In honour of all who made /mlpol/ flags.
>and because I suspect Ukraine has an unquenched fetish/hunger for flags that is unfulfilled
>and of course the bulk of the flags I saved are on my other computer...
>>112447I've got a bunch more saved from the 4plebs archive.
>>112450I remember that first one.
I hope some not featuring Reichsalicorns are okay. They're still from the original flag breads.
some I found in my folder
>>112447I will print myself one of these on the cup, I swear, suka
Especially that now possesing anything with commie symbolics is finally a 5 years criminal offence in my country, and I see more and more people decorating their cars with the runes and wearing vishivankas with swastikas on the independence day, gotta keep up with the such a renaissance, you know >>112447This entire thread is a nostalgia trip, God I missed this flag autism.
>>112468I wish my country was more like yours. One thing Communism was good for was teaching people to never trust leftists ever. Shit being under communist rule, but you have come out of it as a true nation. We were subverted and hit by propaganda and not the reality of communism so people here actually believe communism is good.
>>112470It was truly some creative creations that were made during those couple of days., I seem to have dropped something
>>112473>I wish my country was more like yoursNo you dont.
Just trust me, you don't =D
>>112481Well there is probably many things I wouldn't like, but I have a feeling you have greatness ahead of you, and we are declining into social justice warrior territory. But I hope we both get to see greatness coming back to our countries.
>>112458That first one loses the symbolism of all those in OP. In OP, the symbol below Celestia is the Black Sun, so it's a nice swapping of Celestia's rulership over the sun with the black sun.
>>112499It's not my favorite, either, but it was a flag so I felt compelled to post it as well.
I have a whole bunch. Will post them tomorrow.
>>113401>>113409here are the better versions of those flags
I made these flags, and I'm throwing in the logo as well.
I'm not sure about Syriana Alicorn, but other anons in /mlsg/ said it looked great, so I'll let it be.
Hey friends, SSpeaking of appropriate flags, do any of you know where an Amerimutt could find himself a Swastika flag online? I don't wanna end up on an FBI list so buying from Amazon seems sketchy.
>>121673Something like this in particular really activates the almonds
>>113403That first one is easily my favourite