What program do you use to download videos from Youtube? I don't want to pick some random site that gives malware.
>i'm scared of malwareif you download and run .exe programs or use a shitty browser without adblock, you should NOT be authorized to touch any computer, or drive a vehicle, or work without supervision.
>>117281Personally I use Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey plugin and a youtube dl script from
https://greasyfork.org/en >sadly the script I'm currently using was removed and only works on the old YT pages.>>117291But 3rd party pages like this is also a good option. Most of the plugins scripts redirect to pages like this.
>>117314Jewtube has a sick strategy of constantly updating, back and forth their file storage, or transfer methods, and in fact it's not even files but data streams at some point, all that to keep download plug-ins and sites that allows downloading videos as files ( audio or video ) obsolete on a monthly basis, hence solidifying the censorship and restrictions per country ( censorship )
it's like a never ending Tom & Jerry cartoon, but there's always a way to circumvent that. getting a mp4 stream aimed at the mobile version from the cdn, capturing the request and then getting it into a proper download.insane but still feasible.
>>117320Yep, Google/Alphabet have somehow convinced many people they are for open sharing and open source, all that, but they are far from it. There is a reason the only browser that don't allow plugins that can download from YT is Chrome.
>>117291That goes a bit too far.
My philosophy is, you should understand whatever you depend on.
So you can at least fix basic problems, or if it fails, you have a way to work around that failure.
For example, if you depend on a calculator to work, but don't know how multiplication works, there's a problem.
People depend too much on tech without even basic understanding of the technology they are using.
>LOL MY CAR EXPLODED>Turns out you have to change the oil in those >>117291Well drat, that site doesn't work. I don't know if it's because of my VPN location (only one works, sadly), or because Jewtube messed something up.
>>117314Unfortunately, it doesn't help me because I use Brave, and switching to Firefox then downloading a plugin isn't quite worth it for a few videos.
Thank you anyway, anons!