First off, a stream featuring Jordan Peterson's latest who - aside from being kinda blue-pilled about the jews :/ - is among the foremost authorities about getting your shit together. Nothing against Chad who rides the dragon of chaos, but it should be useful information for anon.
Stream starts at 7p EST, 4p PST
shush, this OP is perfect
Room is open, stream starts in about 10 minutes. The topic is Impact of Philosophy on a Person's Life, and the speakers are Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, Yaron Brook, and Greg Salmieri., I missed it.
I would have watched this.
Here in the next 20 minutes or so I'm gonna be streaming the latest Joe Rogan/Jordan Peterson podcast. Feel free to join laddie, bumping for more streams. Is it gonna happen tomorrow? And shall we be doing audiobooks, podcasts, speaking events, or video content? Will we go with more sorting ourselves out, or will we be doing some political philosophy? Will it be ancient, modern, or full fash stuff like Hitler speeches? What about a documentary like Farmlands or The Greatest Story Never Told?
>>162264Sure. Default is JP, but its open for suggestion
>>156736Self-defence advocates on the internet have taught me more about 'getting my shit together' than Jordan Peterson ever did, and even then it was just re-affirming a sense of practicality.
>>162412Yeah, I'll second this. JBP was just for those who had no father figure and needed to be whipped into shape but didn't know where to start.
By "popular" demand, I've got two videos to show featuring Mike Rowe. The first is a discussion with Ben Shapiro from this past Sunday (62 min), followed by a two-hour discussion with Lewis Holmes on "What 300 Dirty Jobs Taught Him About True Success". The stream is designed to be followed whether watching directly or while tending to duties/responsibilities. If there is a prevailing video or speaker I will appeal to the trend. First video will play at 6:30p EST
>>162509>tradies>actually workingThe land of equestria truely is a mystrious and magical place full of wonder not possible in the human world
Room is open, stream starts in ~12 minutes feel like getting up, strolling through town and streaming in the morning. If you boys get up at 7:30 AM PST, I'll start a stream while I make my breakfast and prepare. I'm gonna start with some Mark Brahmin poetry and whitepilling music, then let's plot it out in-stream.
>>162613Nobody came in but considering it was only about 8-9 hours in advance and it was earlyish in the morning (in terms of pacific time), I'm not surprised. I do enjoy setting up a playlist to play both music and videos though. So come by, let's say, 3PM PST next?
>>162670Yeah, sorry I didn't catch ur post in time. I'll be around next time tho
>>162672Nice, nice. Think we should add discussion of philosophy and whitepill content/music in-thread so it's not just bumping? I think that sounds like a good idea personally.
>>162673Not a bad idea. This thread doesn't get much traction aside from notices of related streams, which became intermittent and then absent for a few months, but my schedule has corrected its self and the monday stream will be a consistent thing again. In any case, feel free to post related material including videos, music, images, whatever.
>>162675Sounds good. I'll start by posting a set of things I'll likely be playing in-stream at 3. In no particular order - I like to mix things up, mix blackpilling or dark songs with uplifting ones in a way that sort of acts as white noise for your day. If anyone misses the stream, the resources are here for you. If you want to discuss one of them in-thread, I'm happy to oblige.
PS: I like to keep people on track in life. I know some might roll their eyes at The Golden One's dadpills and stuff like that, but a lot of us really do need that to make themselves better men, in lieu of a father figure to do the same for us.
On to the content of the stream.
NPI Speeches/Poems: and/or /ub/ material: Form Content (late-stream, an hour+ in): should be more than enough to fill 3+ hours. Might just leave the stream going until I feel like going to bed, so suggestions are always welcome.
>>162677i like the NPI stuff, im actually considering joining them.
>>162691Oh definitely. There's definitely worse company to keep.
Been exceedingly busy of late and haven't had time to source a more appealing lecture/discussion, so for today I'm gonna stream a recent (posted yesterday) lecture Jordan Peterson did in Iceland covering elements of his book. Feel free to stop by, the stream starts in 1/2 hour.>pic unrelated