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A liberal edgelord that pretend to worship Satan isn't progressive enough for the left. Think about that for a second. I love watching the left eat their own.
The left prefers their idols to legitimately worship Satan
holy shit, good for marilyn. using his head.
Better for him to continue acting as an edgelord selling bad music and enjoying his revenue.
Too bad he was stupid enough for not realizing supporting leftism is always a lose/lose situation.
To be fair he's not exactly a leftist, he's just a bit of a pretentious edgelord. I was pretty into him in high school; he likes to quote Nietzsche and talk out of his ass on philosophy and religion, but mostly he's just kind of an edgy egomaniac who likes the sound of his own voice. I doubt he really pays enough attention to world events to form an opinion and I've never really heard him speak about politics. I think his view on this issue is sensible enough, though.

Here's the full article if anyone wants to read it:
>I just think that I don’t want it to turn the whole world’s attention from the artistic element of Hollywood and movies and films
>selling bad music
his older stuff was cool
All I'm saying is that other than expressing antipathy towards Christianity and being sort of a de-facto poster boy for the whole 'obscenity is free speech' argument during the 90s, he's never struck me as an artist who is particularly interested in politics. Contrast him with someone like Tom Morello, who is frankly not any better informed but virtue signals and speaks out on political issues constantly. That Manson would use the words 'Hollywood' and 'artistic' in the same sentence is more a testament to his shallowness than his politics.

Holy Wood was his crowning achievement imo, he could probably have ended his career at that point and gone out on a high note. The most recent thing I've heard by him is The Pale Emperor, which actually I found surprisingly good. He's finally got a serious guitar player working for him.
I swear, this obsession with ousting sexual predators was one of the biggest mistakes the media has ever made. I guess they got a dem Senate seat out of it, but so many more lefties and Hollywood Jews are going to be ousted for this. I hope they keep it going.
He's really got a point though. the left's skepticism of Police and Authority is contrary to their stated goal of trying to reduce crimes of violence like rape. How are you going to reduce crimes like rape while at the same time teaching everyone to be afraid of police?
It goes further back than that. The Democratic party basically made the mistake of hitching themselves to SJW causes, and it's probably going to be the death of them. Guys like Al Franken and the Clintons don't give a shit about women's rights or social justice causes; they just see an exploitable voting bloc. What they failed to take into account is that they can't just spout empty platitudes to these people and expect the kind of loyalty they got from previous generations of similar activists. SJWs are the worst possible combination of stupid, devoted and crazy: they rabidly believe in all of the wacky shit that comes out of their mouths and they demand absolute ideological compliance. Empty virtue-signaling isn't worth anything to these people and it doesn't buy you credibility if you get caught committing any one of the thousands of mortal SJW sins, particularly if you've already committed the mortal sin of being white, male and straight.

Republicans can more or less hold their own against these sorts of accusations by ignoring them, dismissing them, demanding proof, etc, and the effectiveness will probably depend on the individual and the situation. Trump survived this kind of attack, Roy Moore didn't. Democrats have already voiced support for the 'always believe the woman' bullshit, so they pretty much have to cave in every time this happens now or they look like hypocrites, so ironically this line of attack is more likely to hurt them than us.

It's funny to watch them all get hoisted by their own petard, but it's important to recognize this whole thing for the witch hunt that it is. If the end result is just establishment Democrats tossing each other under the bus as their party is gradually taken over by far-left SJWs until the party completely loses all power and relevance I'm all for it, but don't forget that if these screwballs ever gain actual political power the whole country is fucked.