>>117776>BABSCon Part of me sorta wants to go and see what this side of the community is like but being a /pol/ack that has since gotten into mlp part of my inner /pol/ack is saying stay away from the degenerates that go to those things. Donno anon I know a few other anons from here live around the bay but I'm conflicted. I'll give it a thinking over and see if I can keep the calendar free on those days.
>>117776I wish I could go I want to go to one con before G5 comes out and kills it all!
>>117820I'm in the same boat, /pol/ack who just recently got into this stuff via /mlpol/. I went to EFNW last year and that was actually a lot of fun: pretty laid back environment, fun panels, bought a little bit of merch but didn't go overboard. I also go to anime cons regularly though so I may have a higher tolerance threshold for degeneracy. Still though, I would recommend checking it out at least, pick one day to go and just wander around a little and see if you like it. Worst case scenario you're out like 20 bucks for the badge.
>>117776i want to witness the autism but would rather not be associated with it myself
>>117948Given my experience meeting up with people from /mlp/ to see the movie, it's actually really liberating, providing you know none of your friends or family will find out.
We need some kind of secret way of greating each other that wont come off as weird or cringey.
>the one person who joined the Discord left
Is anyone interested in this? I would dearly love to attend if and only if it would be with at least two other people. Meeting up with anons for the movie was such fantastic fun.
>>118243Sorry, but Commiefornia is a bit too far at the moment. Not within reason for both time and money. Maybe when the next one rolls around, we will see.
>>118243I strongly wish to keep all of my pony stuff, and political stuff online. IRL stuff is a no go for me. Also the con is a hell of a distance for me.
>>118243I've already said I'm considering it.
Do we really need to use the discord anon? I'll join the server if you think it'd genuinely help but I have my doubts. >>118288I'd rather talk about it here too. Discord just splits-up the conversation, like it does for all chan boards.
>>118243Probably not for BABSCon, ironically due to the fact that I have family who lives in the Bay Area that I could stay with, but if I stay with them I'd have to explain why I'm in town, and if I don't stay with them I'd have to explain why I was in town and didn't visit. Either way that's not a bridge I'm willing to cross. However I'm planning on going to Everfree again this year if anyone is interested in doing a meetup there.
Jesus Christ, you fags. Just talk about it here, make a /mlpol/ sticker like one anon used to do @ one con recently and simply find each other there….
>>118323I certainly won't be going because >Commiefornia but I would advise whatever symbol is used be cryptic so that you don't get attacked or anything. Perhaps use Epona, as that is not readily associated with this place?
>>118288>>118305Well, you're either in or out.
If you're in, I'll reserve a 3-person hotel room at the Hyatt where BABSCon is being hosted and we'll arrange for you to pay me through Discord.
>>119650Remember to post pictures.
>>119650Welp I've thought about it for a while now. I can likely show up for one or two days, probably Friday and maybe Saturday if I like it enough. I live close enough that I don't think I'll need to rent a room but hey guess we'll find out. Also I don't think that paying we'd really need to work with that on a discord thanks to crypto. If I do end up doing a hotel can I pay you in btc?
Sorry I just want to stay as anon as possible and not have a face to go with my discord if we do meet up.
>>120978You're not thinking this through. If some of us are going to meet up, we need to arrange to meet up, which means Discord and phone numbers.
I've never been to a convention myself and I want to go if and only if it would be with at least two other people. I need more conviction than you're displaying. No "I can likely show up", but an actual arrangement.
>>120991Your putting me in a hard spot anon. I'd really like to stay more on the anonymous side 1 because I'm paranoid and 2 because it'd be the first trace I ever put between my name, face, and account names. I don't know about that anon.
>>120998if you've ever phone-posted, i have bad news for you
>>120998You're either in or out. Currently, you're a cat standing in the doorway. If you're in but refuse to use Discord, give me an email address. I'll email you my cell phone number. Then you text me. That way we can coordinate and find each other at the con.
On the other hand, if there is no situation under which you would be willing to tell me your number, then what's the point? We won't be able to plan or find each other.
So, cat-in-doorway, if you refuse to use Discord, give me an email address.