This is poison. I feel poisoned. I want to go back. I thought that exploring these ideas would just be a fun little research project; I knew the alt-right had to be wrong so I decided to research why they believe what they do so I could understand and refute it.
But race is real. I feel poisoned. Get this poison out of me.
>>100106>jewish conspiracy to oppress white people>literally ignoring everything about the jewish question and why it's an issuePeople who think jews are "oppressing" people are stupid, cause they're not doing any oppression that they don't immediately kavetch about like a bunch of flaming hypocrites, but stating that people who believe in the jewish question are essentially niggers chimping out ignores the entirety of anti-semitism throughout history.
But don't take my word for it goy, take the word of a rabbi.
>wtf I'm a racist now>b-but isreal is out greatest ally goyisn't this literally what r/thedonald was doing?
>>100119The truth is still the truth even if you don't know about it. Frankly wanting be ignorant just because its upsetting is rather infantile, But I suppose welcome to the very small vestige of the reality. Are you authentic?
>>100146Thanks for the video. I have added it to
Tip: replace "youtube" with "hooktube" to uncensor a youtube video, e.g.→ >>100167>www.censoredlist.comThis site doesn't auto-link?
And oh, it seems this Twitter account is a robot.
>>100167The embedding here on mlpol uses hooktube.
>>100170I think to link you need the whole http(s).
> >>100106Happiness and truth are opposites.
The truth involves learning secrets, and secrets exist to hide bad things. No one needs to hide good things.
If you seek the truth about humanity, you are seeking misery.
Welcome to /pol/. You can never leave.
>>100106>if you believe in a Jewish conspiracy to oppress white people, you are literally identical to blacks who believe in a white privilege to oppress black people.I'm going to ask that you simply kill youself now and save me time on DOtR
threadly reminder that anime girls are huwhite
>>100255— Image One
>>Page not found— Image Two
Sophistry. Just as the inferiority of blacks is culturally obvious, the supremacy of the Ashkenazi is culturally obvious. The greatest geniuses are all Jewish.
- John Von Neumann
- Alexander Grothendieck
- Paul Erdős
- Emmy Noether
- George Cantor
- Leopold Kronecker
- André Weil
- Alfred Tarski
- Emil Post
- Solomon Lefschetz
- Rudolph Lipschitz
- Grigori Perelman
- Hermann Minkowski
- Norbert Wiener
- Oscar Zariski
I could go on. Since the turn of the 20th century, Jews have dominated and set the direction of theoretical mathematics. Almost all of the greatest names I studied in grad school were Jewish; almost all of the revolutionary founders of new mathematical disciplines have been Jewish.
— Image Three
This (correctly) debunks the sophistry of image 2 with a proper infographic of Jewish intellectual supremacy, correctly showing that while only 3% of whites are IQ 130+, 14% of Jews are. Furthermore, because the bell curve is decay exponential square, the placement of mean Jewish IQ at 112 gives Jews a
huge disproportionate representation at the mega-genius range of 170+. In fact, in the US, even though Jews are only 2% of the population, there are as many Jews with an IQ of 170+ as whites.
(Source: )
Obviously, this type of analysis fits (2) for why Jews dominate the mega-geniuses of mathematics, and as you can guess:
All this said, I have been fastidiously investigating censorship, and indeed the most censored, most carefully guarded document seems to be the Talmud. I finally found this extraordinary site: citations for everything, including the lies of the ADL and the successful advocacy of Jewish organizations to set a United States judicial precedence for a revisionistic Talmudic foundation for US law and jurisprudence.
Your crazy Jewish conspiracy theories have an undeniable grounding in reality.
I just unironically support Jewish supremacy. >>100272My latest passion is censorship/banned speech and I will continue to thoroughly investigate the "Jewish Question" (I have yet to be convinced it's even worth asking) just because I'm not supposed to. Mein Kampf is in the mail, and after a month of overcoming mental barriers, I've decided to order what seems to be the most forbidden book of all, so forbidden that the "free" country of Canada confiscates and destroys copies of it and even Amazon refuses to sell it. am impassioned, invigored, and enthralled by this forbidden speech.
>>100251>Happiness and truth are opposites.Not to me because truth is whether one know of it or not.
Vril I read some of your work on aliens and shall respond later.
There are about 6.8 million Jews in the U.S. They have an average IQ of 115 half of them are below that. So we have 3.4 million Jews with IQs of 115+. Meanwhile there are about 200million whites and about 15% of them have IQs of 115+. So that is 30 million whites with IQs of 115. Higher IQs alone do not explain the power and influence of the Jews.
>>100292Maybe it is the fact that they are still tribal or have tribal tendencies and seek power/supremacy.
>>100106WAIS iq test says i have 160 iq, that doesn't mean shit, i still have a very low income despite being overskilled for my job.
Iq in general doesn't mean shit, man, its just an estimate on how well you will do at life and which kind of job you would be capable of exercing.
>>100294Nikola Tesla was highly intelligent, yet he died in poverty. You see people with hearts are usually poor and don't integrate well within this bastard system, any system really that uses money magic. This necessarily doesn't need to be the case.
>>100294Notice I said that expected IQ varies logarithmically with income, not that expected income varies exponentially with IQ.
Source: line:
>In particular, I compare actual psychometric data of seven U.S. economic classes: (1) the homeless, (2) welfare recipients, (3) median Americans, (4) self-made millionaires (5) self-made decamillionaires, (6) self-made billionaires, and (7) self-made decabillionaires, and largely confirm my repeated assertion that average IQ increases by 8-10 points for every ten-fold increase in income, though there may be a few major exceptions to this overall trend. Where can I find an unabridged copy of the Talmud? My mother, though the most conservative of her line, is still blue-pilled on the JQ and no one can bring it up with her without being called a Nazi. She's interested in the Jews though, listening to their own television program. I feel that a goodwill gift of an integral Jewish text might wake her up from being a good little Republicuck.
>>100271even if the kikes don't cheat on IQ tests there's still too few of them in america or anywhere else in the world to explain their monopoly on positions of power in finance, banking, the media, and other fields without assuming a large amount of in-group preference and nepotism the jews work with each other against everyone else there's nothing wrong with recognizing that or fighting back
>>100277even if they are actually intelligent what is really important is what they are doing with that intelligence and the influence they've acquired in the modern world
>>100299this is the complete english version, but I'm not actually sure how "unabridged" it is
>>100306>>100299It's also on the amazingly well-documented website I linked earlier, this one: >>100308have you read the talmud? putting aside the matter of jewish intelligence, do you understand what the talmud teaches about the "chosen" and the "goyim"? exterminating the kikes is a matter of survival, human history is a zero-sum game and at the end of it there will be only one survivor
>>100305That fourth image was a difficult redpill to swallow. I've never been fond of a "Final Solution." Saved.
>>100306>>100308I meant a printed book, paperback or hardback. Will save this, though, for personal use.
>>100320>I've never been fond of a "Final Solution."if you have another definitive answer I'd like to hear it, sure we could come to some sort of agreement or banish them again but what of our children's generation or our grandchildren's? This conflict has been going on for a very long time, and let's say for the sake of discussion there are "good jews" and we leave just them alive; what's to keep their descendants from becoming Zionists? If we make ourselves monsters and do what needs to be done the future for white children will be more peaceful and prosperous for it
If you want physical copies it'll be a bit pricey; it's always going to be difficult to acquire an "unabridged" version due to translations and such
>>100393>>100320The original "final solution" was deportation, there was even a program that helped settle Jews in Palestine, with most of their wealth intact. Even in the politically correct narrative of muh 6 gorgillion, killings only took place once moving them across the Mediterranean no longer became an option, with the invasion of Italy and everything. There was no where else to put them so they started shoving them all in concentration camps like the US did to the Japanese, cause that's what you do when you're at war with an entire people, and then Goebbles remarked a few times about dealing with them through other means. (once in his diary that there should be an "Endlösung der Judentum" by other means, once in a speech that Germany needs a more permanent solution)
That's where the "final solution" comes from. Goebbels saying twice that they should seek a more gruesome solution, and that maybe they can and should, not that they are. And those quotes is where holocaust denial always comes back to, "B-but Goebbels said-" etc, instead of concrete evidence. So, when people always point to the "evil, genocidal final solution" they usually neglect to mention that the 'solution' was to deport them in the beginning. A solution to the JQ could take on any number of possibilities, it doesn't always mean we should just genocide them. Personally, I'd even just be fine with deportation, or in the case of america where they're so entrenched in that society, just banning them from power, cause apparently deportation of citizens is denying some human right or something.
>>100290>Vril I read some of your work on aliens and shall respond later.I'll look forward to that. What I have posted on /vx/ is a subset of my information and is already outdated by new information in some cases.
>>100458Weren't the concentration camps originally designed for detaining criminals and putting them to work for the state, and were never intended to hold Jews in the first place?
>>100471No, they were labor camps to begin with. All criminals convicted of a felony, gypsies (whom I must add are all degenerate drug abusers, pedophiles, thieves, money launderers, murderers, etc. anyways), and criminal aliens were interned into them.
>>100489Every normal I've talked to that has delt with gypsies sounds like full 1488 when referring to them. It was no meme, gypsies are literally Fucking animals.
>be me>walking down a street in Munich>beggars everywhere, think "whatever">encounter some old gypsies women begging>her leg is literally backwards>silenthilltier.avi>be med fag and know that's not normal>bring it up to friend that's lived for a while>tells me that they purposefully Injur themselves and heal them incorrectly so they get more pitty when begging>continues on how they are basically a protected species and can legally steal a certain amount a dayI Fucking hate gypsies
>>100271You think being cunning & wickedness makes one superior, you must be of your father the devil.
>>100119You always had that poison in you.
Just one thing changed: Now you know.
>> the real world
>>100642First off, nice strawman.
Secondly, there's a clear difference between "HWITE PRIVILEGE" and the JQ. If I had intended Jewish privilege, I would have said that. The Jews do not have more superficial privilege but this doesn't mean they're not a blight on the culture and society of the nation. The way you've twisted it doesn't even make sense, because you changed the initial statement to kvetch about white oppression, and then go on to refute that very statement with the white privilege, making the whole thing ridiculous.
Thirdly, racism and antisemitism both have a reason. White privilege, is not related to racism, it's related to niggers being incompetent and their search for an excuse. It would have worked far better to replace antisemitism with "why people hate blacks" but oy vey you can't do that, then it would have some semblance of an actual thought behind it instead of a stupid attempt to pull a fallacious argument out of your ass.
Jewish privilege does not exist. The Jewish Question does. Antisemitism isn't based in "Reee you're better than us" It's based in "Your people are a blight upon our society and are killing it from the inside."
>Explain to my mom how different races are actually different subspecies
>Scientific racism
>Justify white nationalism
>Extol some of the virtues of Hitler
>Mom agrees
>>101279My mom reminded me how angry I got a few years ago when she said that women shouldn't have the right to vote because they're too irrational, back when I was bluepilled.
My mom is secretly so redpilled she thinks women shouldn't have the right to vote.
>>100498You have no idea how bad the gypsies truly are until you've visited Romania, Spain, southern Italy, northern France, or Bulgaria. Gangs of them
will rob you in the streets while police officers look on and do nothing. Why? They are ALL connected to criminal enterprises or cartels. When you are born into a gypsy clan, you stay in it until you die or are killed by one of your peers. In that way, they're nearly as bad as the fucking kikes themselves.
>>101282Democracy itself is a mistake, every suffrage movement was a blight upon the Republic the founding fathers left us.
If jews are so culturally superior, then where is their equivalent of european culture? White europeans created western civilization, which is one of the best if not the best, and therefor I think white europeans should dominate in that area.
You have an impressive list of intelligent jewish people, but intelligent by one measure does not mean they are culturally superior. I don't know a better objective measure than the one you are using, IQ, but what I can do is look at results. The collective result of white europeans has been great. You've presented me with jewish mathematicians, which I shan't deny or downplay. I have deep respect for them and their results, but mathematics isn't civilization.
I suppose a jew wouldn't think of western civilization as something great? I am probably too low-IQ to know better, but I am adamant.
>>100106>Black children pass the mirror test at age 6This can't be real, right? I already know blacks are inferior, but I'm gonna need a source to believe this one.
>>104286i have heard that before somewhere else, it would not be all that surprising.
>>100305Do you think they’re going to target the Asians next once we’re out of the picture?
>>104551It's already happening. James Damore vs Google class action lawsuit
>Google defines “‘diverse’ individuals as women or individuals who are not Caucasian or Asian.” >>104551I don't see how, the asians understand morality but they don't give a shit. Arguing for guilt and compassion won't work just look at how China is treating Africa, they don't care. It'll also be harder for them to pass as any kind of asian compared to white. Not that it matters now, kikes are incapable of long term planning so bringing up the obvious downsides and problems with white genocide simply won't get us anywhere in the debate
>>104564>>104560A more likely outcome is that big tech companies like Google succeed in completely eliminating white males from their workforce, and then immediately afterward begin to atrophy as the quality of their products declines, due to the fact that their entire workforce is now a bunch of sheboon diversity hires whose only training is a six week "tech bootcamp" where they learned how to write a hello world program in Ruby on Rails. Meanwhile, the actual engineers they fired form their own companies which instantly begin to eclipse them. The free market wins again.
>>104513They kind of skate over whether black kids raised in the west display the same behaviour when they go on that spiel about self awareness being a social construct.