/mlpol/ - My Little Politics


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Archived thread

98589 98623
What led to 4/pol/'s demise? I've been looking at http://archive.is/http://boards.4chan.org/pol/catalog browsing through some of the old catalogs on /pol/ and I've noticed at about mid 2015 the quality on /pol/ starts to drop and that decline accelerated in 2016. Let's see if you can spot it too.
http://archive.is/9eNHg 16 Mar 2014 11:23:18 UTC
http://archive.is/5j7nX 19 Sep 2014 04:14:10 UTC
http://archive.is/ffUfT 24 Oct 2014 13:52:21 UTC
http://archive.is/yE9nq 9 Dec 2014 16:41:19 UTC (/pol/ harbor)
http://archive.is/9vGMZ 31 Mar 2015 11:58:41 UTC
http://archive.is/oUtRe 28 Apr 2015 12:56:57 UTC
http://archive.is/FWYYB 4 May 2015 02:32:23 UTC
http://archive.is/jmBY3 24 May 2015 23:47:17 UTC
http://archive.is/MjHfI 21 Jun 2015 22:36:21 UTC
http://archive.is/xD5Zb 19 Jul 2015 18:27:35 UTC
http://archive.is/bKiqI 18 Aug 2015 03:51:48 UTC
http://archive.is/NmVge 11 Sep 2015 21:47:49 UTC
http://archive.is/gQu88 29 Oct 2015 13:08:13 UTC
http://archive.is/bO1Oi 14 Nov 2015 15:23:32 UTC
http://archive.is/eWlh5 1 Dec 2015 19:06:06 UTC
http://archive.is/3icCG 3 Jan 2016 22:28:40 UTC
http://archive.is/E8sGP 7 Feb 2016 13:45:21 UTC
http://archive.is/LCH2p 21 Mar 2016 00:01:11 UTC
http://archive.is/czhne 20 Apr 2016 20:28:34 UTC
http://archive.is/hIgRi 12 Jun 2016 00:22:07 UTC
http://archive.is/C7gHe 14 Jul 2016 17:36:51 UTC
http://archive.is/jEpQL 19 Aug 2016 03:00:20 UTC
http://archive.is/32nRv 17 Sep 2016 22:22:24 UTC
http://archive.is/rOx1f 19 Oct 2016 04:58:18 UTC
http://archive.is/m8oqq 10 Nov 2016 16:32:13 UTC
http://archive.is/ExKf4 8 Dec 2016 09:06:40 UTC
http://archive.is/q5YYb 6 Jan 2017 12:39:37 UTC
http://archive.is/TIa4H 23 Feb 2017 16:01:58 UTC
http://archive.is/GxycR 23 Mar 2017 21:09:46 UTC
http://archive.is/DRn0J 3 Apr 2017 21:01:46 UTC (mlpol)
http://archive.is/5ixvs 7 Apr 2017 19:48:43 UTC

http://boards.4chan.org/pol/catalog current

I notice that it isn't all at once and it really got a lot worse after the election. Demoralization tactics and D&C tactics became especially popular after the election. I think we really kicked the hornets nest. The left had been so used to winning and losing scared the shit out of them.
I recommend looking through the archives for yourselves. Look for patterns in the shilling. I can guarantee the shills have studied us. Let's study them.
Also old /pol/ and /mlpol/ nostalgia thread
Popularity, Anon. Huge influx of newfags that wanted to be "le edgy maya-maya" anonymus. And plebddit. More fags were coming from r/T_D, started replying to bait threads, plus actual bots creating and replying to those threads, plus faggotry lefty mods = the fucking current state of nu/pol/. /pol/ is at the moment the most popular board. And the more popular = the more shitty. Hell, even /sg/ is sometimes more of /shitposting general/ than /syria general/. How to save it?
You can't. Let it die.
The most striking aspect of the fall of 4/pol/ is how much it's decline mirrors the decline of the west
>Invading horde of foreigners
>(((Leaders))) doing nothing to stop the horde, and taking police actions against the population
>clashes between two completely different mindsets

Mass immigration was definitely a factor and the shit mods certainly didn't help, but the shills were able to slide real discussion and help to shut down the board. Maybe the reason they use D&C tactics is because they knew that the community was filled with immigrants.

>How to save it?

I don't think 4/pol/ can be saved because the situation has gotten this bad and the mods do not give a shit. The best solution is to get the best poster to go to other sites where the mods care like mlpol, 8chan, my posting career, ect and to use forms of passive chemo like horse pussy or gore to keep people who are easily distracted out.
Rome fell because of it's incompetent leaders, tolerance and public acceptance of minority groups like homosexuals etc., and a loss of what it meant to be roman as non-romans poured in and were treated as citizens right up until when they destroyed the place.
Like many are saying its native population was replaced. You can tell because back in 2014 through the threads and catalogue you'll rarely to never see frogposters, and the board was so much slower as you can tell by all the generals and larger threads in OP. The bait was low because no one was really competing to stay on the catalogue for more then 30mins since the board was fast but not that fast. At 2015 we started having an influx not from le reddit but from other boards on 4chan noteably /v/ from GG. The election cycle then came around and a lot of anons who just didn't care about politics suddenly did and so started browsing as well due to the primaries. This tons of anons come on board from other boards, the most import one to rember is /b/.

When the cancer that is /b/ started browsing /pol/ is when we lost all say it our board. It is said that all boards will inevitably become /b/ since /b/ is the cancer in which we call came from.

When /b/ overran our ranks on /pol/ thats when reddit started showing up mid election cycle. Anons who started browsing /pol/ from 2015 were likley /b/tards larping as /pol/acks. Some have integrated, most haven't. /pol/ fights against reddit but the sad thing is our true enemy isn't them since they for the most part stay off the chans and when they do show up are told to fuck off because they'll never make it. A lot more redditors browse /pol/ but to this day they can't really stand it since /pol/ is still for anons not reddit. The main problem is that /pol/ like /b/ used to be, is just a massing point for most of the other boards to shitpost on. /pol/ is now no longer for /pol/acks but for /b/tards and everyone else besides /pol/acks. This is why you see so much frog posting from /r9k/ on /pol/ but rarely on here. /pol/'s old typical reaction images were Hitler or /pol/ related but now you see frogs and the like because its a universal symbol rather then boards specific. /pol/ sadly has lost nearly all of its culture because its older user base has been overran by everyone else due to the election.
>passive chemo like horse pussy or gore to keep people who are easily distracted out.
This is literally the tried and true best tactic. One of the reason 8/pol seems to hold on, and why /mlpol/ hasn't been hit by a wave of cancer yet.
98648 98652
Ultimately the problem was rapid mass immigration of a new population. The newcomers didn't have time to assimilate into the community and ultimately changed the community. A large problem was the influx of reddit users from The Donald. These new users aren't necessarily the enemy, but unfortunately they are far more prone to being distracted by bait and slide threads. This allowed paid opposition groups like Correct The Record and Shareblue to enjoy more success at disrupting the board. I don't know how much Shareblue is behind the ongoing disruption. I fear that the newfags have adopted Shareblue's mannerisms as a form of self sustaining shitposting style and that the original shareblue employees may have stopped harassing the site.

Additionally, as has been stated, the mods on 4pol are actively hostile to the board. Personally I suspect that the mods may even be the ones posting the "big black cock" and "circumcision, cutfags btfo" threads. However your thread will be purged in short order if you violate one of their other rules like the no-ponies rule. They also have a history of purging threads that pertain to assorted intel leaks
>Ultimately the problem was rapid mass immigration of a new population. The newcomers didn't have time to assimilate into the community and ultimately changed the community. A large problem was the influx of reddit users from The Donald. These new users aren't necessarily the enemy, but unfortunately they are far more prone to being distracted by bait and slide threads. This allowed paid opposition groups like Correct The Record and Shareblue to enjoy more success at disrupting the board. I don't know how much Shareblue is behind the ongoing disruption. I fear that the newfags have adopted Shareblue's mannerisms as a form of self sustaining shitposting style and that the original shareblue employees may have stopped harassing the site.
So the shills were able to create forced memes?
Either that or it's just some bots making the same shitposts over and over. I can't really tell.
>I fear that the newfags have adopted Shareblue's mannerisms as a form of self sustaining shitposting style and that the original shareblue employees may have stopped harassing the site
This is honestly what I have been suspecting for at least a year.
Probably a combination of the two. Shills have used bots before.
How would /pol/ be described now anyway? A while back it could have been described as a far right news and political discussion board. That description doesn't really fit nowadays, does it? Or perhaps that was never the description at all.
/pol/ was a bunch of young men that rejected "progress" discussing what they thought was wrong in the world. Now it is newfags looking for memes, bots, Shills, and a few old fags that don't want to let go.