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Congratulations Anonymous, you have been gifted a large plot of land by members of the Equestrian Nobility. How this was done, well, only you know the answer to that. It could have been your economic policies and results, or your own political maneuvering and loyalties, perhaps you were just given this land as a "gift" with the polite request that you refrain from entering the Equestrian political sphere for whatever reason. Either way, this land is yours, and you have been given governance of it do with it as you see fit, so long as you do not violate the rights of those already living inside the small town located here, or at the very least, not get caught doing so.

So what do you do with this gift Anonymous? Where is it located? Who resides there? what policies and laws do you enact? how does this all play out in the Equestrian world at large? and who else will try to get a slice of the new pie?
Basically build your own nation you faggots, and get as creative and in depth as you want with it
152638 152639
Did they hire Carlos to name their city?
I would like to settle in a nice place situated between Neighagra Falls, Cloudsdale and The Crystal Empire. It looks like a comfy spot to reside in. The law should be Ponies Über Alles. And we would swear allegiance to Luna and Celestia with the provision that they don't let any kinds of riff raff into the empire.
Carlos is Equestrias star cartographer
152685 152856
Compared to the puns in the show, that one's just water under the bridge.

I'd probably stage a hostile takeover of Klugetown and turn it into a full-blown haven for the sky pirates, taking in those disaffected Storm King ship captains as my own personal army.
I'd choose some area that isn't desert and start an ancap commune with McNukes for everypony and NO ROADS.
Who needs roads when you have tanks or traditionally, hooves?
Private police, no taxes, voluntary society etc.

Although I'm too idealistic here and I'm pretty sure this society would go to shit once it became bigger, therefore I have plan B, which means that I'd claim myself the king of the kingdom which I'd probably name after myself. Not sure what Sunbutt would think of me, although I'd be fine with being a protectorate as long as I have some domestic autonomy.

There's also a possibility of a power trip that would end miserably for my kingdom.

But hey, we're here to fantasize, aren't we?
Rule as the feudal lord I've always dreamed of. I'm assuming I can't be king since Princess Celestia and Luna are ruling so vassal lord will have to do. I'd rule my estate and lands as I see fit but leave the economy decentralized as possible to not encourage bloody peasants to rebel as it wont do at all. Maybe have some smaller lords to control the smaller towns I don't want to bother with but only those who would swear absolute fealty to me. I could go into more detail but essentially, feudalism at its finest and how Charlemagne would want. Is it a good system, absolutely not but I'm a lord, no one is gonna stop me as long as I swear fealty to the Princesses and electrify the souls of my subjects to the point they would throw themselves at any opponent wishing to take my right to rule.

Or maybe I'm just cringly larping and I'm not thinking things through I dunno.
polite society.jpg
What a marvelous choice mi'lord! yes, we should keep the filthy lower classes and peasantry in their place wot wot. God forbid they think themselves equal to those of noble birth!

Ah a very economically sound choice! after all a armed society, is a polite society. Sign me up for the next Bulk arms bidding will you?

Ah yes, nationalism of the finest caliber. But all loyalties have their price. I'm sure that the princesses will see the truth about the griffons and ziggers soon. They'd bring nothing but trouble.
and of course, what better city is there than a city of vice and ambition? I wish you luck in your conquests.
>So what do you do with this gift Anonymous?
I would use it to bring human industry to Equestria.

>Where is it located?

Either on black skull Island for geothermal power, or anywhere with cude oil/rare minerals.

>Who resides there?

Any scientist, engineer, or tradesman I can get my hands on.

>what policies and laws do you enact?

I would focus on research, trade, and expansion. I would try to make nice with neighboring countries by giving them trade deals and tech in exchange for defense or territory. The nation would probably have an authoritarian capitalist system.

>How does this all play out in the Equestrian world at large? and who else will try to get a slice of the new pie?

I could see a lot of our technology disrupting the current social order of Equestria and if a new industrial power emerged in Equestria everyone would want a piece of the pie.
I would choose somewhere with abundance of natural resources: iron, coal, copper etc. Either somewhere close to Everfree for that sweet timber and untaped resources and magical shit there or on the coast near the border for expansion and trade. Also some nice river connections would be good.

At first focus on gaining some actual populace. I don't see many ponies migrating there, at least at the beginning, Equestrian heartland is pretty rich and peripheries probably won't even know about whole thing for some time so focus on other races. Griphons, minotaurs, zebras, changelings(preferably pre mutation) etc. They can't crossbreed so there is no fear of ending with country full of goblinos, so as long as they're willing to work and assimilate they're welcome.
Start creating our own culture, so immigration looks more appealing and populace have somethign to identify with. Take as much of music, art, food, stories etc. from human cultures that I remember and add some local gimmicks to it.
Show population (especially ponies) that they don't need some princesses or elements to win, that they can be strong on themselves, try to weaken their species loyalities and instead make them loyal to their new homalend. Propagate cult of technology, not magic. Don't reject magic completely because it's just too usefull tool but don't build whole mindset upon it. Also convince them that Luna invading their minds is acttuall bad thing.

Create state owned media, first press later radio to propagate new culture and make assimilation easier, also to redistribute it along borders and draw more migrants.

Implement modern education, collect all avilable knowledge and then add some more.

On economical side, have low taxes, earn money thanks to state owned industrial complexes. Create fianancial insitutions like banks so entrepreneurs can start to create their own businesses and to stimulat market.

Build up infrastructure, roads and railway system, maybe some canals if geography allows it. Telegraphy too.

Finding some pack animals would be great. If everything is intelligent then there still are timberwolves if they can be domesticated.

Focus on industrialization. I don't know how technologically advanced is Equestria, though I always assumed that better tech that we see in the show is mostly magic, so it's very expensive and can't be mass produced while more desolated places still live in dark ages.
Expand agriculture, try to mix some actual magic and alchemy into it instead of only earth pony magic to break Equestrian grip on food market. Also meat production, other carnivorus species live in shitholes so there is pretty big niche that can be filled.
Use freed manpower in other places.
Textile industry. Considering that ponies don't wear clothes it probably isn't too advanced in their country and other lands don't look industrialized at all, so a lot of cotton, a lot of material and a lot of profit.
Don't control weather completely, just on smaller scale and when it's necessary so I can use pegasi elsewhere.

Technology wise I don't see tanks and jets anywhere soon, instead focus on more basic things, mechanical weaving, steel production, mining etc.
Also look into things like long rang communication(changelings), some ways to stop magic (there is no way to compete with Equestria here, they are magical powerhouse. So instead of competing in magic field try to remove it), some other ways to use magic aside from unicorns (like crystals/runes etc.) and cloud structures (it would be pretty neat to be able to just rise walls around your city in few hours and make them hard for a few days, or create cloud scaffolding in mere minutes.)

Create strong and professional military and police force for protection. Start probably with smoothbore muskets but focus on interchangeability so you can quickly upgrade them to new models. If you know what next stage of develpoment will be it's doable. Also mix some magic into it, like replacing percussion caps with magical crystals that can be used many times etc. Later upgrade it to sorta late XIX century army, revolvers, rifles, first breach loaders etc. Managing army full of different species would be a mess but try to make a much equipment universal as possible.

Diplomatically I'll try to stay under Equestrian radar and don't aggravate relations as long as possible, so when they inevitable see all those things I do that stand against their principles it'll be too late to just brush me aside. Also try to get some alliances, carnivorous species probably would stand with their main food provider.
In long run try to achieve autarky, look for some routes to aquire rubber, alluminium etc. Avoid confilcts with major powers instead look for colonization and faraway lands.

Also if we delve so deep into wish fullfilment try to get dat waifu, and aside from obvious bonuses you have one of elements on your side

Also airshpis. Airships are cool.
>tfw no airborne ironclad
>take griffith isles
>become Imperial Japan
>rape of nanking the shit out of manehattan
The lack of wojaks in that meme is unacceptable.
I am not a ruler or a politician and i dont want any alms.

All I would request was to be abandoned in a deserted graveyard with nothing on me but a wooden club. And see how far i can get.
I have to ask, why a graveyard?
bone pepe skeleton.jpg

its a good start or finish for a story. also i can probably make some armor from the bones.
First off where is bugland?
Second off I want the rockfarm so I can take a lonely pony as my waifu. Then anyone who trespasses will become rockslaves™ and will be forced to work till they commit suicide.
Once the farm has scaled large enough and its time for hostile city takeovers then it'll be time to buyout equesrtia and make it ancuesrtiap™.
I'll take the bone dry desert and monopolise the export of sand.
I would start by claiming the seas. All of 'em. Too late, they're mine.
I'd take a group of pioneering settlers, mostly Earth Ponies to jumpstart mining and agriculture operations, and head out into the Undiscovered West to create an industrialized, nationalist socialist state using the vast sources of stone and minerals from the mountains and wood from the forests. Then I figure I would extend an offer to Equestria to "civilize" the lands south of the Macintosh Hills in exchange for direct rule from the Bone Dry Desert to Basalt Beach, including Kludgetown, once our industrial revolution is in full swing.
I keep forgetting that the name doesn't reset after you've erased it.