You may be looking for a scientific answer, but I’m no psychologist, so here is a little Scripture to help, if you want a more spiritual answer.
2 Timothy 3:13
But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
But if I had to make a guess, evil has to lay low every so often to not be caught by the masses and dethroned. That’s when prosperity can occur. When they are tired of laying low and inching the public to accept evil, they jump back out cautiously to try again at ceasing power. However, at this time the public can start to see things deteriorate and the weak start to die off. This causes some awakening and push for some form of morality. Ultimately the happy society is lazy and is told what to think. When in danger or conflict, people actually think for themselves and do something, although not always the right thing: see communism.
>not the study of horse pussy politics.
>>117646No, you're thinking of Bonerology
the weak should fear the strong
>>117607>Globalism vs NationalismThis is the conflict, the various ideologies are simply vehicles for it, and globalism is a modern problem that has only surfaced in the last few centuries. Not a cycle, but has the potential for it if history isn't taught.
They also share other common traits such as they only get 4-6 hours of sleep a night, they are non emotional and show no sympathy towards most whatsoever they often cut social ties with family and friends just to build their buisness up. And this is what a large fraction of society looks up to. These men apparently understand more than us if were are talking about them on a political porn pony site. Its mind boggling
>>117676But… I only get around 6 hours of sleep, like to be alone, and have problems showing emotion to others…
Am I… one of (((them)))? I don’t know if I could live like this. What has become of me?
>>117677 Are you currently employed or running your own buisness? if not, then thats irrelevant. anyone can share common traits with them but still be a lazy parasite on society.
Then again, maybe you are the 1%
>>117678I am employed and one day want to make my own business. How do I get rid of this disease? Is the only way to take my own life? Oh woe unto me! The jewishness is taking hold!
>>117680 Dont fight your inner jewery! Let it rise and dont hold back!
This isn’t the life I wanted, but the life I guess I got now. Pray for me, that I might not become exactly like them.
>>117683 Dont worry jew! if you contain 80% ashes you can save 80% or more on oven and gas insurance!
>>117683Do you care about us, Anon? This community, I mean.
>Ponerology is the study of evil
>>117830What kind of a question is that? Of course I do. Do I appear to not?
>>117844Then you have your answer, dingus. The primary attribute of the sociopaths in power is that they don't care about other people at all.
>>117852But if I have the other traits, could I lose the care I have for others?
>>117853Obviously you need to keep a close eye on yourself, it doesn't specifically make you a sociopath simply because you share the traits as someone else said. People do become jaded to protect themselves from emotional and psychological hurts, the trick is to keep yourself open to a few people you know you can trust.
That's not to say you should revel in emotion and empathy, keep a decent balance between your emotional and logical faculties, and logic sometimes requires you to appear "heartless".
>>117857Thanks anon. Now I just need to find some friends…
>>117859I thought close friends need to more… I don’t know… close in proximity to you was well… for face to face support sometimes. Eh.
I didn’t mean that you guys are not my friends.
>>117860Not my area of expertise sadly, I'm a redpill surrounded by hordes of bluepills and couldn't be friends with them if I tried.
>six percent
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, it's point six percent. One tenth of the number provided in your image.
>>117861Best of luck out there anon. May the masses be redpilled one day, or you can move to a safer spot if things get out of hand.
>>117863.6% and all of them are politicians.
>>117853>Concerned about loosing concern.I think this answers your own question.
>>117863Pic is related to the author. I don't think anyone knows the numbers, I have seen numbers from 1-6% and now 0.6%. I expect it is a sliding scale anyway with no hard cut off.
I'd like to see politicians psych eval'ed. But I recognise that this would be infiltrated anyway because that's how these humans are.
There is no utopia because we are always fighting back the selfishness in us.
>>117881Some of them are politicians, but somewhere around 1 in 6 inmates is also a psychopath, or so I've heard. Don't have a source for that number though.
>>117957So… I'm pulling these numbers from the NIMH, although they are 10 years old.'s the rundown:
9.1 percent of Americans have some kind of personality disorder.
Of these…
1.4 percent of Americans have Borderline Personality Disorder, and
0.6 percent of Americans have Antisocial Personality Disorder.
The terms "psychopath" and "sociopath" are not medical terms, but they are colloquial terms used to refer to individuals who have ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder).
It is worth noting that these numbers are just estimations. One of the problems with gathering data on personality disorders is that they are ego-syntonic. The people who have them are very well convinced that they are normal. It may not even cause them distress, so they never end up seeking out help for their disorder until they start causing other people problems. People who receive treatment for ASPD typically do so because they've been ordered to do so by a court, and not because they're concerned about how their behavior may affect others. In fact, if they had some sort of concern, that might be a sign that they have some other problem, and not ASPD.
>>117677Don't worry anon, sleep patterns have little to do with if you are able to sympathise or feel guilt (those basically being the defining factors of psychopathy) and I for one have awful sleep patterns and still am very sympathetic (to a likely somewhat dangerous degree, if I am to be honest). I am pretty sure he is not even correct in all of his information (psychopaths tend to be decent at showing emotions, just not feeling them and also tend towards not feeling sympathy towards anyone, not just most. Additionally, a psychopath will not necessarily cut ties unless it is beneficial (I should hope that it generally isn't as I should think friends willing to watch ine's back).) But yeah, if you actually care about other people further than how they can be used to benefit you, you are certainly not a psychopath.
>>117967I have read somewhere that psychopathy tends to refer to ASPD which is genetic completely while sociopathy tends to refer to ASPD related to traumatic events and environment, with sociopaths being more angry and psychopaths cool, however they are, as you said, not medical terms so there is not much that can be said about it.
>>118171Well, I must care about people more than pure profit and benefit because I really appreciate you and the other anons for taking time to explain this and showing concern for me. I didn’t truly believe I was a psycho, just a bit awkward (or autistic, hard to tell which it is sometimes). Good to know that my mental health isn’t complete trash.