>>112956Lol I can feel how proud he is to post this like he won something.
That is the trouble with people, they don't understand what our point of view is, nor they care to know.
Obviously the problem is not races, but people destroying races by race mixing.
>>112956I agree. Learning about other cultures is not the problem. Mixing cultures and destroying all cultures like communists and leftists wants to is the problem.
>>112956>we mutually improved by working with each other's cultures in a way that emphasizes their unique traits instead of mixing them together to destroy one/bothThere is literally nothing wrong with this. In fact, that's what that season 5 episode with the Yaks was about: embracing what makes each culture unique instead of watering it down.
>double post
Forgot the image.
>>112956who has anything against other peoples culture? people on pol love jap shit, slavs, etc. we just want to be able to have our own culture in our own country and be left alone
This person doesn't understand a thing about us it seems.
>>112959>>112958>>112957Yep, I don't mind learning of other cultures, but that doesn't mean I want Jaun coming across the border and selling crack in my city or akbars coming in and demanding we completely change our culture for them.
>>112973Who wants to tell him how wrong he is?
>>112976Do you know more about this bloke? What are horsenews views, etc
>>112981Wonder if he would do a qa here and learn instead of judging. I mean, we have had gommies and other lefts come here for a chat and it wasn't to bad
Also there's a news site:
http://www.horse-news.net/It looks comparable to Equestria Daily
>>112956I am okay if each culture is left alone and all the people in it value, treasure and work hard to perpetuate it. Many of the West problems stems from failing to do it. We are led to left the ideas that constitute the cornerstones of our civilization in favor of other alien, experimental ideas that are sold like hot shit, under the belief we will adopt them over time, but forget that we humans don't change that easily.
I like the Japanese approach in this topic: Those guys love Western Culture but they celebrate their own culture and do everything they can to celebrate it.
It's the way how we adapted to our climate, environment, relate to each other, project to the future generations and respect our ancestors' wishes. Changing it risks to affect the delicate balance that keeps a civilization going. See Rome.
I think that is the point outsiders misunderstand the most of nationalistic and identitarian movements.
I am not mad this is just free publicity have them make more articles about it get more anons here.
>>112956Why do they assume we hate all other cultures?
>>112997Hard to say exactly why, but leftist have a tendency not to look into things or try to get educated. They want to assume because it is easier to assume, and they can then make the opposition into whatever they want. Also once they have assumed something it becomes truth to them. Then they write a slogan and/or chant that say the same, and then all leftists believe it.
>trying to figure out how leftist got some of the world views they hold is not easy at times >>112997Because that's what John Oliver, Steven Colbert, and other media mouthpieces told him them. They blindly accept what they're told as unquestionable truth.
It's the same with their perversion of science into the cult of science. If "scientists" say something, then it is absolute dogma that no amount of evidence to the contrary can contradict.
>>112956Wasn’t the guy who owns the page a cuck and went to brony orgys
>>112997leftists have this weird all or nothing way of thinking, if you oppose a welfare state or foriegn aid that means to them you want people to starve, oppose socialized medicine it's because you want people to die, oppose state schools it's because you're against education, etc. It's this weird my way or the highway thinking where there's only ever one possible correct answer for any given issue and what do ya know it just so happens to be the one them and all their friends believe and the media validates
>>112956I think that this picture is appropriate.
>>112997The most unaware of them, just because hyperbole and to fit the "White Supremacist" label inside their heads.
The most aware of them use it as an Alinsky technique to make us spend communicational efforts to refute that argument and produce infights, which was pretty successful to them, generating the Alt-Light.
>>113029Thinking in black or white is the most effortless way to think. Fitting if you think they try to explain politics using parallels to Harry Potter or Star Wars.
>>113110Hillariously, in Star Wars terms, they are the Sith. Driven by emotion and dealing in absolutes.
Their "argument" to stump us isn't what I care about. If they called us out by our name, then that means (((they))) have us on their radar which means one thing, we are a threat to them now for them to call us out and that also means we have expanded.
We are growing S T R O N G E R bois.
>>113122we are evolving
assuming control of our destiny
and we shall not be stopped!
>>112983I am in favor.
>>112997 To add to the pile of agreement. This
>>113091 is the truth. Coming from a family that lived over seas, mostly in Akbar land for work, our homes are just like the left side of that picture. Filled with trinkets and traditions from other cultures. Sometimes my colleagues think I am some lefty traveling hippy as well just because I can emphasise with foreigners and get along with them quit well.
Much of this diversity culture comes from people that may have traveled but never really lived with other cultures and understood them, that or they have such a loathing for their own culture. Makes me think they never experienced their own culture to the fullest. Its sad, the world is so much bigger, more curious and actually diverse when we all have a place to call home.
>>112983This. At worst, he'll publish something defamatory but it wouldn't affect us because people already expect a /pol/ spinoff to be edgy. At best, he might actually come around to our point of view. Most likely he'd publish some sort of article called "I talked with an imageboard of far-right bronies and they are not what you expect." In any case, we'd get free publicity and interested new anons.
Any update from horse if he will have a chat?
>>113243Defamation is our best advertising. It will end up attracting people.
/mlpol/: Came for the horse pussy, stayed for the free speech.
White culture is best culture. It came from diverse beginnings, and conglomerated into a diverse culture. I can have American cheese, and british fish and chips, and so much more. I can look at vikings, normans, celts, so many cultures with their own unique cool shit.
Meanwhile, the "Diverse" nigger cultures… Is there anything separating one monkey culture from another, besides which streets they shit in and what great jujus they worship?
>>113243Invite him over, let's see how he does. And bring up the ILoveKimPossible Slave Revolt, that needs to be brought up and memed about. Too many blackpilled "Keep your head down everything is shit" faggots think it'd "Be too much drama" to judge her for this.
>>113309Okay, but there are also some not shit cultures out there with long and interesting histories. For example, Japanese culture with the samurai. The Japanese also produce some good stuff, like anime and sushi. They are hardly white, but have a developed culture on par with the west.
>>113310>the ILoveKimPossible Slave RevoltThe what now? What's that about?
>>113314Japanese is basically an Aryan-tier culture. It doesn't deserve to be compared to the shitholes in the middle east or Africa.
>>112956>Show is leftist>Horse News is leftist>/mlp/ is overrun by leftists>"Oy vey goy! Don't be such a bigot.">"Nationalism is wrong, it means you hate other cultures!">"Oy vey goy! Don't be such a bigot.">"Why are you against immigration? Don't you care about all those starving kids in Africa?">"Oy vey goy! Don't be such a bigot.">"You racist nazi, you should apologise to the aboriginals every day and forget history because it was written by imperialist dogs!"I used to not care too much about politics and was even on the left for most of my life, but this constant barrage of guilt mongering has just driven me into the arms of the nationalist right. Thanks leftists!
>>113322This. Papa Adolf named them honorary Aryans.
>>113314>>113322>>113326This is all clearly outlined in Mein Kampf, where he talks about cultures. If you look closely, it's not even berating other cultures, just stating which ones come out on top because of what he called superior traits, i.e the Aryan's innovation and desire to spread, which echos itself closely in japan, hence honorary Aryan.
Have they even wondered why people are turning to nationalism?
This kind of shit is the reason why we turn to nationalism.
>>113348>>113344>>113343>>113342>>113341>>113335okay okay, as soon you get the message, geshundheit!
>>113351>frog speaking german>>113333They reject these reasons outright, remember? It's their dogma to have compulsory ideological standards. They're the reflection of this communist ideology- join us or die- that was proved true all throughout communist states, including those that didn't even have a chance to succeed which these neo-communists praise so much, like the Bavarian socialist republic or that anarchist Catalonia state.
They don't care about why, they just want to force you to do their bidding.
The post was made in response to /mlp/'s actual rage over the multiculturalism in the friendship school.
http://www.horse-news.net/2018/01/friendship-is-magic-fans-angered-by-new.html>>113368He could be from Alsace-Lorraine.
All I wanted was to watch cartoon horses…
If you really think Horse News is Leftist, I invite you to click the paypal link on the website.
>>113333>checkThis is how you get Nazis
>>113374All i wanted was to play vidya, gamergate set me down the path to where i am now. So in a way i should thank those thots zoe quin and (((Anita sarkesian))).
>>113091The problem with this or any ideology is it exists in fantasy. You can't have a money system based on debt that requires continual expansion AND have contraception that keep birth rates below replacement rates and not have immigration be the only solution.
Something has to give, either
1) change the economic system (defeat bankers)
2) change birth rates (stop contraception, but muh freedom!)
3) loose culture to immigration
Which one?
>>113405I should add on to point 1: but muh capitalism!
>>113374The Beta Uprising was a horrible idea.
>>113397That's my origin story, too. Feminists hating on gaming meant when I was a brony and they repeatedly attacked the brony fandom, I noticed and got mad where others wanted to "Keep their heads down" to "Avoid Drama".
>>113110That "This election is just like Star Wars/Harry Potter" shit is so pathetic. Normies hate themselves and their normie culture so much, and they're so desperate to have as much fun as the nerds have been having without them, and they're so fucking desperate to convince everyone they're special snowflakes and totally not normies.
Meanwhile, Dolores Umbridge was the tyical feminist in power, abusing whoever she can while viewing every "Microaggression" as something that should be punished, the Death Eater takeover of their Fake News was quite similar to the Islamist-leftist takeover of this world's fake news, and they're the ugly emotion-driven hateful bitter everything-is-black-and-white Sithie shitheads.
Even in their own fictional worlds, they're the enemy of all that is good and pure.
Maybe that's why they tried so damn hard to feminist-reboot Star Wars(Everything the heroes fought for never mattered and their sons turned evil and their new government became the new Empire, and everything in the Expanded Universe was thrown out to make room for the new sues and ideas stolen from the EU, it's a fucking reboot too cowardly to admit it's a reboot, and it's less respectful to the originals than Feminist Ghostbusters was) so the villains will be "Literally white supremacists", according to its staff.
>>113418I know the types you are referring to.
>>113370>write story about how people are pissed about multiculti in horse cartoons>blame it on the racists that one always works >blame it on the "channers" for daring to have an opposing opinion >get shit on by every person who comments>let's respond to them as anon>let's call them manchildren channers>let's call them pedophiles>somehow these goyim still somehow know it's me>But I'm anonymous I swear I'm different peopleWhy are liberals so fucking useless