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The irony.png
157355 157363 157373 157968
so Frowning Pussy is afraid the EU is going to take away the only place where he feels important in life. Will it happen?

here's the thread: https://derpibooru.org/meta/directive-on-copyright-in-the-digital-single-market-and-you
157361 157772 159753
hopefully it will, europeans don't use the internet for anything but whining and being annoying
The more (internet) weapons we can amass the sooner we can have final victory over our enemies!!
The problem is that information companies are complete cucks and will rather self-censor and harm their customers rather than stay out of a market of hundreds of millions.
That would mean that he need to move the server to rusia and allow the anthro fillies and MLP lolicon. Literally a win x win for me
It sure is a shame that their site is filled to the god damned brim with communist memers and other assortments of lefties. Maybe this'll bring them to their senses at last, but I have my doubts.
This, tbh.
True. And that's assuming information companies won't happily accept an excuse to censor content more than youtube.
Nope, the bill is dead. I'm not surprised really I just found it really ironic of that faggot to complain about being cracked down on when he's always deleting people's comments.
>Nope, the bill is dead.
It's only delayed. But still, fighting against the bill is good. MSM and Hollywood can go choke on a cock.
157800 157839 157969 159753

they will bring it back in 3-6 months with slight changes and pull through when nobody cares anymore, like usual. all those slacktivist petitions and protests will have achieved nothing in the end.

i wont care when DB gets shut down btw, has always been a shit site with cancerous staff anyways.
Keep on fighting, soldier. I won't tolerate any blackpilling on my ponypilled Mongolian horse-whispering forum.
Every "Slacktivist" we can talk into wanting to dismantle the EU over this is a victory for us, you pedophile faggot.
>don't host servers in Europe, a shithole
>ignore Article 13
>don't crackdown on userbase
To be fair that's correct but they're not wrong.
Save Net Neutrality was fucking slacktivism of the highest order, this is despite everyone who cares to discuss, agreeing that yes, we can do better than just dated Net Neutrality laws to free up a potential market for infrastructure building.
But these are the same people too fucking stupid to care about what we should do about Natural Monopolies, >beyond< short of legally recognizing them.

I have no hope for slacktivists because they're fucking tools. Time to get hammering.
Every national front and right wing MEP voted against the art.13
Only the disproportionate LREM and socialists voted for it but it's now, democratically cancelled. Another decision will take place in september anyways and will, sadly but certainly override the democratic process, the EU is doing it for every decision.

The proposed law was rejected by 318 votes to 278, with 31 abstentions.

The real intent of this law is globally to enforce more control on the internet. Memes and fanarts being targeted are the emerging part of the (((iceberg))):
- On the term this causes a lot of legal changes to the users of free software
- Royalty free and public domain will now be able to be seized and copyrighted
- The EFF has a lot of concerns about the EU, prior to this the bullshit privacy measures, there is in fact; no privacy things, only a warning that ensure everyone consent to be exploited even monitored without any single legal backup.
- Art.13 places the EU in a form of authority that overrides the WIPO, in sorts, and ensure the corporations have more rights than they should have on content. including the overriding of every right to own a private copy or archives.
- This implies censoring or attributing some quotes, videos or content.
- Quoting or linking a media source or any will be subject to copyright enforcement.
- Private companies, just like the HADOPI will be required to monitor and enforce the laws issued by the directive generated by the article 13 of the EU on copyright and information
- The primary goal of this directive is censorship and nothing else.

Even more insane, text, publications or books which contains quotes or copyrighted content, even quotes from politicians will be considered a public infrigement and therefore subject to censorship. All of this is proposed under the coming up enforcements under this art.13 and will have to be fought.

With this, and trust me the EU will pass it regardless; it will happen.

If Mr. Fragile Pony had some balls to resist this dictatorship and be the victim, he would join us.

Maybe because we have legitimate reasons to complain and express about the technocracy being installed here. And what is happening is not fiction, our last medium of expression remains here, on anonymous imageboards as social networks are subject to banning, and even at some point someone can be arrested or investigated for their opinions in France, Germany, Belgium and of course, UK which should no longer be in the EU since a while.
This is a dictatorship, a dream for the socialist who needs to silence the opposition because the media are efficient -but not totally-.
How many whithheld accounts or sites are blocked? You should go figure.

What makes me cringe is the human waste calling trump a fascist. What is going on with the left here is what real fascism is, by definition.

The only way to stop this at this point is a european-wide revolt. And this will be legitimate. But seeing how the masses are being controlled just by a fucking soccer world cup, something tells me the victory will be hard.

We are at the point weak men created hard times.
I agree it will be passed no matter what the EU have to do to get it passed. After it is passed won't it create an excellent opportunity for National Front and others to show the difference between the left who opposes free speech and the right that welcomes free speech. Have an election promise to abolish Article 13, either in the EU parliament or just make it illegal to implement it in their respective countries. The left might try to play the card that they too are for free speech, but their voting record in the EU parliament will easily disprove that.

>We are at the point weak men created hard times.

159758 159761
The party is at it lowest, and the propaganda is just too much effective, the right is divided, only a strong unity of right wing parties will help us fight this.
That is true. Fractioned we will accomplish nothing.
I'll stand shoulder to shoulder with anyone right of the leftists at this point. Chemtrailers didn't attack me or my internet. Antivaxers didn't attack me or my internet. Nazis didn't attack me or my internet, Leftists did, and they must pay.