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155416 155534 155623 156253 156670 157578
Is there a story out there about MLP that you consider worth mentioning and good. Something like a not so well known fanfic that had captivated you or you thought it was a good read. I want to know some of the best underground or unkwown good shit this fandom has made, if there has been something worthy from this fandom. Discuss if you like to.
We used to have a fanfic thread but it long since slid down. It's easier to hate something negative than to love something positive.
The fanfic I liked the most was Frigid Winds ad Burning Hearts. Equestria: Total War is also very good, and is incredibly well written, but unfortunately it was never finished
What kinds of fics do you like?
Allright, I'll go check out those ones. I think I've heard a bit of Total War, but the first one is a mystery to me. (After reading the synopsis, now I'm really excited, this is the type of story I wanted!)

I'm mostly about adventure and epicness (like pic related). However, I'm willing to give a shot about other type of genres like slice of life or others. I want to know if there is also something with scary, unnerving tone, like a good ghost story.
155850 156172 157612
People talk up Fallout: Equestria as the fandom's War and Peace, but I personally preferred one of its offshoots called Murky Number Seven that never got much notoriety. It's about a pegasus who was born a slave and some friends he finds along the way who are trapped in the city of Fillydelphia, an irradiated hellhole turned industrial nexus by a friendly local gang of slavers. Murky's group, over the course of some pretty horrific events, individually learn to let go of the past, come to terms with who they are, and transcend the horrors of the world around them, eventually breaking free from slavery in both body and spirit. I completely understand why it never got big, since it might as well be the poster child for acquired tastes:

>Murky's story is long as fuck, clocking in at considerably over a million words

For comparison, the entire original Harry Potter book series is about the same length. Each chapter of Murky averages 30,000 words, and I don't think a single one of them ever dips below 20,000.
>It's filled beginning to end with edgehorse - graphic depictions of violence, torture, rape, mindbreak, workplace incidents, and anything else associated with slavery. Plus most of the characters outside of Murky's group and some within of course are flat-out evil, or aren't inclined to worry about crossing moral lines.
Consensus in the old /foe/ general on /mlp/ was that Murky managed to be darker than the original FoE story, which itself was widely considered a much darker and less humorous take on an end-of-the-world scenario than Fallout ever aspired to be. The fact that this is taking place in a world of cute cartoon ponies also tends to leave a bad taste in people's mouths, but I like to think of it as an illustration of just how far a society can fall.
>The extra edge manages to make the protagonist's hope spots and triumphs incredibly meaningful, even if it follows that up with regularly scheduled programming of life in Fillydelphia
Through all the setbacks, you still feel a sense of progression as Murky learns to rise above the world around him figuratively. and literally
>Some parts of the lore don't make much sense without having at least skimmed the original FoE story
The differences between Murky7 and regular Fallout can confuse newcomers. Nukes = balefire is straightforward enough. But as an example, the betrayal of the pegasus tribe and how that affects Murky is for the most part assumed knowledge. As is the morality and end goal of Red Eye, the leader of the Fillydelphia slavers. There are probably some other things that I can't think of off the top of my head too.

TL;DR: Murky7 is as well-written as it is unmarketable. Worth checking out if you can put up with how dark the setting is. Also iirc chapters 11 through 14 drag a bit, fair warning.
155852 155868 156038
In what Fallout: Equestria regards, I at least got to the 9th chapter, or something. It's divisive to me, I don't know if it should be categorized as cringy OR actually impressive. The enormous contrast between the two franchises make up for a weird crossover-like setting, with a GREAT slice of edge. But the writting in itself like the characters and their behaviours make up for an interesting story with insightful and emotional moments that goes for deeper themes, like dealing with personal corruption or finding friendship in a dead world. That's at least for what I've already readen and what I know happens latter in the story. A weird at first concept that makes for a actually remarkable reading expirience.

Now, the impact of this sole but also huge fanfic, as you know, inspired more stories within the same universe, stories that I've not found myself interested, but this one you recommend got my attention, more because it's well written, it's as long or maybe LARGER as the original but not as regarded as it or as, to say, Project Horizons. It just seems like a good one. I'll make sure to check it out.
155860 155868
The characters are definitely the weak side of FO:E. Especially Velvet Remedy. God, I ended up hating her through the entire fic.
Really? I guess she becomes more idealistic or something and fucks up later on (or cries a lot). At least Calamity is pretty neat.
You have no idea. I won't spoil anything for you if you decide to read more of the story, but I can say that she ends up being the most idealistic, preachy, stuck-up, whiny character in the entire story, and at many times berates, complains about, manipulates, betrays, and even abandons her friends all over the dumbest ideological stance anyone can have in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Calamity is cool, though. Even if I disagree with his personal romantic choices.
That's ironic because I remember a bunch of people liked her. I was less of a fan myself, but any peace heals idealist types generally annoy me.

> I like to think of it as an illustration of just how far a society can fall.

I always thought that as well and couldn't agree more. Many of the original critics of FoE really missed that point if you ask me. First time I read an FoE fic I wasn't that into the whole pony thing and just thought the cover art looked cool. When the first combat scene started I was just struck but how surreal it was. These were cute colorful pastel horses killing each other. I'm not the kind of guy to go on fluffy threads or watch innocent things be killed by violence. The ponies in FoE are inhabitants and products of a cruel world not just some wack a mole tier murder boxes.

If you are looking for stuff to read, Fallout Equestria is worth it. Especially side fics. There are so many niches and its such an interesting world that is easy for little fics to find places in. I read a sidefic before ever touching the original. At some point tonight I'll go through my fimfiction folders and see if I can find some good recommendations.
>but any peace heals idealist types generally annoy me.
Are you me?
156039 156052
In general the most well known and best FoE fics are the "Big 5", Project Horizons, Murky Number Seven, Fallout Equestria: Heroes, Guise of Chaos, and Pink Eyes, so I'll avoid mentioning them here. I got some smaller side fics I'll recommend below.

FoE Infinite Potential- One of my favorites with only 10 chapters so far, follows the story of Dr. Angel, a unicorn scientist who was exiled from her stable for reasons left vague to the reader. She abstains from the use of firearms and holds to her doctor's oath but beneath her exterior appearance she is a calculated mare with ambiguous morality. Its pretty comfy to read about a wasteland protag who isn't super gun ho, but isn't some sort of helpless type either.

FoE Frozen Skies- Follows a Pegasus mare named Snap Roll who is a member of the Enclave, an isolationist post war government of surviving Pegasi that closed up the cloud cover after the destruction of Cloudsdale during the war. Snap Roll is part of the Enclave's military arm and is sent to the surface with her small detachment under her command. Most fics featuring the Enclave are kinda cliche, but this is a good one. The author does an especially good job of making combat feel quick, visceral, and deadly. The only weakness I'd point to in the writing is that the author's focus on the "realistic" nature of the story makes it a bit slow to start.

The Sweetie Chronicles:Fragments- Not FoE related, but I figured I'd put it on here anyway. I enjoyed this story when I read it and its theme is pretty interesting, but I have not kept up to date with its recent developments. Sweetie Belle gets sent to different dimensions due to some magic stuff and all the different dimensions are different fics. Its pretty cool but I have no idea where the plot is going or if it will ever be done. I can't help but feel Sweetie Belle might as well be stuck forever at this rate. I'd say its worth a look.
forgot link for Chronicles
Obligatory mention for Manos: hands of fate

I also really like janitor Anon, and that one probably fits the bill of "not so well known".
156226 156556
I've been reading Sweetie Belle Chronicles and have gotten about two-thirds of the way in. It makes me unbearably uncomfortable that you spoiled that it's unfinished. I even postulated that when she arrives back everyone would be only a few months older while Sweetie Belle has (mentally) aged a decade and could not adjust.

Why do the best fics have to be unfinished?
It's been years since I saw this, but didn't she give away the group's medical supplies to roving bandits and raiders that attacked them first?
>the betrayal of the pegasus tribe
This is the worst part of Fallout Equestria. Not how the writer didn't realize she made ziggers unworthy to exist.

She needed an Enclave, and she didn't understand that the Enclave were rich old-world fatcat fucks and military types on an oil rig, so she made the entire fucking Pegasus species into Enclave soldiers, while making those who leave the Enclave into Dashites, people branded with Dash's cutie mark over their own. And for some reason, these Da-shites never join up and make groups of their own or whatever.

Fuck it, they will in my fic.
The fandom doesn't support creative and original works. It supports repetitive whores who basically just write greentext while their "Big" fanbases of 80 fans eggs them on. Good writers get bored and move on.
Are you talking about when they got intercepted by Talon mercs at Junction R-7? Yeah, that's basically what she does.
Talon mercs. Those guys are basically the Gunners from fallout 3, right? Surely they should have medical supplies of their own. And should also die and have their shit stolen.
The Gunners were in Fallout 4, you're thinking of Talon Company. Even then, the only similarities between Talon Company and the Talons is their names, and that they're both mercenary groups. In terms of ethics and principles, they're rather distant.

The Talons had only a few medical supplies with them, according to the book, but what they really lacked was a good medic, which is why Velvet volunteered to stay behind while Littlepip and Calamity scouted out Shattered Hoof.
It still gets updates. I think the last one was this year. It is quite possible that it will indeed finish.
Mortal Coil on fimfiction. Never got the respect or popularity it deserved, it's still my favorite mlp adventure fic.
What's that fic about? Haven't heard of it.
It's an AU adventure fic that features Rarity as the main character, it follows her as she returns to her home country after the country and Equestria just got finished fighting a war. Things aren't so peaceful as people hope and she gets dragged into a huge plot. There are a lot of different factions and turns that keep the story interesting. All of the mane 6 feature in it too, Rarity is just the main character.
links n shit.txt
I too enjoy binging on fics

Kinda edgy, and may seem OOC in the start but the way the autor ties it all togheter is what i like most
I'll second this recommendation for Murky Number Seven. I'm willing to whore out that story any day of the week. I don't consider needing FoE's background much of a negative, since I also expect you to know about MLP before reading MLP fanfics.

I'm way behind on the chapters, but if the Fallout Printing Project ever tried to print out a copy of this, I'll be on that as hard as possible. I managed to snag a copy of the 3rd printing of the original Fallout Equestria book. It's great quality all around. They're really learning how to make a good physical copy.

- - -

Jesus tittyfucking christ. Why do I keep getting "Invalid image" errors?
This fic is based on a dictator from Venezuela taking over the Crystal Empire and makes a fascinating read if you like political fimfics.

