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Today you can go around any anyone who is even a slight conservative would tell you that our education system in the US is sub-par and or that it is nothing more than indoctrination to communism. I didn't even know this before I went to college and this at the time was seemingly the best option and what I wanted. I graduated in 2015 in a degree which I knew would give me a wide birth of skills and it did, however it also left one sour taste in my mouth and I didn't really understand why, however pissed me off.

I graduated in a degree of interactive software engineering, this taught art, graphic design, animation and so much more. Well it was a two year college and unfortunately to get four years it would cost me the same as if I were to buy a new house and that isn't cheap. Second because I only have an associates, no one wants to even look at me because I don't have a Bachelors. WTF.

I thought of going back to college but that funny feeling and bad taste lingered, I am a super bookworm and know how to research and I did. Why was all the stories in English about the poor black man never having anything? Why was Psychology trying to teach there were no differences between male and females? Why was my Communications classes, trying to teach that all whites were racist? Yet probably the first jew I ever met and bashed another student whom was black because he did one assignment for the class on his preacher. So many questions I had and it wasn't till I found /pol/ that I realized, they were right, it is communism.

But even after all the denial in the begining it quickly made me go, OMFG, when they protest and start waving the hammer and scythe it is more clear than ever.

But here is the big issue, I feel like I am royally fucked. Seriously. I was born with Muscular Dystrophy and even though I am more than able to walk, my streanth and endurance isn't there. My brother it skipped him and he joined a trade, electrician. My sister she got married. I knew that after waking up to the facts as a child, that my body is slowly whithering and despite that one thing that isn't, is my brain. So I got into computers, programing and creating art on computers. I wanted to pursue it and still do. But all jobs out there want a bachlors depite being able to produce works that will dance around in circles around anyone else fresh out of college.

In college, I spent time with my professors and told them outright that there wasn't anything they taught that I didn't already know. My grades proved it and I graduated with a 4.0GPA top of my class. I started on my career choice when I was in the 8th grade because my school in woodshop had computers with AutoCad which we used to draft blueprints, I would go in there after hours just to draw up tanks and battleships, getting in trouble many times.

I never quit pursuing my interests but I feel like I hit a brick wall that is no more than a piece of paper and that is what I feel that I got in my first two years, a worthless piece of paper.

Till I tried to figure what the hell to do I been finding other work, which is mediocre and doesn't pay a hill of beans. When I first started to apply however I did check off that WOTC that I was handicapped which they all ask, guess what, I never got a reply back despite them saying "Oh we don't discriminate" BS. I unchecked it and guess what, I got calls back. But I quickly found out that I couldn't hide the fact when others noticed my not so steady hands and my walking gait. "Oh shit" I thought, then due to the strenious work, I had to quit because I felt my health was more at stake than if I continued. Lucky for me they were nice to find another position that I could do and did well, till my father got sick forcing me to quit for good.

But here is the impass because I know I am not the only one in a rut. Education is fucked up in the USA and no more than indoctrination to Communism. 48k to 72k is the average you spend in college, having to enroll before being given a grant, and scholarships that you may not even win you will be stuck fliping the bill. Cant' work hard labor, need a piece of paper before anyone would want to talk to you about a desk job.

For Trump to keep talking about jobs, what is he doing about the white collared workers?
I think the only way for Trump to do anything substantial for white collar workers is to tighten the ease companies have of bringing in foreign workers. Force companies to first look inwards into the United States for workers before they bring in people from India or other countries to fill the positions.

One tips I got, but haven't done yet (working on it), is to look at big firms. And it looks like Microsoft is a good place to look. They have the financial means to actually adapt a workday to someone who has disabilities. Microsoft is also big in almost every field when it comes to software. And they have users of all walks of life with all kinds of disabilities and needs for accessibility systems.
So I would check out possibilities at MS for work. You can use your disability as a strength when applying. Use the fact that you know what difficulties people with Muscular Dystrophy have, and you can help Microsoft evolve their products to better accommodate people in your situation.

Also if you have a portfolio of project you have created and can show to it will go much longer than any degree from school. Real life knowledge trumps academic knowledge.

>not sure if I answered anything you asked, but hope I had something resembling coherent to say

>also hope the work market improves and that you find a job you will enjoy
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Truth be told, I heard good, bad and ugly from MS. But if I can get my foot in that door. I would, I really would. They have a campus here in this city. I been there a few times too, but no one ever really got back with me sadly.

I started to look for jobs however though LinkedIn and what a joke. 99% of jobs there goes through a Temp Agency which one in particular seems to have a monopoly, especially when it comes to any programing job. Despite my portfolio and degree, this is how it goes: First they interview me over skype and it is the temp agency not the actual employers, then they ask for me to take a rediculous test that has nothing to do with the actual job requirements (Wonderlic, 50 calculus questions in 12 minutes, must get a perfect score, I am not a super computer and because unanswered questions are marked wrong, I failed because time ran out, got ever question right though that I answered) They then don't talk to me for half a year to a year.

Year later they then contact me again about "Jobs" I say hell yeah I am interested. Say they will email me, never do. And that is it till next year when rinse and repeat. One that actually gave me a JavaScript test I passed with flying colors, same thing, contact me after a year, say the test was old and have to retake, ECMA SCRIPT 3 is JAVASCRIPT and hasn't changed in over what 5 years or more? My degree is worthless, my portfolio.

One guy even showed me two other competitors, One from Florida which portfolio was worse than mine, found out latter he actually got the job. But as you can guess, he was Cuban. Diversity wins again.

MS might be a viable option, I only know two that work there and one I think left there, I never sit idle, never, but it isn't easy when you keep being brushed off.
Sorry if I come off a bit timid, it just is aggravating. I started with another friend of mine one a self project utilizing my skills to do so. The only problem is time, money and things out of my control like hurricanes. I put allot into the project and hope the best for it, meanwhile, I am making pennies working elsewhere. It never is easy but I am determined. I think that is respectable more so than someone that sits idle. I am never idle.

I wish that some things turned out better but oh well.

Still, if college/university wasn't a mess, financially, and structurally, I would go back. But boy did I find it stressful and boring. I was full time, at most with 5 courses and an internship on top of it. Sleepless nights was common and somehow I still pulled it off.

So I guess the main topic of the day is White Collar work and Education
>but it isn't easy when you keep being brushed off.
I can fully relate to that. Try sending mail directly to the disAbility program.
Send them mail, try to get added their internal system of potential candidates they can contact if any opportunity arises if there is no openings at the moment.

>Sorry if I come off a bit timid
Don't worry about that at all. Better to get it off your chest than suppress it and let it fester. Your frustration is fully understandable. It is hard to get rejected when you know you can do the work, and the only reason you don't get it is because no one wants to give you a chance to show what you can.
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Sorry to say this, but "No fucking shit" really. I spent years in the field and it only pisses me off and makes me want to break down in tears (crying on the inside) because rejection hurts when you see everyone else moving ahead, allbeit through trife as well. I never knew about this "Diversity" program through microsoft and damn surprised that no one even mentioned it when I was in college, I am going to keep hopeful and my fingers crossed.

Sometimes you need to talk with others to get a new perspective because in truth, my network is small and I know there has to be others in the same boat.

I been using LinkedIn for most job searches and Monster as well, have my portfolio on BeHance from adobe, and my associates. I hope I can wiggle my foot in that door. Thanks for sharing.

But since you brought it up, what is your story? How did you winde up pushing with everything you got and being brushed off?
In a similar boat to you, OP.
I have some form of auto-immune disease (Can't afford testing to figure out which one), become less and less able by the day and I'm basically fucked now because nobody gave any shits about my pain until it was too late.
Physical labor is completely out of the question and I refuse to go to the jewery that is college because I know if I do, I'll still be unable to find work, and I'll be in an even worse financial situation.
Even if I were able to find work, I can't physically meet any of the criteria because even sitting in one spot for too long leaves me in unbearable pain. Even driving at this point is too much.
Back when I was able to at least work desk jobs, or easier sales floor jobs I could never get them because nobody would give me a chance. They wanted black/hispanic/spanish-speakers instead of "just another white guy".
I was forced to work hard physical labor jobs that absolutely rekt my body and forced to quit after a few months. Now because of my "poor work history" I can't even get into the shit tier jobs.
Though I got fucked over by doctors and the medical industry, I understand your pain.
I am glad I have been able to spread some useful information. Trying to figure out everything by yourself is a daunting and near impossible task.
I really hope you get a job at MS. You deserve some uplifting moments in your career, and it sounds like you have the knowledge and talent to do good.

My story is nowhere near as dramatic as yours. Mine is mainly psychological I think, could stem from the genetic disorder due to a small mutation (sadly not superhero kind of mutation). I am lacking all social skills and thus I fail at every interview. Only jobs I have gotten in my life is jobs I have been offered. I have never got a job I applied for.
I think my main problem is that I can't get myself to brag about myself. I assume other candidates do that, make themselves better than what they are, and that is how they get the job. But something in me just can't get me to do that. I always tell about the areas I might not be as strong in instead of the areas I am strong in and just keep my mouth shut about those I have lacking knowledge of. But I feel it is only fair to tell the employee it that way; but it is probably not helping me at all I think. Also you hear about people who have lied on their CV and got hired for leader positions all the time.
If I were on the regular /pol/ I probably would be told off to go KYS. Kinda glad that isn't the case here and I get real people.

Because of my Muscular Dystrophy, sitting has always been a problem with me too, however standing is far worse for 8+ hours a day. When in highschool it was really a problem that doctors started to put me on some rather high pain killers, like the hard ass wood seats wern't the issue and because of all of it, I was highly discriminated against because I had written IEP's (Individualized Educational Plan) and all it said was more time to take tests, to write, and to leave class a bit early so I can get to the next one on time because walking was a bitch.

I worked at Target back in '09 (to my nord friends like walmart, I am sure that is global) and stood 8+ hours, I would be so incredible swollen after wards, thank goodness it was seasonal. Haven't worked since then really but here and there online doing graphic and web work. (lucky for me, but never paid the bills) Went back to work in 2017 and found out I went from bad to worse when I couldn't really hide the fact I was disabled anymore. I wear braces on my legs just to help me walk, I used to walk with a cane and still do just for stability but to hide the fact I was disabled, had to do without. One person noticed my hand shake when doing one task and my boss noticed my walking gait and that threw me into a panic. I worked in one area for a while and realized that I really got worse since '09 and I was wraping myself in all sorts of supports and taking over the counter ibuprofin just to keep going till I said to myself, enough. I was in so much pain everyday and the wage here, $7.25 an hour doesn't even pay a hill of beans.

Seriously, McDonald's because a meal is more than that, you have to work 2 hours to get 1 meal. You want breakfast, lunch and dinner you have to work 6 hours, and where does the other 2 hours go? Gas, Taxes… Now give the fact they only give 23hrs and never a full 40. How can you even survive? I hate so much saying this because it has such a negative connotation but I make more on ssI than what I ever did working part-time jobs (because they never will give you a full time job) Meanwhile I never stopped trying to get a better job.
I can't stand for more than a few minutes. Have to change the way I'm sitting every 15 to 20 minutes.
Current looking at mixed connective tissue disease as the cause, but I can't afford testing and I'm just now getting into applications for disability and stuff.
Doctors always told me that I was just depressed and were giving me meds for that. Which didn't do shit because that wasn't the problem. Being constantly told that you're depressed (and they had good enough reason to, history of it in family) will start to make you think you really are.
Pain really kicked up about 2.5 years ago for me and I haven't worked since.
If any of my doctors had taken me seriously when I said that I felt that depression wasn't really the issue and there was something else going on, I might not be in my current situation. Now I'm just looking at getting disability and living the poor life unless I can get into the whole >yet-another-vidya-game-streamer life or win the lottery.
You could chalk it up to being mostly my fault I guess. Still, I refuse to join the cuckoldry that is college. If nobody will hire me because of my race/lack of a piece of paper, then so be it.
To be honest with my skills, I though about getting into youtube videos just to "teach" all my skills to others. Why not? I don't know why I never really pursued that, I guess I though no one would be really interested plus everyone warning me that "they demonetizing our youtubes" I never understood the whole video game streaming thing, really I don't get it. Though to be honest video games is what I call "Interactive Software" because many cock an eyebrow when you put video game developer on a resume. Not realizing that you are a writer, artist, graphic designer, programmer, marketer and web designer/engineer, skilled in photoshop, aftereffects, indesign, premier pro, dreamweaver and illustrator, skilled at Java, Python, JS, C++, C#, Fourth and Basic, HTML 5, CSS, Audio Engineer, and Music Compostion, VFX and MoCap.

Fuck, no wonder why Twilight started her own unaccredited school. Seriously, is this what I am going to have to do? I been building mods since 8th grade and that was back in '04. Sadly none of them really exist anymore because they all were on GameFlood and that was shut down in '10. Who ever remembers that site gets a brownie.
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For the field you're in, those hiring often look for portfolios of previous work, even if it isn't stuff you did in a paid job. This is something modders for games, graphics designers and animators do in their spare time to get their foot in the door for a job, the paper is not enough to stand out anymore because of the abundance of other people with the same piece of paper. Do some freelance stuff and include it in your applications if you can, it's not a guarantee, but it should help.

You'll really be kicking yourself when you realise that you can get in on a high school graduation and a good portfolio of freelance work, making the piece of paper completely worthless. The Soviets ran a number of operations during the cold war to infiltrate various institutions around the world, focusing on America, to subvert them to teach socialist principles. This is not a secret, this is not classified, it's just not common knowledge because of how downplayed it is, but we know they did it, Soviet defectors even admitted as much on several occasions, on TV even.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cnf0I2dQ0i0 Here you go. Enjoy the knowledge that it will take a generation and a top down reform of academia to reverse the damage they did.
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Sorry to say lad but if its any tech job its going to be much harder to get a job unless you are going in and out of a really good tech school. Even then the market is saturated as all hell and it pays no where as well as it once did because pajeets have fucked up the industry by outsourcing us burgers. Were just in a bad position because of it, wish I could say there was a good way to fix it but even if you go to a good school for what you love, and get over all the Marxist crap it'll still be ass afterwords because the pay is crap and because Marxists control all the big tech companies, after all most are located in the gay area in commiefornia.

Best of luck anon, I'd just look for money somewhere else.

I seen bits and pieces of that, never the whole thing. It would be a good watch.

Well I don't know what I am doing wrong then, as I pointed out earlier, my portfolio is comparable if not better than most that have done the same type of work. But allot seem to turn me down because of my AS/AA and I don't have my BA or BS. I still say there is a bias though because my competition is mostly immigrants. Still, I don't go down with out a fight, maybe I need to rebrand my image or try something new.

It wasn't till I went back to the career center at my college that they helped me restructure my resume and helped with the interview process, but when you haven't had a job in a while, and go after these other lines of work, it seems they would take anyone, unless you check off you are handicaped. As I forementioned.

Job hunting to me is a game, and I am still learning to play it. I started doing some Freelance webdevelopment but it was when the contracts started drying up when I went to work these parttime jobs, >target etc.
You wouldn't be wrong about the bias towards migrant workers, they have quotas to fulfill and virtues to signal. I may have understated how good your portfolio would have to be to really stand out, as >>159348 mentioned, the field is saturated, most tech fields are, one of the few exceptions would be machine learning since all the tech giants are snapping up anyone they can in that field in the race to a working AI.

I was like you, once, I went for an interactive software degree, but I got out when I realised just how fucked the hiring situation is.

And it really is worth watching the whole thing, there's a lot about life in the Soviet Union that isn't taught even this long after its collapse. A lot of the behaviours that kept the regime propped up are being mirrored today, especially in academia as you well know. Life as a student is pretty much like life under socialism, just without the gulags and political executions, but they sure as fuck would change that if they could.
Not all of it is in California, Raleigh, NC is the second tech area and home to big AAA game studios, EA, Microsoft, Insomniac, Ubisoft/RedStorm and Epic Games. But it still not just a simple drive away to get there for me. I was looking into remote jobs but they wanted me to work there for 2 weeks on campus before being alowed to do so. Well 4 hours drive back and fourth every day is not plausible.

Oh and I know, I met Ken Rolston (Lead Designer of Morrowind and Oblivion) and he told me flat out in person, that he doesn't look at anyone unless they graduated from Full-Sail. ECGC 2014. I even have his fucking business card. Fucking twat. So yeah, the power of paper. Full-Sail guess what, it what it went up in tuition by $2000, yeah I been talking with this one guy there. IT IS MORE EXPENSIVE THAN HARVARD, AND IVY LEAGUE UNIVERSITY. $72,000 just to study in the degree I want.

So really, I wish that it was only a damn portfolio.


I just hope that isn't the majority that wants a piece of paper.
Rather than rely on scanty Youtube ad revenue it may be better to look at establishing or contributing to an online course, a la Khan Academy. There is demand for such stuff since, as you said, the education system is broken.
If it is completly free, which is cool, how do you turn it into something more? Do teachers get paid?

A bit off topic but not really since the topic is on a F'd up education system. Who here would like to learn 3D modeling, rigging and animation? (That is my specialty but can teach all the rest)

You can get 3ds max and all autodesk tools free if you have a student email (thank you community college) otherwise blender, I can still teach concepts but you are going to have to navigate the interface yourself.

I wanted so bad to teach at my college but the professor there "discouraged" me, not sure why other than he owning his own company and using the students and free interns to create games for him under the table as free labor. (guess what company I interned at while holding 5 other courses)