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156751 156762 156767 156799 156904 157027
So, yeah the commies won in Mexico…


*Economic expropiation of the classes.
Another venezuela is at the corner guys…
Not surprised anyone who saw this election coming around saw the ALMO was the center of attention over the election so I assumed he was going to win. Don't know what to think about this at least for us burgers, tbh think nothing will really change, but hoping he fucks things up just enough to push for the wall.
Jesus Christ. The US needs a Wall more than ever.
>"…the migrants of the world who, by necessity, must abandon their towns to find life in the United States; it's a human right we will defend."
I feel bad for the spics, honestly, having to watch as their government keeps spiraling ever downwards.
Best scenario would perhaps be if there was a right wing rebellion in Mexico and they established North Mexico that enforced strict border control and free helicopter rides for cartel and leftists.
156773 156774 156872
Is it actually possible for Mexico to get any worse?
That would be ideal, yeah. Too bad the days of the filibusters are dead and gone. A new Sonora or Rio Grande would be pretty nice right now.
>Is it actually possible for Mexico to get any worse?
You would not think so, but leftists always manages to find a new low to aim for.
Put Venezuela on our boarder and you get the worse case scenario.
Fucc, and I'm going to Mexistan in a week. I really wish my money wasn't going to these fucking mongrels. But unfortunately, I gotta be there for my best friend, he's getting married in Cancun.

Goddamn, I wanna smack him for taking me and all his lads over to that shitheap, at the hottest fugging time of the year no less, but he's a mountie so I can't touch him without getting in trouble. His fiancé also dreamed of getting married on a beach, and there's no arguing with the fiancé.

Even though I'm going to be staying in a resort and not mucking about with the Mexiplebs, do any of you lads have any tips on staying safe while I'm there? Obviously the new commie government won't be in power while I'm there, but should I still be wearier than usual as a US passport holder?
Poor mexicans.

It can always get worse.
Did Barron Trump put everything in motion to have border security ready before Mexico REALLY went to shit?
156902 156904 157164
>Going to Cancun
>The Cancun coastline
>in a fancy resort
>You are in the most tourist friendly part of Mexico
>All the resort staff know English (even the janitors understand you)
>there are no major drug routes anywhere near you
>you are “>a fucking leaf” not a burger. they won’t even ask you about trump, (which they wouldn’t anyway)
you don’t need to learn Spanish, you aren’t in danger of any cartel (they kidnap Mexicans, not tourists), you don’t even need to meaningfully converse with a Mexican. what are you scared of? The sand?

This is coming from a Mexianon from the Monterrey area (near the border). so from my end of Mexico
people are great, poverty is everywhere, the food is better than anything you will find in burgerland. When money isn’t a problem, Mexico is a great place to live.
Now if you want to leave the sanctuary of safety that is the Cancun coast…

how to stay safe in Mexico 101
if you try to get yourself killed, you might die… duh
rule #2 Detroit rules
imagine you where in Detroit, now act like it. it’s about that dangerous.

Mexican cartels are extra aggressive nowadays with the capture of El Chapo. Mexican crime is having a bad day but it can only get better with or without socialism

just remember rule #1 and you’ll be ok
>rule #2 Detroit rules
imagine you where in Detroit, now act like it. it’s about that dangerous.
Explain this for a european that isn't even allowed to own knives please

also how is the political situation and how will this effect it? all I hear about mexico is cartels and water shortage and that you owe trump some money for some wall

Pretty sure Mexico isn't that civilized, Josè.


Ah well, nothing of worth lost. The real question is: will the Americans allow the Pedros, Josès, Marias, and Laticias swarm like cockroaches over the border because of this leftist shitstain?

The fact that he claims he has the right to another nation to be open for demographic invasion is edging towards a declaration of war. Especially when it is his own people he thinks has the right to walk over to America to find a better life when they should try to improve their own nation instead.
I think in the grand scheme of things this is going to help the US get back on track. Leftist immigration policy is pretty unpopular here, the Dems have mostly been relying on celebrities and PC shaming to keep the general populace on board with muh diversity, and that's falling apart pretty quickly. If the President of Mexico is now talking about sending huge numbers of people en masse over the border because he apparently believes his country has a right to invade another country and get on its welfare system, suddenly Trump's "draconian" policy isn't going to look quite so crazy to the average American anymore, no matter how many pictures of crying children the media puts up.

True. But people are dumb and lowly creatures. All it takes is that one picture of a crying child to break apart their stoicism and the cockroaching of their nation is back on track.

To maintain a civilization you have to know when to be coldhearted and most people just don't know how to be that. Observe the fall of my nation, Sweden, and what people say on the streets to understand what I'm talking about. My people isn't ignorant about the cost of diversity and open borders or globalism, they are in fact very much knowlegable, but they still vote by their kindness.

And despite SD is now polling close to 30% is not a sign they understand that what we need to do is to close our border, kick people out, and stop handing out welfare to non-natives.
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>why socialism Mexico?

#1 Mexicans aren’t all socialists.
there are a lot of socialists in Mexico, but they don’t win elections.
#2 trump had nothing to do with who won
Mexico is just like America in this respect, foreign policy is irrelevant it’s domestic policy that wins elections

From what I gather and the politics of my uncles here are the reasons

#1 no corruption
It’s no secret that the Mexican government is corrupt but to give you an Initial idea of how bad it is
Imagine an entire congress of only Hillary Clintons.
About that bad
#1.1 one time in Enrique Peña Nieto’s presidency (’12-’18) [party:PRI] a construction company just wanted to give a small, innocent, and not illegal gift of a mansion to the wife of the president of Mexico. And if her husband coincidentally gives our company government contracts. There is ””””nothing”””” wrong with that.
#1.2 Mexican oil for the Mexicans
Mexico had been having ridiculous gasoline prices a few months back (though I don’t actually know if they stopped). it was laughably expensive to buy gas in Mexico. this was because the new Mexican government (last administration) made reforms to Pemex (the national oil company of Mexico). Mexico privatized Mexican oil. letting foreign companies like Shell in. They also started exporting more oil leaving less oil for the native Mexicans
Gasoline was expensive and Mexico Blamed the corrupt politicians for selling out Mexicans once again.
I could go on and on making a small essay on just what I know on Mexican corruption. Mexican corruption is like and infinite pit of pain, it never ends, but this post must
#2 nationalism
believe it or not Mexico is much more patriotic than the US. So a politician that is incredibly nationalistic and populist is goood
#3 Obama style hope
Mexico has not been doing good in the recent past and the promise of any major change is good for votes

the main reason #1 for this election is corruption, and never lose sight off that. there are other factors at play here but
to have only one candidate with a 100% CLEAN & SPOTLESS corruption record left Mexicans with only one option
That wall can't be finished soon enough.
invade mexico when?

Invade? Waste of good blood, glass the damn waste of space. The small fraction of good souls that are too goodnatured and calls Mexico a home we can only pray for.
157095 157129
>Waste of good blood
This, I'm for annexing Canada because they couldn't do shit if we chose to and we'd be practically liberating them.
An invasion of Mexico is a waste better to just build the wall.
157159 157165
Isn't Canada still technically part of the UK?
It'd probably go better if we were the ones to annex Canadaland.
Sorry VPN changed on me randomly I'm a burger.
>>you are “>a fucking leaf” not a burger. they won’t even ask you about trump, (which they wouldn’t anyway)
I did just say I carry a US passport, I may live here in Canada, but I'm still a red-blooded American! That being said, I should't expect too much shit at customs, right?

>they kidnap Mexicans, not tourists

That's the other problem, half my family's Chilean (guess I'm not a real American after all, lel), and unfortunately I'm not that distinguishable from a Mexican (and no offence, brother, but people keep calling me Mexican, and I'm starting to take it as an insult at this point), other than the fact that I don't speak Spanish. Should I still be okay provided I stay on the grounds of the resort (and I can't think of any reason that I would need to leave, unless I give in to my temptation to buy steroids like a dumbfuck) and not being a dick to the local workers? I also wouldn't imagine the locals are gonna try to get all buddy-buddy with me thinking I'm one of them, right? And if they do should I just play along?

I'm sure I'm gonna have a good time while I'm there, but fuck, I'm still pissed that my money's going into the funding of this corrupt heap of shite.
Supposedly, even though we're largely independent. It's more for historical purposes.
No issue. Point still stands though, even if you're agreeing with me: with how closely related Americans and Canadians are as cultural kin, the US would definitely be the best nation in the world to annex Canadaland.