>spends money on a plush
>threatens to set it on fire
>>130156Also use that to kys to death. Live stream it to and invite us in discord like that spic.
Seems like a waste of money
>>130150Do it nigger. You don't have the guts. Also proof you're legit and post timestamp you faggot.
Damnit nigger are you even trying, you aren't worth the effort of clicking the ban button, the scroll bar is too far to reach
Is this what bait looks like?
>>130150ur too big pussy to do it
>>130160It was a sand nigger, not a spic. Sand nigger weeaboo of possible Turkish origin (Aslan is Turkish for lion. I learned it from The Chronicles of Narnia)
>>130294He looks like a spic to me and thats what I read on r9gay. Besides spics take white names all the time.
Idgaf about either of these ponies so can you just do something already?, also I think I have the same bb gun as you.
>>130177I don't like either of these shilled shit characters. Spitfire's a shit person and worse military leader and even worse circus troupe ringleader, and Trixie's a bad meme character turned into one of the dying show's new Poochies.
>>130302Both characters were okay as they were introduced.
But then _new writers team_ happened.
>>130306Most things were better before the (((new writers team)) arrived.
>>130150Doesn't affect me so I don't really care, but you have put yourself into a corner here. If you do it, you've just set fire to two of your own plushies for no reason. If you don't, you're a forever faggot.
>>130306Good point. Remember when Trixie was someone you could feel sorry for, a travelling stage-performer who was 100% in the right? Remember when she felt guilty about her crimes and mistakes, instead of being written as the bitchy one to Starlight's supposedly-adult one?
Remember when Spitfire was a pretty cool leader of a circus troupe RD wanted to get in, no military Top Gun-wannabe bullshit to be seen?