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97367 97416
Netanyahu's Love for Trump

Trump's donor Sheldon Aldeson and the Israel One State Solution

No Russian Collusion, but There is Israel Collusion
>Ron Dermer, Israel’s ambassador to the U.S. and a close friend and ally of Netanyahu, told Politico’s Susan Glasser that, in December 2016, “obviously we reached out to [the Trump transition team] in the hope that they would help us,” and “we were hopeful that they would speak” to other governments “in order to prevent this vote from happening.”

Fighting Israel's Wars
>globalist-interventionist-neocon think tank the Alliance to Secure Democracy is currently being funded by a bundle of foreign governments, presumably doing so without any interference from Mueller or from those who run the Foreign Agents Registration desk at the Department of the Treasury.
>a whole bunch of goodies designed to make Benjamin Netanyahu’s eyes sparkle are pending. The highest priority item is the Trump Administration’s cooperation with the Israeli government in a frantic effort to bury a United Nations report that includes a database of all the companies that operate in Israel’s illegal settlements. Also regarding the U.N., Congress is considering a bill that would block U.S. aid to any country that opposes “the position of the United States.” Lest there be any confusion, Ambassador Nikki Haley has made it clear the American “position” would pretty much consist of never criticizing or voting against Israel.
>Congress is meanwhile also making a list and checking it twice, looking into the vexing issue of how to make any and all criticism of Israel equate to anti-Semitism as a step forward to turning such activity into a hate crime
> Shoshana Bryen, former executive director of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) and currently affiliated with the Jewish Policy Center, who has been involved in hosting the indoctrination of U.S. national security personnel, recently described it this way: “I have taken more than 400 American security professionals – primarily retired American Admirals and Generals – to Israel in more than 30 trips. And at the other end of their careers, I have sent more than 500 cadets and midshipmen of our service academies to Israel before they received their commissions. And I can say that they all understood the fundamental and profound principles that guide both the United States and Israel. They don’t always agree with Israel’s politics – or Israel’s defense choices – or any other single aspect of Israeli political, military and social life, but I never found one that didn’t believe in the relationship between Jews and the land of Israel. The United States military, then, is a Zionist institution.”

UN Blacklist on Westbank Settlement

The Hawk's On Trump's Perch
>along with Tillerson, key Trump officials are on the record as saying that Iran will remain a U.S. enemy until the clerical leaders and military officials who control the country’s political system are deposed – even under the administration of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, a reformer with whom President Barack Obama cultivated ties and who was re-elected in May.
96543 96569
yeah no shit, was anyone actually not aware of this? should we have voted for hillary?
We had a chance…. HAD.
96570 96594
Would she have been different in terms of this kind of kikery?
Nah, even more easier to manipulate, she is woman after all…
Idk about easy to "manipulate", per say, but she's more power-hungry, and would've easily taken offers made to her.
I think she would've done a lot of similar things, but been more discreet about it.
no, that's my point she would've been worse on everything. Even if trump is flawed so what? he was easily the best option compared to hillary and "obama"(read soetoro), or comrade "sanders" (read glassberg)

unfortunately Gary "feel the" Johnson won't be running in 2020, it's a sad day for the memes
96650 96665
Geeze, I didn't really want this to derail into the "greater of two evils" trite. There is none, and all of them are Jewish puppets. Try to excuse this aspect, and you find yourself much of the same. Now, there's the much important issue of how will Israel lead Trump, will he do it all, and where are Israel's interests heading?
Geee, good thing I have a political figure that never lets me down…
I supported trump, and still support trump because he's good for the economy and our best bet on cutting down immigration numbers and deregulating. Anyone who thought a man with kikes in his immediate family would help us with the jew problem, as well as anyone who still honestly believe people aren't aware on his family situation or ties to israel (i.e. you), is retarded and should kill themselves as it would be a better use of everyones time than political discourse with such brainlets. You want collusion, foreign influence, and corruption look into the Trump campaign and administration's involvement with Genie Energy LTD and Ira Greenstien an oil company working with Israel in the golan heights, this also explains his whole position on syria. The thing is though everyone knows and no one cares because this was expected from the moment he entered the political race. After all the shills on 4 and 8/pol/ the last thing I need is some retard leafcuck coming here to say "OMG did you know trump has ties to israel? it's an open fact that he has a jewish son-in-law with ties to george soros but somehow hisposition on Israel is shocking and something people on a political discussion board wouldn't be aware of"
96667 96675 97416
Assad will win
97483 97501
My suspicion is that he thinks Jews are white.

If I can make a confession, I used to be a staunch Israel supporter on those grounds, and then I realized that Jews were practically the same as Ayyrabs (since they're both Semites)

I know, I was a big dumb
Checked and approved, you fucking leaf!

There is only one option now: armed revolt, or bust.
97511 97522
>armed revolt, or bust.
ebin I respect your work in /sg/ but I will maintain my stance to anyone saying this; if you want this then you fire the first shot and start the insurrection, you won't because you're a coward and therefor shouldn't be calling for this. If I'm wrong then prove it.
The Jewish redpill is by far the most difficult one to swallow. They didn't gain control over as many facets of the world as they control by being stupid.

I still unironically enjoy Jerry Seinfeld and Klezmer music
Incorrect. The only Semites in the world are Palestinian. Kikes have co-opted the term by attempting to state they are the TRUE Palestinians because of whatever fucking douche faggot "king" ruled the city of Jerusalem for about 20 years.
There are others that would be better suited to making the fire rise. Your point still stands though.
>if you want this then you fire the first shot and start the insurrection
If I didn't have family that would suffer the reprisal, I would already have fired the first shots.
There's nothing more dangerous than a man that has absolutely nothing to lose.
>you won't because you're a coward
See above
>therefor shouldn't be calling for this.
Straight from the Declaration of Independence:

>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

>If I didn't have family that would suffer the reprisal, I would already have fired the first shots.
regardless of why my point is you won't I understand that direct action could be more effective than a political solution, but it makes no sense that people are willing to disparage efforts toward a political solution online when the same people themselves won't take direct action. Like you I would also join in an insurrection against our jewish controlled government however I don't intend to start one myself so it would be dishonest to push for one and I intend to hold others to that same standard. If it's really true that "There is only one option now: armed revolt, or bust" than it's put up or shut up time.
If I can make but one more confession…
I'm a Yankee living abroad, I was also quite fat back in the day, adding that to my being an Israel fister made me a physical incarnation of "le amerigan bear :DDD"

I was so much like that spurdo caricature, I was literally all like "Imma buy a Tabor and Galel when I goes home :DDD", and had a fetish for the IDF. I wasn't just a Shabbos Goy, I was ShabBEST Goy.
I still want a Tavor or Galil, can someone PLEASE talk me out of it!

Didn't the IDF request a bio-weapons program that specifically targeted Arabs, and then immediately scrapped it once they found out that their haplogroups are too closely related for such a weapon to be safe for them to use?

If it turns out they actually are all Semitic, and someone smart enough gets their hands on that research, we could have a culling and a half in that region.

Also, checking those ID dubs.
Yes, that occurred in 1992 when the Clinton crime family was in power. The differences were just enough that any genetically modified virus would jump from the Semites, also known as the Palestinians, to the Khazars, also known as the jews.
There are two highly important key facts to note in this situation:
#1, as the Palestinians are the last remaining Semites left in the world, throughout history the kikes have committed mass enslavements culminating in the executions and castrations of ALL Semitic males, and the mass rapes of all Semitic females in an attempt to "become" the Semites, ie: the true rulers of Palestine, through their various proxy powers. The biggest one so far were the britcucks. Ever read the Balfour Declaration? It basically states that the Semites must be destroyed to unite the world under jewish rule, starting with Palestine.
#2: all modern jews are descended from the so-called "pharisees" of the fairy tale book: money lenders, money clippers, and money changers of the ancient world. In other words, all jews are descended from swindlers and slavers. So what is their true racial identity? All jews are descended from the horrifically inbred Khazars, a mix-and-match of the original jews, Semites, Babylonians, and several other equally inbred royal dynasties of what was once Mesopotamia. Post WW2, in order for the Khazar jews to claim that they REALLY DO OWN PALESTINE, GOY! they must "become" the Semites, and in order to do that they needed to "settle" Palestine, then wipe out the remaining peoples.

To put this entire shitty situation bluntly: all jews must die. None can be allowed to survive.
>still believes the khazar meme
go help dig the hezbollah tunnels, ahmed