Short answer: A steaming pile of shit
Actual answer: A very flawed political system. Marx said we should start a class war and seize the means of production. After this all property would be publicly shared.
It has always failed, but as they like to say "but it's okay, because it wasn't real communism"
Remember when you were a kid and you had a favorite toy that maybe a sibling wanted you to share? You'd say something along the lines of "Fuck off, you knarly cunt, get your own." and he'd or she'd go whining to your parents about you not sharing your favorite toy, and they'd come along and make you share it because sharing is just "The right thing to do.", often enough your sibling would break, or overuse said toy and your parents would do nothing because you were a bad child for not sharing in the first place.
It's like that. The moral of the story is that indoctrination into communism starts early, kids!
>>129237My parents always tell this story of this one Christmas when I was a kid. We were opening presents and I guess my brother got some kind of toy that I thought was really cool and wanted to play with. I went downstairs and got some old toy of mine that I didn't give a shit about anymore, came back upstairs, said "Hey
Anon's Brother, let's share!" Then I plopped my old shit toy down in front of him and walked off with his thing before he could say anything about it.
I'm starting to wonder if maybe I picked the wrong side; I clearly have what it takes to be a high-ranking Party member in a Communist regime.
>>129250are you implying you would indulge in HERESY to further your own ends? We're all disappointed in you.
>>129250At least you didn't demand to have it for nothing in return, which is strictly communist, but shame on you for forcing him into a bad deal with a sub-par product.
Communism is a stateless society where all goods are publicly owned. It's totally going to happen if you give the state complete control of your lives and the means of production. Trust me goy. This is science.
>>129252>>129250I've always wondered if I could be a good administrator in a communist regime. All that economic planning has got to require some guy to keep up with numbers and such. I'd love to be that person since it fits so well with my autism
>>129250That's really uncool, m8.
You should apologize to your brother (yes, after all these years).
>>129267Eventually the communist regime would either kill you or send you to a labor camp if you eventually made a mistake since communist regimes don't give a shit about worker's rights, though they like preaching about it, or they suspect you are working against the regime for personal gain which they are paranoid against that too.
Also you violated your brother's NAP and should be have a nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile, he has full right to use it. I suggest you apologize to him immediately before he somehow sees this post and gets ideas, unless he's already has the ideas and resources then you're fucked.
Communism is bad kids.
>>129029It's a political system where, with no coercion, individuals in a society share the products of their work with each other. It's anarchist in its essence.
The thing is that requires a "New Man". Without this concept of the New Man, communism won't work, so a previous stage of a communist government is required to create this New Man: Socialism.
Socialism, through a powerful state, takes care of all the things needed to create this utopic man: education, removing family, collectivizing the economy, whatever it's needed.
However, for this dream that contradicts human nature itself, strong coercion is needed. With strong coercion, strong authority and you get Nicolás Maduro and Fidel Castro.
>>129029Something that takes a lot of reading to understand.
>>129311That's an insult to autistic people tbh
>>129267You would have been killed. Eventually someone above you would have skimmed off the top and you were supposed to be complicit in cooking the books to conceal the discrepancies. Your autism would not have allowed you to accept the incorrect numbers in the books.
Depending on how adept your superior is at playing the game, either he will be killed for stealing from the people or you will be killed to maintain the deception. Even if your superior gets gulaged, you'll just be assigned a new supervisor and eventually you'll lose the game.
>what is communism?
An interesting concept that from one perspective is a flawed and contradicting ideology that will never work within a free thinking human species. On the opposite side of nature are ants, they have perfected communism to every millennials wet dream.
>>130441 cannot work, even if a species is made to work in such a way.
Ants are neat tho.
>>130580Well that song brings back some memories.
Thanks for that, I'd rather forget.
>>130441Ants are monarchists, who function in a caste society so strict the ants are literally purpose-born/purpose-fed/purpose-evolved(which was it again?) for specific roles.
>>130768They're purpose born, I believe, but there's a thing where they'll pick up on the pheromones emitted by each other to determine how many ants are working on what and if more need to be working on whatever. Like, if there are too many worker ants building the nest and not enough ants gathering food, they'll pick up on the lack of gatherer pheromones and some will switch to gathering, or something, I'm not too familiar with it.
As far as I know, soldier ants are born as soldier ants and remain soldier ants for their whole lifespan.
>>130580Looks like Soviet army tactics
>>130805So, they're National Socialist?
>>130832Ants don't organise themselves in a way that resembles human government, they're a completely different organism from us with different requirements. Humans come together because we operate in family and tribal groups, ants don't come together so much as they form an emerging collective intelligence from a single source, the queen, in that way it more resembles a brain than government. Or to put it more simply, a single individual.
Much like the way groups of people, cities and towns, form a nation. Government has nothing to do with it, it just happens because life is prone to forming patterns.
>>130838>that guyI know. But it's fun trying to see which government form they most closely align to.
>>130832No, it looks more of a Plato's Republic but biologically imprinted.
>>130841Well, if we're talking obtusely, they do align mostly with national socialism. They've got their itsy bitsy dear führer, each individual ant works towards the benefit of the colony, and there's a heavy focus on public works, maintaining and growing the colony and such.
>That guyWhat did you mean by this?
Tell me I'm not that recognisable of the maybe four Australians browsing this site. >>130858I mostly meant that guy who takes everything said seriously.
Don't worry, there's enough roaming Aussie shitposters to disguise our resident Aussies. >>129029An attempt by Jews to damn the entire earth and destroy the human soul. Not real communism like that of Stalin is better to live under then the real communism you keep hearing would be good to live under.