This is the dawn of a new meme:
>>104874Welp, time to arm my nukes
>>104878>my nukes>Not McNukes™You just violated your copyright agreement, and thus the NAP.
See you in Hell.
>>104824Strangely, better than everything I've seen for G5.
How the person they cast as Applejack sounds.
[YouTube] Tiffany Haddish Monologue - SNL
[Embed]>>105072I only played about a few seconds after her nigger screech and had to just turn it off. They really want to push her to be as far away from the Applejack we love as possible.
I don't like any of these """Applejack""" designs…
I want the real Applejack..
The rise of the Right in /mlp/
http://boards.4chan.org/mlp/thread/31698418Is this MLPs Gamergate?
>>105114It's less of a gamergate and more of a fight between the oldfags and rightwingers v. the newfags and leftists. It's more of its own thing really, so Applegate maybe?
>>105120/mlpol/ is a term mentioned a lot also. Identity politics also is very common. It's interesting seeing the wheel turn.
>>105120Applegate sounds nice, too nice.
A term I have not seen here yet is "Blacklejack"
>>105114I made an argument as how we should not blindly accept g5 and how we should destroy it
60% of the replies where positive and 40% negative, I would say the fandom is divided, and it's not even niggerjack only, abandoning these ponies you used to love for many years when the first wind blows south is just showing a serious lack of everything.
>>105072Can't watch it because not available in Australia do I even want to hear it guys?
>>105114Lovely read. My faith and pride in my fellow man is restored.
>>105114It's kinda ironic how /pol/ is seen as the boogie man of the internet.
>>105129If you like that, you'll love this:
http://boards.4chan.org/mlp/thread/31701663The wheel keeps turning.
>>105128It's not even the fact that the probable voice actor is black tbh. I liked the va of Zecora, and she was black. The person in the vid sounds like she came from the ghetto. Applejack should not sound like a literal negro.
>>105136I think I know what the plan is. They are going to terrorise us with row 6, then once we capitulate to stop the torture, they will dial it back to row 2 and we will be "happy".
Nu-Jack will grow on you apple fags, with some time you'll come around to love her.
They don't like bronies. But the art is getting le edgy and not little girly. I am confused. They are going for adventure over slice of life but it's for little girls. Confused.
>>105140She should wash the cum off before going outside.
>>105140>>105143She is also missing the hat.
>>105140This abomination has virtually none of the qualities of applejack worth appreciating.
>>105148How else can you do two ascensions, anon, for fixing your own mistakes, and sell 3 toys for 1 pony?? Think of the dollars!!
I guess I'll be banned for Nazi Celestia pony porn soon.
>>105180They need to embrace Epona!
>>105201Fuck. Anyone here banned?
>>105203Not me and I posted porn.
>>105203Nope, I just detailed the thread
>Proceeding to derail more threads Ehh.. those fagets nuked my bread with Nigel's speech redone to fit /ourcause/.
I think the Applegate/politics threads are being nuked.
>>105209Remember to sage if you bomb threads.
There going to be so much diversity in G5
>>105225A show made by a corporate committee. Chasing yesterdays social values.
>>105137Is row five the Down syndrome row?
>>105138I like row 5 the most besides the originals. It's the most simplistic out of all the new designs, seems more rugged, natural while deviating the best out of the original style. It follows a lot from the original and is an outlier amongst the movie derived designs. The piggy pie look is terrible though, but we shouldn't through the baby out with the bath water. Row 6 is okay too since it derives from the comics, but it still has the clumsiness of being over designed, but it could pull it off because it looks like a comic. I wonder how it would animate. Overall, I probably like the last two because they look the most simple and anime-ish.
>>105239To prove my point is that this row contains the only good looking nu AJ and the Fluttershy stand-in is adorable.
>>105240>only good looking nu AJI see your arguement and raise you row 2 AJ
>>105240Is nu-AJ hiding an ankle tracker?
AJ#2 is okay because that is Epona! Epona is returning, y'all!
>>105246I love how they even made her coat darker now that she's being portrayed by a negro. This show is crashing and burning.
>>105244That's actually an okay AJ, but there's too much gradients in row 2. I would like that row if only Pinkie didn't look like an eyesore. There's a lot of things over designed, but it's kind of balanced.
>>105246Row 5 AJ also looks like Epona too!
I don't think she has an ankle tracker. Maybe it's a trap. >>105248Yeah, row 2 can be improved by mellowing out the colors, removing the extra hoof fluff on unicorns and pegasi, and shortening the horns on the unicorns.
>>105240>>105246Row 2 aj is superior to the 5th row.
>>105254It breaks down into personal taste. The muzzle stripe for me is too large and AJ is a bit too manly.
>>105256She's gonna be more manly than the rest of the cast anyway. Since they are casting a nigger chick.
I'm not watching anything hasbro just pumps out if it isn't same characters and story with 3D models.