I can say that I took the red pill gradually over many years, but wasn't fully aware of it until just a few years ago.
I'm glad I'm not an opinionated leftist faggot anymore; I couldn't go back if I wanted to.
I think a lot of the allied soldiers had their hearts in the right place it was FDR and Churchill that led them astray
>>87447Indeed. Boys die in old men's wars.
Both sides' fallen should be commemorated for dying out of duty to their country and to their brothers. We need to stress that questioning these conflicts does not invalidate the dead, as that is a common normie reaction.
>>87447this, except of course for the dirty goddamn commies.
>>87477commies ain't human, redsoldiers don't count
>>87444The first world war was a bunch of rubbish that should have never happened.
Once the second came along, all rememberance day has been for me is a constant shovling of propaganda down my throat at how the "noble and virtuous allies" defeated the "evil axis" in not one but two wars. You can see this to great effect in American schools. While the day of the armistice is not observed in Germany, we've got our own separate 'shame day' which I have also disliked, though it seems to have left out the bullshit about being the 'bad guys' in the first world war, and nobody really talks about the politics behind the second.
>>87510I mostly agree with this. I will never celebrate enemies that attacked my country and killed loyal soldiers of my nation that fought faithfully for the good of my people.
>>87447>>87453Yeah I blame governments and groups for the wars but I wont blame the troops themselves. I do wonder how many though that fought for this future would have wanted it like it is now.
>>87447The first wave of people on D-day were strait heroes not because of ideology but because of having to run on a beach with constant casualties and machine gun fire, must of been absolute hell.
Remembrance day is important. Remember all those killed in wars who had no say in their starting. You fight for the man by your side, you fight so he can get home to his wife, his kids. He fights so you can get home to yours. You fight so your home is still there when you get back.
They mingle not with their laughing comrades again
They sit no more at familiar tables of home
They have no lot in our labour of the day-time
Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain
As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness
To the end, to the end, they remain.
Take time today to remember them anons.
>>87662Those were not "men", those were and still are
traitors to the entire human race. Real heroes would have realized who the true enemy was, walked up to Germany's door, knocked politely, and asked if they could help.
>>87717That is a very easy position to have and maintain in an age of mass technology and information exchange. You are those men anon, just more privileged.