New Californians have started invoking Article 4 section 3 of the US Constitution and are working with state lawmakers to get it done similar to how west Virginia was created.
>New California
Shitty name. They outta think of something more original.
>>108198Agreed, the name could have used some work but this is a pretty big step since its usually the other side wanting to be separated from the US, now the rural Californians want to be free of them and remain "american"
>>108202If you notice signs of it getting further along anon id suggest high tailing it out of there otherwise your thought crimes might get you sent to gulag or "culturally enriched" by some strong Latino Bubbas
>>108203I'm looking for an escape plan but muh job is here and so its sorta hard to get out.
>>108202Jesus I feel your pain. You need to get away from it if it moves forward. But think positive, you can vote yes to Commifornia being formed. Then move away knowing leftists are moving in and you can start building a wall as soon as you are outside it.
Post yfw this was the God-Emperor's plan all along.
>>108202>>108204I know that feel. I'm not in California but I'm stuck in a similar place for similar reasons.
>>108281Can you legally put them down yet
>North korea threatens Nuclear Apocalypse
>New California might happen
>instead of laser guns and power Armor we have handheld computers and Memes
>Nigs are the Supermutants of this Timeline (both low IQ and destroy everything)
Close enough to Fallout:New Vegas
>>108290The moment they give them animal rights it will be Open fucking Season
>>108298Doesn't it almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter?
>>108330It looks like it, thank God.
>>108202I know this feel.
I’ve given up on a political solution. Let this place burn, they expect one of us in the wreckage brother.