Dankulas Imprisonment has been picked up by Twitter Posters and celecbrities, included Joe Rogan.
The Hashtag "FreeDankula" started rapidly trending on Twitter, but was removed by the (((Administration))) of the site mere minutes ago for violating the site policy on hate speech.
doesn't this guy deny the Jewish problem though?
>>130623Dankula is a sargonite and does not anser the JQ. Entry level red pill at best.
>>130624so I take it the EES JAY DUBA UUUUs are talking him to jail for a nazi joke?
One of our British anons needs to get a high capacity assault spoon and a butter knife and free Dankula
>>130597>>130621>>130623>>130624Regardless of what you think of Markus, he has done nothing wrong. The law he was convicted under is bullshit, the courts that found him guilty are bullshit, and the policeman who decided to arrest him is especially bullshit.
>>130627Didn't they just outlaw high capacity silverware in the UK?
>>130628if the people of the UK tolerate this kind of treatment they deserve what they get, haven't they elected Teresa May 2 or 3 times at this point?
>>130597Scotland is infinitely more cucked than England. It's not surprising to see this happen. Not even their own population wants to secede from the UK, let alone the EU.
>>130597The fun thing is that it is leftist made laws that hits an leftist. Hope they soon realize what the loss of freedom of speech leads to.
>>130628I think silverware is protected by holocaust denial laws if you try to remove it.
>>130644>>130628Fine, 3d printed plastic McSpoons
>>130646Now you're thinking with McBranded weaponry.
serious question: is the UK worth saving if they won't rise up and save themselves?
>>130650Would you want commies and jihadists to have a large base from which they can launch attacks on Ireland and the Continent?
>>130652Europe needs that kinda fire lit under them if there is to be any hope. We must accelerate
>>130652>Would you want commies and jihadists to have a large base from which they can launch attacks on Ireland and the Continent?That can be denied without saving the land via a scorched earth policy.
>>130650All nations are worth saving. Sweden is worse off and I'd save it. Because of brexit, there's still a chance that they will close their borders.
>>130650Burgernigger, I'm willing to rise up. I don't know people who would be willing to rise up with me, but I know people who'd be willing to stay out of my way. Unfortunately, there are no right-wing organizations over here for me to join and be trained by in preparation for the day of the rope. Our corrupt dictatorship of a government saw to that, and if the USA wasn't also lost, it'd send aid, offer asylum to white african and white english people and anyone arrested for "Hate Speech", pull funding from the Globalist UN's jackbooted jew army, and so on.
>>130663if the swedish people won't save sweden why should you? what does this case have to do with immigration these scottish laws were introduced in 2003
>>130665>no right-wing organizationsso start one, if not you who?
>if the USA wasn't also lostmy country has it's problems but don't compare it to your communist caliphate
>>130671Because Sweden should be preserved along with its people no matter their decision. If there's enough support for any form of anti-immigration from opinion polls to the big support for the Sweden Democrats, then it's probable that a overwhelming portion of them would agree to being saved and the other some conditioning to agree. Also, worst comes to worst, occupying Sweden has some economic advantages.
>>130674>>130665There's the BNP, Britain First, and Ukip to name a few.
>>130671apparently the law Dankula is found guilty on goes back to 1935 concerning harassing postal messages, especially male to female postal exchange.
Attendees on Kumite claim a Scottish Police ofice for hate speech filed a complaint against dankula for knowingly inciding Antisemtism with his video and that the comedic context does not matter. Both the judge and the main tesifyer were both jews, with one being the chairman of the association of scottish jews. He was hired by said Police office.
People claim there is such a thing as an state approved test to see if something is hate speech, including internet content. The claim is Dankulas video was guilty as cahrged by this test.
a Human life in England is worth less than some random faggots butthurt.
>>130676if sweden chooses suicide that's all their people are worth, what's this measure you're using to determine their worth that's supposedly more valid than assessing them by their actions and decisions?
>BNP, Britain First, and Ukipyeah? they arguing for a violent revolution?
>>130677the worth of a human life in england is determined by the humans there, they could fight for their rights both in general and to exist, but if they won't why should anyone?
>>130665I hope you find fellow Englishmen that is willing to fight for the country.
>have you looked into a hooligan group for your local football team you could join (unless they have turned political correct) >>130665My condolences lad. Maybe one day we will be able to get our shit together and then annex you and Canada and purge the shitskins and re-establish the monarchy. Its doubtful but what I'd like.
How does anyone believe that this is a fair and just sentence? Is the UK really that cucked?
>>130713It was meant to only happen to those bad Nazis and white people without tattoos, but it backfired.
>it is okay to discriminate in communism as long as it is the opposition party and its voters that is targeted >>130650There are no heroes left in man. They are not worth saving if they will just roll over again the next time something like this happens to them.
>>130716heroism is a false god. Save yourself, fight for your rights.
>>130718A hero is nothing more than a man who knows he is free.
>>130665I'm with you mate. I can't give much advice that hasn't already been given. Instead of right wing organisations, try something apolitical, like a HEMA club or some other form of weaponized martial art. Apply for a shotgun loicence, get into archery if you have to. Just do whatever you can to get armed. That's what I'm planning on doing. As for finding like-minded individuals, do it the old fashioned way. Get people out of their comfort zone, get them talking about Telford, about how our rights are being stripped away.
>>130646>People leaving to fight for ISISYeah it's not the ones going away that's a problem it's the ISIS members that we let back in the country that's a problem.