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157958 157959 158110 158156 163149
In advance, I'm sorry for the sub-par quality of this post; haven't slept for almost forty hours. However, I'm curious to know your thoughts on certain behaviors in the walk away movement.

Have anyone else noticed that they're using the term "red pilled" for simply abandoning the Dems and believing just because they managed to destroy a Democrat lie they're red pilled?

Personally, it comes off as edge-pleb tier bullshit from a mass of people who've lost faith in the Democrats and not a sudden surge in craving to question themselves and asking provocative questions with the intent to learn anything that might be labeled hate or bigotry or questioning the many Marxist narratives regarding the West.

What are your thoughts on this? And do you believe it will lead to a new political regime in the US and, by extension, Europe or is it this the basic normie behaviour we're witnessing of confused people who will invariably degrade its apparent purpose and ruin many terms, such as the red pill, in the process?
157987 158138
Use of the term "red pill" is probably incidental. It's somewhat known in the normiesphere as an "alt-right" term and my guess is normies have a vague idea of what it implies without necessarily understanding the full meaning. I suspect their use of it is similar to the way they use "woke", it's just a way of saying they've learned to see things differently than they did before.

I don't think this movement should be taken as evidence that normie liberals are becoming legitimately redpilled, I'm guessing most of them have a long way to go and the majority will never get there. It is significant though because it shows that left-wing craziness has passed the breaking point for normies. The more level headed people in the black/gay/Mexican/whatever communities are realizing that the radical left is much more insane than the Republicans and Trump, and they're not going to support them anymore. This is a very good thing because it means the Democratic party is losing votes rather than gaining them. These people don't need to become redpilled or even vote Republican, even though it would be nice if they did; all we need them to do is just not vote Democratic.

Democrats were basically hoping that the opposite would happen, that Trump voters would begin to see Trump and the Republican platform as too extreme and would begin to drop off while the Democrats picked up steam from Resistance energy. This indicates that our energy is holding strong or even gaining, while their side is breaking apart at the seams.
157987 158138
All we really need is for them to lose faith in the main liberal lie: That if you vote liberal, you're doing the right thing and bringing the world one step closer to utopia.

Anything else, like understanding why ideals and taboos and responsibilities and nations are important, is nice, but that's something we can teach them later.

For now, we need the obstructionist dems and "Fucking RINO traitors" out of Congress so next time Trump fans make a petition demanding the US govt recognizes Antifa as a terrorist organization, it's approved.
Basically this. A loss for the Dems is a win for us, even if it doesn't come to our direct benefit.
158135 158138 158150
It's /r/the_donald's doing. It was bound to be retarded. Although, somehow it's kinda working for them.
>retards are able to successfully convince more retarded retards to be slightly less retarded than they were previously
This truly is best timeline.

It very much reads in the manner you describe it: they have a vague understanding of the term and apply it now in similar fashion to the word "woke". It's sad though, I'd love to see something that is not basically a group of people able to twist the cube in their hand to the right, ignoring all the other shapes lying discarded around them.

That might be what's important with the movement, the erosion of left-wing insanity is welcome regardless of form. And this means that Trump very much has a realistic shot a second term, which would be awesome. Anyway, the Dems are losing and I'm happy as ever regardless which party grows that isn't left-wing retardation. I can hardly imagine how depressed the Dems are as the #WalkAway movement grows and their expectations for a blue wave are dashed because of normies finally showing interest in their lies and happen to expose them as such. Let us hope this persists.


Absolutely, if the lie of liberalism leads to utopia is crushed then it's a major win.

I'm trying to teach the normies using the hashtag to question their ideas regarding the nation, immigration, and moral responsibility for others. I'm careful to not go too far but to put a personal spin on it how I took the redpill.

The spineless RINOs are a pain must be opposed in the same way, especially exposing the fact they do not protect anything or stand for anything beyond their own bank accounts and special interests or how often they bend a knee to the Dems.




Yes. What the others are writing: this lowers voting power for the Dems, and that is a good thing.


I'm frankly shocked that we're witnessing this. I agree, best timeline.
race realism reddit.png
>You are now aware that Liberalism's brainwashing political talk shows and comedy talk shows exist to condition you to associate facts and opinions contradictory to the narrative with derisive laughter and absolute wrongness
>You are now aware that liberals are children who still think excluding thoughtcriminals will make thoughtcriminals "Come crawling back begging for forgiveness" like it used to when they had a monopoly on culture and media discussion
>You are now aware that r/the_donald is the biggest subreddit on reddit, and yet it's been censored and harassed by cucked site owners (especially Spez) so much, even normalfags can see what's wrong with that
>You are now aware that brainlets believe liberalism because liberalism says it will make them cool and make the world a better place. If brainlets see through that, and see right-wingers having a better time on their "Neverending Trump Rally" sub, they'll switch sides.
>You are now aware that memes are the ultimate way to share information and ideas, pamphlets BTFO.
Call the people there retarded if you personally believe that, but this "Donald supporters are just blind fanboys" meme is a shit one. The place exists to give normies an entry point into the redpilled world, and place a forward-operating base right on reddit, where it can make normies question their religious faith in the left and attract memers looking to have some fun.
They should, however, be kept the fuck away from us at all costs.
The positive with #walkaway is that people are starting to question the narrative of the left. The reason they call themselves "red pilled" is probably the same reason people who have only scratched the surface of a subject (1st year students) thinks they know the entire subject matter. The more you scratch the more you realize that you don't know.
But unlike "Women's studies" taking the first red pill is a step towards a better understanding of the world. We can only hope they keep on examining, and questioning, what they thought were truths, and continue their journey "down the rabbit hole" towards the truth.
158163 158439

I hope they dig deep enough to understand how long they've been had by the left, how hard they've been had. The left and peddlers of endless generosity and understanding have ensured that much of West is now on a deep decline that it might not recover from for a very long time. California is a good example of how expertly the left has sold people lies.
Sure. But remember why we're separate from them. Not because of some artificial seekrit-club exclusivity where we're "too kewl for dem preppy bitches". It's because we're further along the road to enlightenment than them.
No, it's because they ruin everything they touch with their autism, Reddit's culture does not care about discussion and fact, they care only about recognition and upvotes. The only thing that's discussed is what's popular, the only opinions you see are popular opinions. They are not like us, and if they were ever going to be, they wouldn't still be browsing that shithole. It's use is limited as an entry point into divorcing oneself from liberalism, but again, they should be kept away from us at all costs, this site exists solely because /pol/ wants Reddit to stay the fuck away.

As a wise Anon once said
>We aren't on the same side
>/pol/ isn't on any side, and certainly not, ever, in any universe, on fucking reddits side.

>We're in it for the lulz, fuck off faggot burgershit. /mlpol/ is the best thing to ever happen to this cesspool because for one fleeting moment since fucking godknowswhen we got to feel what its like to go without fucking reddit for one goddamn moment, and now we're happy to sit off in our little hidden board and treasure it, but you autistic little asswhipe fuckheads decided that you can't mentally, physically, emotionally, or physiologically go 3 seconds without fucking with our goddamn website. So please why don't you just fuck right off and go back to that cesspole and degenerate hell you call a website where you came from or so help me I will fucking kill myself and take as many of my goddamn shitposting absolute retards with zero logical ability who are so fucking terrible they make it impossible for me to be taken in anyway seriously and just make whatever they touch so fucking terrible that they're universally hated by goddamn every board with flags countrymen with me so I can do my goddamn bit to try and somewhat improve this shitty chinese cartoon fuckpit from 2003 by the tiniest amount by cleansing a couple goddamn monsters from this fucking planet, and make sure that I will hunt you down and ensure that with this I will most definitely take as many of you fuckers as well with me as I end my goddamn life for this poor excuse for a website that is this goddamn shitstain on this godfucking awful excuse for a rock.


I hope so too.
158288 158320
What is this walk away?
158437 158461
Former leftists that have realized that the Democrats and leftists are everything they say they fight against. They have realized that leftists hate white people and men, that leftists hate free speech, that leftists think violently silencing people is good because they silence the opposition. These former leftists have thus walked away from the Democratic party and switched side and joined the Republican party.
It started with this:

The ultimate expression of the left is authoritarianism. Human's can't do utopia and forcing it makes it fail even faster.
Occult Origins of the Germ….jpg

>Master Race!!! Vril Magic!

Edward Bulwer-Lytton?



I don't know how much they've realized that the Dems doesn't only hate Whites but they've used non-Whites as a weapon against Whites. I'm trying to gently nudge people in this movement to look into the issue of diversity, even non-Whites I'm trying to gently guide into looking into why there's a growing resentment amongst Whites aimed against non-Whites.
>Edward Bulwer-Lytton?
Yes. The book gave a convenient name to the mysterious forces they were chasing. It's the same with the Aryan race idea which transformed blondes from ditzy to Übermensch: >>157521 →
158838 158840

Thanks, Vril.

The comments on her video are interesting, a lot of happy-go-lucky backslapping. Not that I think that's bad, not all, in fact, I find it sort of pleasant amongst all the vitriol flung from numerous sides.


That fiction novel sounds trippy and bombastic.
158840 158843
It is the pragmatics that defeat the leftist dream. This is why the left can't win. The fundamental machinery of accounting forever denies it until such time we have free energy, replicators and robot workers. And at that point we will be a bunch of sensation seeking degenerate despots.
158843 158868
A bit outside the scope of thread, but regarding video and the content.
Was watching video, and thought about potential solution to the immigration problem that leftists perhaps wont see coming.
>Set minimum wage to $15-17 (or something)
>Strengthen laws that prohibits different wages for same job in a company
>Create law that sets minimum wage for an immigrant/foreign worker/undocumented is $30-$34
This will make it more attractive to hire Americans, and if they hire immigrants salary will double for all (on minimum wage).
Would this be feasible.

Pragmatism is a hard bitch to ignore. Eventually, your extensive Trillion dollar welfare program will demand more economic offerings (Taxes and debt). When that happens it will go malignant and spawn metastasizes throughout the entire societal body. Observe the death of California and Sweden for numerous examples of this.

>until such time we have free energy, replicators and robot workers. And at that point we will be a bunch of sensation seeking degenerate despots.

At the end of time man, at the end of time.

I hope we all get our personalized power ring when that happens.


Might work if forced through to migrants who've arrived the last ten to fifteen years, else you're creating only the pretense of solving this issue since you've missed the bulk of immigrants already on the scene.

The second issue is the economic impact of forcing such a high wage per hour; instead maintain slowly growing earnings adjusted for inflation and productivity, then you put higher than average minimum wage for immigrants.

I do not believe this is feasible since the public would comprehend this as a direct attack on one of Western society's founding precepts: rights of the individual, which includes anti-discriminatory ethics. I expect a backlash would occur and those behind the idea would have their asses hung in the cold breeze. People like to complain about problems but they rarely want to fix them, and the walk away movement is guilty of this behavior when they're trying to apply ephemeral and subjective notions to issues that demand solutions or they'll spawn their own solutions which might end up destroying more than the Dems could with their inflammatory rhetoric and liberal fiscal policies.
True, with all the amnesties that have been given before the system is pretty broken already. And best solution is to actually protect borders ans send them back.

I am all for slow increase in salary (not sure what minimum wage is at the moment in the states). My intent was that you forced companies that hired illegals to classify them as "special talent people" (or what it is called), with the accompanying high salary and visa. As I understand it "special talent people" will get work visas without problem (can't remember what the visa actually was called). This way any company that for example is doing landscaping, and chooses to hire illegals for landscape work, will have to pay all their landscape workers this same very high salary. This will make it economical infeasible for them to do. This way they will look for US citizens to hire and do all they can not to hire illegals.
But it is not a plan I have thought through. It just popped into my brain and I though I should jolt it down and put it out there. I just thought that selling it as "equal pay" and "lifting minorities" without specifics would be enough to sell it to leftists.

And you are right; this could easily backfire. All it would take is one Democrat in the White House and a small tweak, and it would be even more easy for companies to hire immigrants.
When thinking up a plan you also have to consider all of the blow back pathways.
Does the chance of high wages actually increase illegal immigration?
Do the high wages kill businesses? Will there be a capitalist backlash?
Will the underground job market increase resulting in less tax revenues?
We live in a closed system, there is always blow back.
True. The idea was hasty and not thought fully trough (i.e. illconceived). Only real solution is to enforce the laws that already exists, and send them back. My illconceived "idea" would only work if these laws were followed to begin with.

>Does the chance of high wages actually increase illegal immigration?

Yes, it would send a signal that it is even more lucrative in the states
>Do the high wages kill businesses? Will there be a capitalist backlash?
Assuming all followed the law (which they wont), I think there is enough workers in the US to fill all the positions illegals have stolen. I was thinking that once actual foreign workforce was needed the double wage would be removed.
>Will the underground job market increase resulting in less tax revenues?
This will probably be the biggest immediate blow back.

tl;dr; I take my "idea" back and place it into the "won't work" pile
>tumblrina le "muh post is bad lol" shit