the left as "far-leftist" or even "alt-left".
What i want to know is where are those freaking moderate leftists, if they are a "majority" then mention some of them, Lindsay Sheperd? Don't make me laught.
The entire right have declared war against the alt-right for being "extremist" and so cringy.(Those spergs who really swallowed the "alt-right" meme). With freaking antifa and Black LM where are the freaking moderate leftists, as Jordan Peterson said on PC; the left can and have got too far and we know it, so where is the moderate left to define where it's too far for them so we can clarify this and end this non-sense.
Moderate leftists are the spineless neoliberals, like Hillary Clinton.
I'd say Dave Rubin, maybe?
He said that he left the left.
Yeah, but i think they are lefting the democratic party or the left as a whole.
There are no moderate leftists because leftism is a radical ideology that says whites must die and western civilization must fall. "So Communist Utopia can be built on its ashes!", of course.

There are no moderate muslims because islam is a radical ideology with attached religion that says whites must die and western civilization must fall. "So Muslim Utopia can be built on its ashes!", of course.

Common Liberals think they're "Just moderate" liberals if they "Only" share commie memes and fake news posts, but they think anyone who calls them out on this bullshit is an "Alt-right neo nazi white supremacist extremist far-right racist sexist everythingist".

Don't fall for the meme. There is no moderate left. The entire left has declared war on white humanity and its children. It's alt-right to notice this and speak out against this, so we're all Nazis now.

If we "Drive out all the neo nazis in our ideology", we'll make the left happy because we'll be purging our own ideology and policing what can be said and thought and generally doing their job for them.

The alt right isn't a coherent ideology because it's a band of diverse ideologies defending themselves against a violent and incoherent leftist dogma.

I'm a libertarian and I have conservative friends but at this point, I will stand shoulder to shoulder with Monarchists, non-liberal Anarchist, Antivaxers, even fucking flat earthers if it means standing against the fucking liberal cancer killing this planet and its children.

No more trannies. No more white suicides. No more anti-male schools. No more commie colleges. No more Hollywood SJeWs.
The moderate leftists just call themselves "right" or "alt right" now. Or at the very least they stick with the (American) title of liberal and mantain their ties with thier herd but just keep a bit quieter. The issue with American liberalism and leftism is they NEED to be in a group they need to find a label despite saying they don't want one. Here in the USA most "moderate leftists" simply call themselves centrist or say they are not into politics to slip the ire of both sides while refusing to admit to themselves that their own policies and political thought process is what led to this cultural and societal outcome in the first place.
What we would call the moderate left is actually just left leaning centrists, the extreme left, or collectivists rather, by their mere existence is driving the moderates further and further to the right. There once existed a moderate left, but they've been gone for quite some time, exiled to the center of the political spectrum because they're not socialist enough. These are the people we spend our efforts on redpilling, those that can have sense talked into them. The collectivists can only deal in absolutes now, if you are not on their side and stand for everything they stand for, then you are the enemy and must be purged. With no middle ground seen in the leftist dogma, the moderates have come to the right, and they bring with them their support.
159495 159538
The moderate left supports everything the far left does. They are just less open about it.
Am the OP sorry i open this in safe mode.
Thats exacly what i always ask people in youtube, show me one actual moderate leftist not a centrist guy.

Honestly, the left is hostile with everything not radical, look at Lindsay Sheperd, look at the endless this leftist movement let's say for example anti-gun ownership too white, feminism too white and it keeps happening all over again and no leftist have talked against it, or even bring it to the table it has no freaking rationality left.
Am afraid it is, afterall no real leftist have talked against it, nothing against the extremist Black LM or Antifa, or BAM of whatever those pussies call themselves recruiting freaking childs at school.
Really, if there is any difference between far and moderate left, come out, said what you think about this issues, what it is too far what's not to clarify this and end this non-sense, since no one have come around but antifa rioters, i can see why people expect a civil war.
Really guys, if am are in a movement where all the bad stuff you already know have happend, am willing to make extremely clear that i don't support that, and i can't hear that about the moderate left, i can hear people walking away from it(don't make me laught, they are abandoning the left so what is your point).
161289 161356
This is an extremely good point. I had considered myself leftist for most of my life because I promoted science, rationality and freedom of speech, yet now I find myself on an allegedly "alt-right" board because it promotes those same values. The left has gone insane and abandoned everything it ever stood for, and now only the literally insane refer to themselves as leftist anymore.

I'm still opposed to several views of the right, but I'm willing to put details like healthcare and education aside in favor of saving the entire world as we know it.
I imagine we'll come to that debate once the left is either gone or reformed. Until then, I don't think anyone will begrudge you too much for your current political views.
> The left has gone insane and abandoned everything it ever stood for
Well I can't speak for your country since I don't love there Anon. But I don't think they've switched morals, the situation they have found themselves in has changed. They still have the same goals as they always have.

As far as "left" and "right" goes it's a stupidly oversimplified way to look at politics. And I wish people would stop using it since it makes it into a "a" or "b" choice.