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152745 152754
Trump Threatens to End All Trade With Allies

Archive and greentext portions of it next time.

>Referring to what he called “ridiculous and unfair” tariffs on U.S. imports, Trump said, “It’s going to stop — or we’ll stop trading with them. And that’s a very profitable answer, if we have to do it.”
>Trump, who also repeated his exaggerations of U.S. trade deficits by tens or hundreds of billions of dollars. He framed his trade attacks as a defense of U.S. national security, citing the weakening of the country’s “balance sheet” as the corresponding threat.
>Considering Trump’s ongoing efforts to upend long-standing global alliances and international agreements, it seems likely that the other leaders would be more inclined to exclude the U.S. from future meetings than re-include Russia.

Pretty shitty opinions from neoliberal kikes thrown in as you can see but this is the type of shit that needs to happen to get Europe awake and well again, when they feel threatened they'll be more willing to cooperate and move right.
152748 152755
Honestly this is hilarious. I spent the afternoon today reading articles from liberal news outlets about how bad Trump fucked up the trade summit, and it's all basically nothing but reeeeeeeeee our allies don't respect us and reeeeeeeeeee we're not the "leader of le free world" anymore.

The US doesn't even fucking need allies and every single one of our "allies" knows it. They have literally no bargaining chips here. We could cut off trade and relations with every single one of them and be just fine. This is like a game of Civilization where you control three whole continents and have more resources than you even need, and a large enough military to blow anyone else in the game out of the water, but Gandhi or Napoleon or whoever the fuck steps up thinking he can legitimately threaten you.
Pretty much, they're good to keep around because they give us a lot of soft power but we can easily rip them apart if we want, ex: Suez Canal. Italy and Japan will fall in line, the former because they are now in a situation where they're government is the closes thing to what burgers have, and the latter because they are for all intense and purposes a US puppet. The other 4 will bend over quickly especially Canada which is very very reliant on the US, and the European powers will as soon as Germany and France's pressure lights up.
Also I'd say we stopped being "in charge of the (((free world)))" since Obango gave it away. Good radiance I'd rather have real freedom then that globalist crap any day.
Not gonna lie, I misread the title initially as "Trump Threatens to End All Trade With Aliens".
152756 152758
saint mattis.jpg
We are reaching the precipice, What will we become? The Isolationist sleeping giant who lives by the NAP? lel OUR proxy wars don't count Or will we flex our muscles and put some people in their place and eventually become the great evil everyone says we are?

I know I'm exaggerating a bit here but its kinda of exciting to see. What will happen now since it seems like this was supposed to be Clinton's throne of power and not Trumps
Fuck, I just realized that image has a watermark. looks like im back to Newfag status
Isn't this just standard Trump opening play? Now the other side has to beg.
Even the most Bush-happy, flag suckling jack-arse knows deep-down inside that something is wrong. America is over and everyone knows it. The New World Order has a dying empire odor and changing the channel ain't going to make this go away.

long live mlpol.png
America is dead. Long live America.
North Korea also has closed borders.
A storm is coming.
I expect to see trade wars, foreign policy disasters, a few race riots, a decrease in personal liberty, higher taxes, higher inflation and probably, economic collapse. The silver lining is, secession will probably become more feasible.
152852 152855
increasing amount of retirees > increasing economic distress > increasing public agitation > increasing political stress > increasing nationalisation > war.
Or we can tell all the pensioners to go fuck themselves and go high mechanization. It's what the corporations have done. They canceled people's pensions and cut labor costs, thus becoming more profitable.
Fun times ahead.
>sorry for rant, and incoherent thoughts, my mistake was that I started writing
It is a bit remotely, but I think the survival of NATO hangs in a sort of thin thread. Unless countries starts to pay what they are expected to pay the US probably will give ultimatum. I think this is why Merkel is pushing so hard for the EU Force, in addition that she can use an EU Force to intimidate other European countries. If NATO is dissolved, I think there will be a split. NATO will reemerge with fewer members, and the EU Force will be created out of "necessity". The EU Force will cost more than what it would cost to use 2% on military, but NATO can't be used in attack.
Also Merkel is pushing hard to punish UK for leaving the EU so unless UK submits to EUs demands the EU will impose heavy taxation and obstacles for the UK. So unless the UK submits to the EU, the UK will become a closer allay of the US. If the UK submits I think the EU will force the UK to distance themselves from the US.
Ultimately when the EU starts the trade war I think the EU is doomed. I think many current EU countries will see more benefits in dealing positively with US than being dictated by the EU and Merkel, so they will have to leave the EU to be able to pursue good relation with the US.
I don't think its fair to attack the retiring boomers. They did not choose to be born and the technology boom they created gave us the computers and internet we use right now. It is proper and natural for the young to look after the old. You'll appreciate this idea when you get old. The one thing they did wrong was not have enough children.

The world wars were spreading sexual diseases which was then coming back home when soldiers came home. Condoms solved this, and therefore became popular after the war as the soldiers bought the habit back home.

There was a mistake in thinking also.. that pensions can replace having children. But where do pensions come from? They come from children becoming workers that pay the taxes for the pension payments. We need to have children to look after the aged, directly or indirectly.

More fundamentally tho we need to fix the debt based money system. That would remove a larger economic stress.
And then to cut the baby boom short, we got The Pill and that gutted everything from that point on.
The EU design is very bad, no elections and most importantly no consolidation of national debts. This last part allows nationalisation for pragmatic economic reasons. Throw in roving migrants and you have a second reason for strong border nationalism. The EU as a concept is a good idea, Europe is the West's version of the Middle East, it fractures easily and fights itself. Its a shame a better version of the EU does not exist to act as a counterforce to a self-fighting Europe when economic stress occurs. It was intra-Europe economic stress that was one of the reasons why the Nazi's got worked up.
If the EU had stuck to be a trade union and a forum it would probably be a good thing. But it had to evolve into an overnational draconian undemocratic infallible entity. Also as seen with Poland. If a member state disagree with the rest, and a unanimous vote is needed, the other countries just removes the voting right of the opposing country and hold a new vote that becomes "unanimous".
I really hope the US starts a "trade war" I think it will expedite the destruction of the EU. But I hope digital tech isn't hurt, I don't want to pay my government even more to get an computer.
The psychopathic criminals…. so much power to be had, anon!!!
I have nothing constructive to add, just wanted to upvote this comment, cuz it made me giggle in reptilian : )
I have a question, which company holds the highest stock at the moment? And if the world is controlled by "companies" why aren't we boycotting said company/$ ??? Change will not come from pretending that the system is going to be fixed by playing by their "rules". If the system
WHEN DO "we"
Become the "RIGGERS"™?
Life may be all fun and games now in the USA, but as offshoring increases, illegal immigration rises, hard-working Americans die off or dropout due to higher taxes and more regulations, the national debt climbs, there is more terrorism as the result of illegal American wars, the police become more brutal enforcing draconian decrees, the US Ponzi economy and stock markets collapse, cash is banned, Americans are implanted with microchips, and real crises and false flags are used to force Americans to go to the gulags and finally to the gas chambers and ovens, will Americans wish that they had spoken out earlier against the dangers of wars, debt, and tyranny?

What is this? "I was not a muslim, so when they came for muslims I said nothing" rehash?
You know the US has become insane today when:

The answer to endless wars is more wars.

The answer to the police state is more tyranny.

The answer to a dead economy is starting a trade war.

The answer to regulations is more laws.

The answer to endless debt is more debt.
We live in a society, Joker. We live in a society.

Now, if you have solutions to these problems, I'd love to hear them.

Here are mine.

The answer to endless wars is war with the puppetmasters who want us to die fighting ourselves.

The answer to the police state is the remove lefty.

The answer to a dying exploited economy is to fix it.

The answer to regulations is removal of shit ones, and more regulations on what can be regulated and on shit politicians.

The answer to endless debt is to fix the economy.

Society of Violence
The elites laugh when the 99% are divided.

Cut salaries, reduce waste, cut the debt, end welfare, end the wars, end the police state, abolish the EPA, SBA, IRS, NSA, FCC, ATF, DEA, DHS, TSA, NEA, Amtrack, PBS, and Obamacare.

Allow the private market to replace government services.


There are private security companies, roads, railroads, media companies, schools, courts, fire departments, delivery services, and airports.

We didn't need a huge government before and we don't need it now.

Businesses are more efficient than the government because the government pays no price for being wrong.

Allow the states to replace federal services.

Americans should be responsible for themselves.

The government is not your daddy. The government is not your mommy.
