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So… Hasbro understands that people liked the relatable mane6. And in order to capitalize on that they're going to change them into something completely unrelated. Why?

If they're not going to be the same characters, then why use the same names? It's the equivalent of deciding that since people like coffee so much you could make coffee from squeezed oranges instead. It might be just great orange juice but if you market it as coffee you're just going to disappoint a lot of people. I'd have always wanted to see a show about another group of ponies living in another part of Equestria, so why screw the already established characters?
>unicorn dash
>*uncontrollable vomiting*
I'm glad that one's ironic, but it really expresses just how much they're looking to fuck this show up…
Sometimes I fantasize that I could buy something those people love just so I could ruin it, but it's getting harder and harder to imagine them being capable of loving anything at all.
I would guess the changes will be to make the show more PC. I will bet they add “diverse new characters” and tackle “current and relatable issues” that need a liberal answer. If I’m wrong, I will be shocked.
I know next to nothing about any of the previous generations, but from what I understand aren't the characters for each new generation usually just rehashed variants of previous ponies? I was skimming through the wikia a while back and most of the mane 6 characters seem to have been based on first generation toys that Lauren Faust owned as a child. I think I also recall reading something about a previous generation character called Pinkie Pie who had a similar design. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not thrilled about this reboot and from what I've seen it's going to likely be spectacularly mediocre.

unfortunately I think this is probably the case. It makes me sad, when I first was convinced to start watching this show back in April I was genuinely surprised to see that it was basically free of PC garbage and other Jewish tricks, which is rare in cartoons these days given the left-wing bias of most of the entertainment industry. I was impressed that Hasbro at least seemed committed to making a quality children's show and leaving politics out of it, and even slipping some decent moral lessons in there. Now it looks like they've finally succumbed and are assimilating into the hive. If I ever have kids I think I'm just going to raise them out in the country somewhere and not even have TV, maybe just a DVD player and some approved classics.
Its changing because people haven't stopped complaining about twaggles becoming an alicorn and glamy. Pretty much a "Fuck you"
In my opinion anyway
What if we made a change.org petition asking them to not try this particular alteration?
>change.org petition
I really hope you're being ironic. Change.org petitions are about as effective as UN sanctions.
>If they're not going to be the same characters, then why use the same names?

I agree in the context of G5, but this has happened a few times before. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were both from G3, Applejack was from G1, and Twilight is named after G1’s Twilight (not Sparkle). In the case of Dash especially, the only similarities are the names and rainbow motif; everything else is completely different (pic related).