With just a few redpilling comments, I just took this liberal shitstory from 200 upvotes to 175ish upvotes and 25 downvotes.
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/404630/chancellor-neighsay-gets-what-he-deserves#comment/8820892Pretty cool, eh?
A fucking Glimmernigger showed up, what do I do?
>>133003Destroy any argument you have made by reeing like Lee dose?
Stop dragging us into every little argument you have online with some random spergs, your pointless Pseudo Suicide Thread was bad enough already.
Handle your business yourself and stop screaming like a girl when you get in internet catfights.
>>133029To be fair, it probably him an hour or more to write all those well-reasoned and restrained posts. He shouldn't have made a new thread but kudos to him for redpilling bronies and providing a voice.
>>133024Who's Lee?
>>133029I won the "internet catfight" as you put it, redpilling people and making three friends in that comment section, who are still talking to me even after the SJW fic-writer blocked me.
>>133040Thank you. That thing I did where I "Tagged in" for someone who was getting overwhelmed and got his conversation back on the track to redpill city, was that done alright or did it seem awkward?
Comment section is very funny to read and make me chuckle when people use the term racist
>>133065You are attention whoring. While somewhat interesting than the usual, you are effectively making this thread about yourself. That is not how anonymous image board works. If you REALLY want make a thread like this, at least make it broad enough that it just so happens to feature you. This entire thread is not thread worthy.
>>133098>That is not how anonymous image board works.Nigger OP might be a faggot but your half of the problem. Stop being a faggot and just call OP a faggot.