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Fingers sore and head tire….jpg
This is an idea I have for a fanfiction. Its name so far is "Unravel the Ball of Yarn."

Chapter one:

Twilight moves to a new apartment for the first year at the royal university in canterlot. This apartment is reserved especially for Celestia's personal students and has belonged to three other students before Twilight. The last student was before Twilight was Sunset Shimmer, who is now known as a conspiracy-nut or maybe I will make her kown for being a terrorist, either way it is known that she has nationalistic ideas and that she is associated to the three tribes movment. Twilight finds a secret message from Sunset in the apartment and in that moment the chapter ends to created a cliff-hanger.

Chapter two:

The next chapter begins with Twilight listening to Sunset's message. It sents her on errands, which gives her inforamtion that when pieced togather they show a secret. She learns by following these instructions that the discord statue is not a statue and that thousend years ago it was Celestia that was defeated not Luna and that the Celestia she knows is Luna in disguise. Then it ends on this plot-twist.

Chapter three:

Twilight learns that Luna's chosen race, batponies, is now ruling equestria in secret and that they are planing to divide the three tribes and slowly make them go extinct. They have started by stealing away the unicorn's identity by replacing them with an alicorn. The alicorn was created to raise the sun and moon, so that unicorns nolonger had something to contribute to in the three tribe symbios and therefore stealing their identity, which caused them to slowly lose their culture. Celestia didn't get to take over the unicorn's duty directly thousend years ago she got to contribute just as much as any other unicorn. There is also the ultrior motive to be the only one who can raise the sun each day. Pay up goy! She tries to find a way to make contact with Sunset. After searching for while she manage to find a secret way to meet her. She does this and Twilight is this a bit sceptical towards the things she learns from Sunset but before she leaves Sunset tells her that Luna is watching her subjects dreams for inforamation that they should not posses. Twilight thinks nothing of it and after some time has gone by she is having dinner with her family. There she let some of her radical ideas slip out and we end with a cliff-hanger on how much, ehm, shit she will recive.

Chapter four:

She talks to her family and they are not that positive to her initative to be more knowledgeable in studies in subjects as history and biology. Drama ensues and Celestia finds out about her new political views. She gets to stay as a student as long as she `reevaluted´ her new views. Twilight, now remembering what Sunset told her about Luna watching her subjects' dreams for forbidden information, starts to panic. As she fears for her life, Twilight descides to flee before it is too late. Her escape plan is to created a tantabus to be somekind of decoy, so that Twilight can make her escape before luna knows she has fleed. Yeah, I know it doesn't make sense but I am trying to make it work in some way. She contacts Sunset and spends the night at her place.

This is the first arc the second continues with Twilight meeting ponies in the movment and her relationship with Sunset. Sunset has become a bit defaitistic but Twilight doesn't let her, what Sunset calls it, naivete cause her to lose faith and she lights a spark in Sunset and soon becomes the groups engine as she literally drags Sunset out of bed with more.

I have no third arc yet. I think it could be a political campagin or something.
This is just a draft and it doesn't include every idea I thought of having in the story just those that are essential to the plot.

After this point I just wanted to finish, so you know why it probably looks awful.

Some other ideas:

-Twilight's and Spike's relationship. In the firrst chapter some activist jumps on Twilight for having a dragon as a slave in regards to their rights and so on. Spike stands uö for Twilight saying she is nothing of the sort. Later when Twilight's racial views are revealed their relationship gets strained. Twilight makes sure to tell spike that she still love him and he answers back that her loves her too but they don't talk about anything too political since they are worried what the other might say or disagree with.

-Twilight's development from being pressed to live up to her expectations as a genius magical prodigy to learning that she doesn't need to prove herself to be the smartest in the room and know everything and from being politically correct to being incorrect.

-Sunset's charactor and her interaction with Twilight. Sunset is depressed. Due to her political involvement she has lost her prestigous post as Celestia's personal student and lost her contact with her family and former friends. Most ponies in the movment has at least contact with their family but not her. It wasn't like she didn't want their contact either. She misses them. She is also considered one of the movements top intellectuals for her findings regarding Clestia's true identity but she tries to be modest about it. This is ddue to her extrem case of normy-fatigue that have caused her to hate ponies in authority and the sheep like mentality that comes when ponies who are deemed smart by thhe majority just agree to whatever they say and scoff at anyone that doesn't agree, therefore she has stopped using the word smart entirely and stopped doing anything that she considers pretensious. Therefore she tries to not mix in her own ego or self worth into her own statements and almost in a socrate's meethod like way tries tto invited Twilight to discussions by asking questions, which she answer in whatever way she wants. Twilight, who is used to being the one to answer questions and has something to prove, fall into rutine. She finds also that her answers are not ignored nor scoffed at but question in the form can you expaned upon that, which iis a relief for Tiwlight. Even though she is not a conformist she finds it as a nice change of pace.
(So here I just gave up and just continued writting no-matter if the sentences made sense grammaticly or not. Just so you know.)
However all of this will lead up to a Twilight and Sunset having a fight, since Twilight thinks that Sunset doesn't take her seriously but just doesn't say it andd instead patronizes her. Sunset listens to Twilight sometimes then says something that Twilight voiced her opinon against like she had not heared her the first time. Sunset sees herself in Twilight but she has learned that Twilight has a higher iq than her and she also has this idea that the young ones are going to be prepared by their elders to surpass them or something. Or she sees that Twilight can surpass her if she has not done so yet and therefore doesn't dare to argue against her since she could lose which she still for some reasons cares about. I am not sure exactly how and why yet but something along tjhese lines atleast.

-The three tribes views on Discord. The movement wants to free him since it was better when he ruled because then the three tribes cared for each other even if live was harder.

-The fact that the prupose the school for talented unicorns is to find unicorns that could be turned into alicorns. The sole prupose with Celestia taking private students is to try to make them into alicorns. It is claimed that Sunset got greedy and wanted to become a princess but the truth is that she declined the offer to become an alicorn for the sake of staying unicorn. (<-An idea)
94494 94495
So what do you guys think?
94499 94856
Very interesting in theory.
Have you gotten to work on any of the chapters yet?
94496 94499 94500
The secret message should instead be a secret encoded journal. In her quest to decode it, she discovers these ideas the same way sunset did.

Also don't write fan fiction, write green text. You can convert it into fan fiction later.
This, on both points.
Yes, the first part of the first chapter but I might change it later. I have had problems with comitting to things before and therefore I am unsure if I can make a project like this.

I might. I will keep it in mind, thank you. My first idea was to have Twilight looking through Sunset's vinyl disc selection and finding one labeled, "My Favorites". Why vinyl? Because I am pretenious. later I will have them sit on a pile of books and sip tea and play chess. She will listen to the disc until the music it plays stops and is replaced by Sunset's voice.
Why green text? Is it when I am posting on this website?

My only thought is that for Sunset to leave a secret message for some random person would be unlikely. Furthermore, that bedroom would probably have everything thrown out that belongs to Sunset. A secret journal behind for example loose brick is more realistic.
Mostly, yes. There is also the added benefit then you can post it in pieces and see how the responses are. Green texts are also less work.
Why bump with this?
I think that is the major problem so far in the plot too. I have thought about it and I think I have come up with a solution to this and another problem I had. So
>Sunset stumble upon the truth
>She knows that if Luna finds out it would be easier for her to kill her then do damage control later
>She saves her findings in a journal or something similar that can contain inforamtion
>She does this since she fears for her life and wants to tell someone her findings*
>She encodes it so the person decoding it will discover the answers on their own, that way they won't tell Luna about what they have found nor will they disregard it
>She then flees after Luna finds out that she knows
>She becomes a fugitive
>The crime she is charged with is something else than knowing state secrets
>But since she manage to escape she also manage to spread the truth to others and now the journal she left behind lacks mening since you can read about this conspiracy theory on the corners of the internet or something
>However when Twilight find out she panics. Thinking she is in danger, she flees canterlot.
>At this point Sunset is still charged with something else than treason but not Twilight

*I guess a contrived reason on why she just doesn't tell anyone is because she fears the will not believe her and tell Celestia/Luna

>"Furthermore, that bedroom would probably have everything thrown out that belongs to Sunset"

I have been thinking along the same lines. Maybe if it is hidden so well that the journal is not found. For example if it is hidden in a some books or a furniture of somekind. Then it might get overlooked and if the apartment is deemed checked then there no longer is a reason for throwing out the furniture. Or maybe it should be hidden else where. I don't know. >>94494
>"Very interesting in theory"
Thank you. That means a lot. I have been aspiring to become a writer for a while now.
94906 94909 97063

Are there any good places for discussing things like that? Pony related fiction?

I toyed with idea of the a story for quite a long time and even recently started to write it but it's slow going due to my lack of experience and shitty engrish.
Even some basic draft is quite massive, and I have quite a lot of ideas that I'm not sure if I should implement or not. I don't want to create too much different sub plots, but at the same time I want to ficus on many different things so I'm not sure what to do.
trigger warning HiE
https://www.fimfiction.net/ maybe?
I found thing: https://www.fimfiction.net/writing-guide
If you don't mind registering, there are some active groups still out there. There's bound to be some useful information on the site either way.

I know about that, I even write my story as normal prose, not greentext and probably would just post it on fimfic. I just look for some place to discuss some ideas with other writefaggots or just normall faggots, fimfic just has unusual ammount of autism.
I just can post it here, if anybody is interested in discussing some horsewords.
If you don't like to discuss on fimfiction than I think, at least, that you can talk about your ideas on this board. It is part pony-board afterall.

I can sympathize with you. Last time I checked it had rules against "Hate speech", so I don't really know if the stories I might write are welcomed.

I deal with my engrish by using different internet resources like translate, dictionary, grammar websites. I have learnt a lot from this guy's grammer viedos, https://www.engvid.com/advanced-english-grammar-dependent-clauses/
97065 97067
I am intressted in discussing horsewords btw.

Also I have planned on writting something the coming seven days. I plan to write an hour per day with the exception of christmas. More to see if I can commit to it. If I can then writting the first chapter of this story should not be to hard. I will try and see and greentext the result if I get any.
Also fanfiction.com has also a pony section under cartoons and it seems to have daily submissions.

Yeah I use different translators and dictionaries to take care of my engrish too, though the biggest problem for me is grammar, I can take care of spelling using word correction, but it doesn't help with using times. Though recently it gets better and better, it was gruelling but I have around 5k words now and it's getting easier and easier.
Also punctation in dialogs is giant pain in the ass.

I also plan to do some work duting christams, I want to have around 10-15k words before I start posting it, so I can see how introduction is working with the beginning of action and correct if anything is wrong.
Do you have discord. We could text eachother our texts and help eachother out or something.

Also I haven't ben able to do much since last time since I have been busy studying to an upcoming important exam. I will have it 18/01 so after that I feel like I can really get into writting horse words more. I am sure though that I can get the time to write something on my leisure time away from studying.
However I don't know how to share ours with eachother on an open forum and I have not used it so long so I don't know we could also just use this thread.
share it privately I mean.
I use this account mostly to horse related things so if some faggots here find it I don't care that much

I did some writing during last week but not as much as I hoped for, I have my exams at the end of January so I have some free time now to focus on horsewords

I will check it out later then. I don't have an account on pastebin so I will have to get that but I will do that later when I have time. I will study now. Thanks for sharing that though.