>>106132>>106145I never understood you suicidal types.
I mean, you clearly don't give a shit about yourself at this point, and clearly you don't give a shit about your friends and family, otherwise you wouldn't be this close to ending it for real.
But here's what I don't understand.
If you're already at this stage, where absolutely nothing seems worth it, then what precisely is stopping you from living things up to the fullest?
Why don't you just make the most of your desire to end it all? Go load up on every drug in a five mile area. Drink everything in sight. Fuck everything with a pulse.
I mean, what do you care? You already want out, and this shit's all liable to kill you, so why not? And your family, your friends? Who cares? You were already going to tear their hearts and souls up without a single shit given, so why should you care about being known as the group crack whore?
Better yet, go above and beyond that! Go spelunking in deep-ass caves, go bungee-jumping, join the military, even ski down Harakiri a bunch of times, do all kinds of thrill-seeking shit that'll kill you. You wanted to die anyways, why not do it in style, where everyone's watching?
Why not aspire to a dangerous little board-wide dream of fucking some real horse pussy? Or going around in all the Natsoc gear you can find? Carve out your own little slice of AnCap paradise? Statistically speaking, you already had a survival rate of 0%, so if anything, this is an upgrade for you!
tl;dr kys faggothttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oroHhPpkuzk