>>13833Shit man, I am gonna feel sorry for them. Should we really do it?
Though I like the idea of stealing and adopting their memes…
>>13835All shall be assimilated into the herd.
Alright all u youngfags, I've got a quick story for you (cuz I have to work and won't b on for another 8 hours).
Years ago, before phones, Internet, and boards, there were neighborhood club houses. Groups divided themselves by interest, location, familiarity, etc and would gather at specific locations with games, comics, toys, etc.
… and regularly raided other clubs with TP, water-balloons/guns, food, etc.
Do what feels right. ^_^
>>13828We all know exactly what to do
>>13835if you got nothing better to do, sure, why not. do it for the lulz
>>13828We shall march on, and continue to fight!
>>13900we are strongest together!
I already did my part and got banned almost immediately.
>>13846I'm b&, but I'll be here supporting you all the way.
Ammo for those whao aren't b&.
Don't stop posting though. The mods froze it because they thought we'd give up if given enough time to cool-off (they were also sick of /qa/'s mass-reporting and constant complaining).
/qa/ is rightful /mlpol/ clay! Get back to it as soon as you can.
>Filtered weebshit threads: 62
Pick up the pace, goys, I'll join you as soon as my ban expires tomorrow.
Can we use this thread to stock OC for a /qa/ attack?
Make /qa/ into /mlpol/ + a place to actually criticize the mods. They are allowing /jp/ to raid because it effectively slides off the criticism threads.
>>14325It would be nice to have a few days in the future with no raiding. It is basically shitting up all the boards everywhere. Have your fun but realise that we are suffering a daily load of shit here because of it.
>>14353Actually we only had a couple posts today, and really almost nothing. This place is amazingly comfy relative to pretty much any board on 4chan
>>14353well it didn't help that today's episode was a wet fart either. I know a season premier can be a tough act to follow but still.
>>14355True but did notice three posts already today (my day time) that appear to me to be soft attack nonsense. I am not apposed to people having fun as long as they can accept the consequences.
>>14360Was it really that bad?
>>14361I saw literally three posts today that seemed to be shill posts, and two were deleted in less than a minute. That's not a full raid. I understand what you mean about not drawing attention to here, but this place is no where near the warzone /pol/ always is or even this site was yesterday
>>14363it was a dumb babby episode.
It was kinda cute I guess but still dumb.
>>14373Damned leaf shitposter again
>>14373That song is catchy though
>filtered weebshit threads: 59
Come on, bois! /qa/ should be at least half /mlp/, /pol/, or meta.
>>14383I think we should try to organize something tomorrow
>>14383I have to wait until tomorrow to do anything because I'm going to need to move around and use different wifi spots. Can't reset my router where I am. I'll shitpost with you guys tomorrow if we're still doing this.
>>13835We can all agree that this is ours now right?
>>14852Nice image. We should post that on /qa/
>>14353This japanon is pretty cool guy. Don't reply to him as if he was /jp/.
Fuck the leaf that keeps trying to drive him drive him off.
Keep bumping threads if they start spamming.
You're that butthurt /jp/ew with proxies from earlier aren't you?
Bullshit /jp/. I've been here the past three days. I've seen your regular raids. I've seen how you people constantly post our URL on s4s and /qa/ to encourage raids. I know you have no empathy for us, or for the other board cultures you colonize like s4s or /qa/. Go crawl back into the pit you came from.
>>15446>>15443Lets not purge all of them, having at least a couple of dissenters makes the board a tad more interesting, as opposed to having a board full of people that do nothing but agree with each other.
>>15449There's a difference between an honest difference of opinion and a foriegn culture that invades with hostile intent. If we need diversity of opinion, let it be between mlpol users who honestly disagree with each other on varying issues. But that poster has identified himself as not from mlpol and is actively threatening this board. It was written at the same time we were being raided by tor using /jp/sies.
No. Let the invaders know that they will find no foothold on our board, and that unlike 4chan, this board is well moderated
There are still dozens of pony threads on your "heavily secured image board." How many of your posts remain, /jp/sie?
>>15452This. Honest discussion is allowed and encouraged. Subhuman filth that can't even communicate like adults get the gas.
>>15449There we go. Now everyone reading this thread will be able to see what opinions the /jp/sie expressed.
>>15457We love you Sapphire. We have more bans than the shills have tor exit nodes
>>15457Sapphire. You know what to do
Oh come on! at least respond to our arguments shill
"Heavily secured image board" You mean a board where there are 20 explicit pony threads that have lasted a day even though they are banned? Yeah. Real secure
Which one of you modfags deleted that post
>>15473Lol what is this showing up green name red capcode for anyone else
>>15474Your Edit was taking to long. :^)
>>15475Shitposting is a art form faggo
>heavily secured imageboard
Kek! Half the reason this board exists is because the 4chins mods can't be fucked to do their jobs.
>>15476Okay, time to delete the other shill thread. It's been up long enough
>>15479Yeah ikr? You can't even tor post on this site anymore and the mods here are real activist for their poster's rights.
>>15475>>15476We have three new threads popping up suspiciously at a time we are being attacked by shills. Please investigate these new threads
>>15491Sorry mate I'm tryna work too lol
>>15492Yeah I really don't mean to be pushy it's just that I feel like these raiders think they have infinite nodes, so the primary determinate of whether they raid or not is how long they go before they are deleted. you mods really do a great job
>>15495I've actually set up a firewatch schedule for this site, it's kinda autistic. I check at least once an hour every hour and usually more often than that
>>15499Admin mobileposting is hard
>>15499That's a fuck of a lot more commitment than mods on 4chins.
Nice dubs.
>>15499Your service is much appreciated.
>>15499Much appreciated here as well
/qa/ is back.
Mods are asleep.
Post ponies.
>>15479The mods there hate /qa/. They've flat out admitted it before.