Someone fire up the images of trash piles.
>person from a shithole country that moves to a non-shithole for work
What point is she making?
I felt this one deserved its own smuggie. Kind of shit quality because I'm tired.
Her papa seems like he has seen some serious shit
kek. now I'm going to bed.
More reasons to hate where the show has gone.
>When the pony loves and tolerates everyone and the voice actor is a jew who has to say said lines but hates everyone stupid goy
>>138766What expression is that even? Disappointment? Disgust? Longing for death?
>>139014The latter, with some shock and horror added in.
>>139014>Keeping her father alive when he probably wants to die>Helping my Papa>Not a shitbag from a shitholeKeep pushing that agenda, (((Tara)))
>>139043what's more annoying about it than anything else is the way she politicizes stuff like this in the first place. she could have tweeted this exact same photo with something about how her Dad is doing, or how nice the hospital staff has been, or anything really; the kind of thing a normal person would tweet about if their father was in the hospital and they wanted to update their Twitter following about it. but nope, not Tara Strong. All she saw when she walked into the room was a black nurse from Nigeria she could use as a prop in another vapid rant against Trump. Poor Dad, he deserves better kids.
>>139057The first two sentences were all that was needed.
Now the nurse has probably been dragged into something that she never wanted to be a part of.
Probably doesn't even like Tara or her father.
Fucking jews.
>>139057Exacly, everyone who cares more about making a non-sensical political reply than his own family dying is not mentally balanced.
>That death face
I can never wrap my head around women's insistence on taking selfies in every given circumstance…
>>139168Add the necessity of making a political comment in it, with Tara of course.
>Everyday I wish for death but now I have to die knowing my death face is all over the internet and my daughter cares more about virtue signaling then my comfort
>>138756Oh come on! That's not as bad as half her tweets