Genderfluid Elves are just like genderfluid people: they only exist in fantasy worlds.
>>128897Who will roll to genocide all the abominations? I would, but I have terrible luck.
Well… we all knew that allowing gays to have rights would start to spiral out of control and spread like a plague into every area of our lives. It’s only a matter of time before each facet of our existence will fall to this degeneracy.
>>128899Digits confirmed but hasbro owns D&D which means they could bring this shit mlp
>>128907I swear to god if they put some lgbtbbq shit into pony I'm finished. That's it, no more fandoms for me, ever. I'm getting rid of all my media accounts and TV and will not watch or play anything with a copyright date later than 2000. Might even move to a shack in the woods and marry a plushie just to be on the safe side.
I don't care what they do to G5 because I'm not touching that shit, but at least let this series end on a wholesome note. Please just let me have this one.
>>128914I'm doing that currently with video games same with tv show except mlp and few animes for the moment, just means probably watching reruns of the golden age of television for the rest of my life
>>128920There's worse fates to be had.
>>128897Nothing is sacred. Rev up those gas chambers.
>>128901[ 1d100+100 = 189 ]I never was into DnD but there are people who practically swear their lives by it. Leftism is destroying literally everything we love. The day of the rope cannot come soon enough.
Rolled 16
>>128901Watch this
>>128897Is nothing sacred anymore?
Anyone wanna place bets on what the left will ruin next?
>>128897So if an pregnant elf chooses to be male one day, would it be conducting an abortion?
Elves already lack sexual dimorphism.
>>128914>I swear to god if they put some lgbtbbq shit into pony I'm finished.This. Holy shit.
One of the nice little perks about watching a show made for little girls was that it lacked the bullshit sexual narratives that permeate every other media in society.
>>128897i never played D&D and i honestly don't care about this shit, i was always more of a Warhammer guy myself. The good thing though is that this will hopefully put an end to our resident ERP circlejerk on /vx/, which i highly welcome.
>>128996I don’t think you could kill the /vx/ rp even if everyone in D&D was forced to be gender neutral. Those guys are just having fun and shitposting, not sure where your distain for them comes from.
>>128999Checked. Don't mind him, he doesn't approve of fun anywhere
Okay anon so you want to play an elf wizard? Do you want to play as a gay elf or black femdom elf?
Fish on /tg/ over this, it's full of sjw mods and shills.
>>129008Damned imaged didn't attach
>>128996 >fuck elf pussy
>wait some hours
>you fucked a dude
>be gay
At least we still have Tails of Equestria
>>129045Holy shit!
Are there ERP rules for this thing?
>>128975That post really made me think. Are elf fetuses existentially fluid and poof in and out of existence as the mother changes gender. Fuck this gay postmodernist earth.
>>128983We require more Zyklon B.
>>128897Implying all the elves weren't faggots to begin with.
Why do you think elven women prefer literally any other race than elven men?
>>129115Is there a Typhus out break herr anon?