/mlpol/ - My Little Politics


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G'day everyone, I've been trying to write up the founding story of /mlpol/ and it's finally done.
Sorry, if I make any grammatical errors. There's a lot of text so I'm sure some stuff slipped through the net. But I hope this contribution helps the community preserve critical information in the years to come.
>The history /mlpol/’s founding
To those reading this – I am originally an Australian native of /pol/. My purpose in writing this is to give a comprehensive chronology of events that took place in early-April 2017, leading to the founding of /mlpol/. I do not know how long our community will survive but for the sake of future generations I will endeavour to preserve our founding story while the details are still fresh in my mind. Everything I write is based on events I witnessed first-hand or what others have reported with the support of screencaps. I have also sifted through countless dead threads trying to fill in as many of the gaps as humanly possible. The draft for this text is being written within a fortnight of all that has transpired so the reader can consider this a primary source. However, I am writing this from the perspective of a former /pol/ack – personal biases will inevitably be illustrated in my writing so please take this into account. Finally, I must thank the countless anons who posted everything they knew about the revolution. Without the diligent reporting of the community, recounting this extraordinary tale would not have been possible.
>April 1st – April Fools’ Day

To celebrate April Fools’ 2017, a series of boards on 4chan were temporarily merged for the day. Of these amalgamations, the mods chose to combine the two resident containment boards of the site (/pol/ and /mlp/). The administration of 4chan had a history of neglect and outright abuse towards the posters of both respective boards. Notable instances of such crimes include “/pol/ harbor” (2014) and /mlp/’s “The Scruffening” (2012). Due to this precedent of mod-organised harassment, it was believed by many this merge was a ploy to get /pol/ and /mlp/ to fight each other for the amusement of the wider-chan community.

Initially, conflict erupted between /pol/ and /mlp/. For the first time in years, /mlp/ was on a red board and could freely post horse-pussy without the mods intervening. However, this had an unintended effect by the second half of the day. The sheer amount of cartoon porn being posted had flushed out the most insufferable members of /pol/. Those individuals primarily being migrants from r/the_donald – a Subreddit dedicated to the blind cult worship of Donald Trump.

During the US election cycle of 2015-2016, /pol/ supported Trump for his anti-internationalist remarks. As the election went on, and /pol/-made Trump memes broke into the mainstream, the board would be overrun by Reddit interlopers. This rapid influx of newcomers, without adequate time for assimilation, irrevocably altered the culture of 4/pol/ forever. While the quality of threads had been low for years, conditions had taken a noticeable slide by Inauguration Day. Indigenous /pol/acks had come to accept the death of the old /pol/ until that fateful day when /mlp/ managed to chase out her cancer with lewd OCs.

With /pol/ finally liberated and /mlp/ awash in pone puss, there was much celebration into the night. Like a regime of terror had ended, individuals were free to have open political discussions. No thread was derailed and all rejoiced. It was said by many that it was the best thing to happen to both boards in years. I don’t think I can put into words the pure euphoria experienced on that day. It was like the old 4chan had been rebirthed like a phoenix and a true sense of comradery reigned supreme, once again. Of course, all good things must come to an end and so it was that /mlp/ and /pol/ were reinstated by the mods. While most said their goodbyes, a dedicated faction from both boards refused to return to their cage, now having tasted the nectar of freedom.
>April 2nd – Declaration of Independence

Perhaps it was naïve optimism that took hold of us on the 2nd day of /mlpol/’s existence, but a large number of us held our ground and refused to leave /mlpol/ despite it now being made a hidden board by the mods. It wasn’t long before rumours began flying around that the mods had decided to keep /mlpol/ as a permanent hidden board. Others said that the board was being trialled for at least a week. Both these rumours eventually were proven to be false.

The rumours can be traced back to “leaked” information that the mods had held a guiding vote on whether to keep the new merged boards. The Yes vote supposedly won 25-24. However, the Head Moderator of 4chan refused to accept the results. He promptly fired at least eight mods and janitors who voted in favour of keeping the merged boards. The ballot was declared invalid and word was sent to proceed with the deletion process. HOWEVER, I must note that the information in this paragraph is highly contested and it is uncertain if this vote ever actually transpired.

Regardless, we were eager to cut ties with our parent boards and forge a new path. Soon the Edicts of Equestria (later renamed the Policies of Polestria) were created by an anonymous Leafbro. Although beginning as a simple proposal for /mlpol/’s sticky – this simple .png would have the magic of friendship breathed into its design. With large community inputs and revisions, the Edicts had become our constitution. Our declaration of independence followed shortly thereafter. A statement to the mods and the rest of 4chan that we were here to stay:

“We the memers of /pol/ and /mlp/, in order to form a more perfect board, establish discourse, ensure conversation is shill-free, provide for the common defense, ensure the general welfare, and secure the blessings of memery to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this constitution for the United Board of /mlpol/. A well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a shill free State, the right of the people to keep and bear ponies, shall not be infringed.”

Along with this declaration, dozens of /mlpol/ OCs were created by defected drawfags. Using Aryanne as a mascot (a Natsoc pone OC from /mlp/) banners and symbols were distributed across the board. Friendship and magic were in full force at this point, as many strived to make /mlpol/ the best board it could possibly be. A stark contrast to the purgatory /pol/ and /mlp/ had now become.
>Dawn, April 3rd - The Midnight Revolution

Suddenly, without warning at midnight server-time, /mlpol/ was permanently frozen. We were in disarray after believing the rumours that the board would stay up. We attempted to rally back on both /pol/ and /mlp/ but these crisis threads were quickly taken down. However, there was just enough time for/mlpol/ discords to be posted. The discords were a hotbed of desperation and resolve as battle plans were quickly drawn up. These discords coordinated the initial protests and gatherings on /qa/. Many of us had paid little attention to this hidden board in the past but it was commonly believed to be where one could get the attention of the mods. Our objective was to demonstrate the groundswell of support for the continued existence of /mlpol/. Within two hours of /mlpol/ being shut, /qa/ had been flooded with over 50 /mlpol/-related threads. This event came to be known as “The Midnight Revolution”.

As the revolt continued into the night, some anons who were aware that /qa/ was not the true domain of the mods, travelled to the 4chan IRC (the mod’s chatroom) to petition for the restoration of /mlpol/. The majority of the mods were asleep at this time (hence why the invasion of /qa/ continued unabated) but the few that were awake sternly rejected our pleas. Their reasoning being that they did not want a second pony board on 4chan. The contempt held by the mods towards both /pol/ and /mlp/ had, once again, reared its ugly head. There appeared to be little hope for /mlpol/ ever being revived on 4chan, though many of us did not realise. Determined, our shitposting storm on /qa/ had only just begun.
>April 3-7th – The /mlpolqa/ War Against 4chan (part 1)

This point in history I am about to relate is difficult to cover as many happenings transpired throughout this period. Countless war stories have already been lost to time due to the sheer number of thread deletions. Only three days into its existence, /mlpol/ was now being baptised in fire. Our initial demonstrations on /qa/ had ruffled the feathers of her inhabitants – the /jp/sies.

Three months prior to April Fools’ /jp/sies had infested /qa/, displacing the natives and creating an elitist otaku culture. Their snobbery had led them to /qa/ – not to use it as a place to petition the mods as we intended – but to create some anime version of /b/. These vermin, battle-hardened by their previous victory over the /qa/ natives, began reporting and sliding our threads and posts. The reason for this opposition was primarily a refusal to understand our plight. Many /jp/sies argued that /mlpol/ was nothing but a joke-board and that we had no established culture as they did. Just as they had dismissed the validity /qa/’s former-culture, they did so wish to use the same subversive tactics on our own people. Ironically, our survival and their eventual extinction proved their claims to be inversed. Never in the history of 4chan had something like this occurred. /pol/ and /mlp/ were two boards said to hate one another. By simply dispelling this myth, we had already demonstrated something else was going on.

By morning, the mods would be upon us, banning peaceful protestors for violating GR15. The continued refusal of /qa/ and the mods to negotiate with us had forced our hand and we declared war. The gloves were now off as all the years of frustration, of injustice and abuse inflicted on us by 4chan came rushing to the fore in a rage of shitposts. /pol/ and /mlp/ had always been held in low-regard simply by our status as containment boards. This was something we had come to accept until now. Now we wanted respect.

The initial mass-bannings by the mods did little to quell resistance as our numbers only multiplied. Word had gotten to our parent boards and wave-after-wave of /mlpol/ loyalists soon joined the fray. Then Hiro, the owner of 4chan himself, retweeted an /mlpol/ emblem. This retweet galvanised us to carry on fighting, believing he was sympathetic to our cause. At this time, many /mlpol/nies wanted to remain on 4chan and were completely against moving offsite. Though the mods had failed us we thought a personal intervention by Hiro could be our salvation. Alas, this never happened.
>April 3-7th – The /mlpolqa/ War Against 4chan (part 2)

/mlpol/ was able to hold its ground and completely dominate the board for two full days (3-4th) despite the heavy opposition up against us. /qa/ was backlogged with threads demanding the reinstatement of /mlpol/, as well as threads taunting the /jp/sies. There were even some /jp/sies who were now admitting defeat and asking for concessions. However, by the 5-7th, as our numbers began to dwindle, the /jp/sies and mods managed to retake parts of the board. The war now entered a stalemate as /mlpol/ was still capable of maintaining a sizeable foothold but could not push out /jp/ entirely. Isolated attempts at dialogue at this point were made between both sides but a truce had now become an impossibility.

One of the most notorious officers fighting us at this time was known as Lee (((Goldson))). Lee, a Canadian NEET who constantly lurks 4chan for the opportunity to tell a pone-poster to kill themselves would become a bitter rival of /mlpol/. In almost every /mlpol/ thread during the war, he would post a screenshot of a TV catalogue that showed MLP airing right after Barney, complemented with the phrase “die Barneyfag!”. He was able to maintain an air of omnipresence due to a computer program, linking 4chan posts to the derpibooru archives. This would notify him whenever any kind of MLP fanart was posted. He also had 6 gorillion proxies so he was unbannable. Truly a giant among men.

On the 6th, mlpol.net was founded and the first advertisements were posted to /qa/. However, the site was still in its infancy and received little attention. As the war raged on, some /mlpol/nies had set up “bunkers” on a series of websites to coordinate and take it easy. Notable meeting points included Endchan, 8chan and /trash/. Many would come to refer to these places the diaspora boards – harkening back to the belief that the /mlpol/ board on 4chan was our true home. However, mlpol.net would become the primary bunker and eventual home of /mlpol/, in a matter of days. This was due to the tireless dedication of the owner and mods residing there, along with the breakdown of relations with 4chan by the end of the war.

On April 7th, one week after the creation of /mlpol/, the mods of 4chan were forced to freeze /qa/. The war had ended with /mlpol/ claiming victory over /qa/ and their /jp/sie overlords. The freeze of /qa/ had demonstrated that the mods could not combat the huge numbers of people fighting in favour of /mlpol/’s existence. The war had become a game of whack-a-mole for the mods – a game they could never win no matter how many resources they dedicated. So, instead of giving back /mlpol/, they chose to pull the plug on yet another board.
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>The fallout of the /qa/ freeze

Following the destruction of /qa/ and high on victory, a small number of /mlpol/nies continued to fight 4chan for several days. The majority of the /jp/sies migrated to [s4s] where they would Jewishly talk of their innocence during the war, spinning the narrative of their victimhood. The irony that the /jp/sies now wanted refugee status on [s4s] after their treatment of us, cannot be understated. This provoked several /mlpol/nies to go rogue and continue hounding them. Most of /mlpol/ however, was against a protracted conflict with 4chan so there were only sporadic clashes within [s4s]. No invasion ever occured.

On the 8th, there was a brief raid on /po/ that lasted less than an hour. /po/ was specifically targeted for her non-existent population. This action also didn’t have popular support and less than ten shitposters took part. The raid consisted of a series of horse-origami threads. It can therefore be argued that the posts technically did not violate the rules of /po/. This raid was motivated by a continued desire to demonstrate our frustration toward the 4chan mods.

As things died down on 4chan, many /mlpol/nies began to consolidate on mlpol.net. This site was run by members of our community which made it an attractive option for settlement. A lot of posters on mlpol.net have since found the place to be much comfier then 4/mlpol/ and have decided to not return to 4chan. As I write this, the number of posters is quite small in comparison to where we started. But with each day, the board’s conditions improve and stragglers find their way here. We may yet achieve the ideals we set out to fulfil on April 2nd.
Hail Celestia.
7062 7102
no tears only glory.jpg
You've done god's work, anon. Do you know what happened to the last history thread? I couldn't find it in the catalog or in the archive.
I screencapped anything of use in the history thread for my research. There were a few useful bits and pieces but nothing substantial. It didnt seem like a detailed chronology was going to come out of it so I tried to put things together myself
Thanks for writing this. It was an enjoyable read. I already feel a bit nostalgic about all this.
Good stuff, saved

Excellent documentation, I am a /pol/ native with heavy initial MLP:FiM experience, banned twice during the war and helped make a few of the memes I see here. You make me proud, keep fighting the good fight.
Awesome job! Saved and capped for later use.
Brings a tear to my eye everytime o7

the other history thread you were looking for is here >>535 →


Thank you for writing this history Summary Australia Anon! This compilation of events will hopefully find its way into some future caps and maybe some future works!
Art Work:
The following piece was made during the hour that Mlpol was frozen
>and nobody bothered to screencap it
You're welcome
Beautiful stuff; great job.
I missed so much of this after the hidden /mlpol/ got frozen; left 4ch altogether for a good couple days & was only on /b/ sporadically when I came back, too much IRL shit happening & I was pretty disheartened to lose /mlpol/. I'll never fucking forget the feeling of April 1st.
first time I've posted on this site, your retelling of history has convinced me to officially stay here. Keep doing this good.
Thank you, you magnificent cunt. I'm glad to be home.
7311 7686 7690 7694
Very well written piece, nice work! Everything you've covered was pretty on the spot.

One thing I didn't see that probably deserves to get covered was /mlpol/'s Operation Market Garden: The Anne/x/.

Shortly after The Midnight Revolution was in full swing and the occupation of /qa/ had already begun, the first official word from a confirmed mod had come in that not only was the board not likely to come back, even if it did /mlpol/ would have to petition the admins since moderators don't have the power to freeze and unfreeze entire boards.

This led to a rift in the young movement between the two major discord groups as to what the best course of action going forward should be. One group advocated a peaceful occupation of /qa/ while trying to diplomatically sway the site staff to see our point of view while the other group thought that the more direct option of raiding other boards and forcing the site staff to give us /mlpol/ back was most effective path forward.

Eventually a group managed to unite the two discords in a compromise: 24 hours would be given to let diplomacy take it's course without raids torpedoing any chance of a peaceful resolution. If we still hadn't been given any official statement after 24 hours it would be clear that the staff were ignoring /mlpol/'s pleas and raiding would be given the green light. The 24 hours came and went and only confirmed what the denizens of 4chan have been saying for years: mods are, indeed, fags.

With the agreed upon deadline rapidly approaching the brave Wehrmacht of /mlpol/ suited up for war. The target would be /x/, as it's a slow board but large enough that the message that /mlpol/ was here to stay would be received loud and clear. It was a sound plan on paper, but little did the freedom fighters of /mlpol/ know, sinister forces were already conspiring behind the scenes to doom the inaugural march of the 1st /mlpol/ Expeditionary Force.

Problems first began to manifest when a good portion of /mlpol/ which looked upon /x/ fondly did not want to raid a board they respected. Ultimately though, the whole operation would be doomed to failure due to one despicable individual: Leakerchan.

Some say Leakerchan's autism burns with the luminosity of a thousand suns, some say he's the incestuous offspring of two gorillas, all we know is that he's a massive faggot.

Unbeknownst to the /mlpol/nies, there was a snek in their midst. The entire operation had been infiltrated and reported to the mods beforehand by a /jp/edo that was fond of the moniker "leakerchan".

The /mlpol/nies marched into /x/ expecting a fight, they received a firing squad.

By this time the mods were already laying in ambush, waiting to mow the unfortunate /mlpol/nies down. Threads were deleted within seconds and the banhammer was brought down with avengeance, my own was a 15 day.

In the end, /mlpol/ would become stronger after it's baptism by fire. Opsec and planning were both greatly improved by the experience and the green members of our community would become tempered in the flames of battle. Even though we may have lost the battle, we would win the war.

Never forget the brave shitposters that gave their lives that day.

Mods to right of them,
Mods to left of them,
Mods in front of them
Reeee'd and raged;
Stormed at with purges and bans,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of hell
Rode the shitposters.
## Scruffy
8-bit aryanne.png
Beautifully written anon! Thank you!
7312 7417 9728
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUjLE_N1Cuc

I wish I was in the land of political-discussion,
Old /pol/ no, I've not forgotten,
Post away! post away! post away! /pol/ny Land.
In /pol/ny land whar' I was born in,
Early on one April mornin',
post away! post away! post away! /pol/ny Land.

Oh I'll shitpost my ponies! Hoo-ray! Hoo-ray!
In /mlpol/ny land, I'll take my stand to live and die for /pol/ny;
Today, today, today I shitpost my ponies,
Today, today, today I shitpost my ponies,

Oh the Masses of nu/pol/ will begin-to-waiver,
When they see that pone poutine-er,
post today! post today! post today! for /pol/ny land.
But when we post our pone around 'er,
/qa/ falls prey to a /jp/ full-counter,
post away! post away! post away! /pol/ny Land.

Oh I'll shitpost my ponies! Hoo-ray! Hoo-ray!
In /pol/ny land, I'll take my stand to live and die for /pol/ny;
Today, today, today I shitpost my ponies,
Today, today, today I shitpost my ponies,

We are as proud as any dreamer,
But that didn't stop that gook deceiver!
Post away! post away! post away! /pol/ny Land.
Oh, Mods acted the foolish part,
And Froze a board that they torn apart,
Post away! post away! post away! /pol/ny Land.

Oh I'll shitpost my ponies! Hoo-ray! Hoo-ray!
In /pol/ny land, I'll take my stand to live and die for /pol/ny;
Today, today, today I shitpost my ponies,
Today, today, today I shitpost my ponies,

Now We don't care if 4chan will miss-us,
We just want those pony pusses!
Post away! post away! post away! /pol/ny Land,
But if you want to drive away your sorrow,
Go and post this song to-morrow,
Post away! post away! post away! /pol/ny Land

Oh I'll shitpost my ponies! Hoo-ray! Hoo-ray!
In /pol/ny land, I'll take my stand to live and die for /pol/ny;
Today, today, today I shitpost my ponies,
Today, today, today I shitpost my ponies,

There's Redpill threads and discussions better,
while ponies make life not as sad or sadder;
like-they-say! like-they-say! like-they-say! the ride never-ends!
now sage the threads made by reddit-tier rabble
To /mlpol/ I'm bound to travel,
like-they-say! like-they-say! like-they-say! the ride never-ends!

Oh I'll shitpost my ponies! Hoo-ray! Hoo-ray!
In /pol/ny land, I'll take my stand to live and die for /pol/ny;
Today, today, today I shitpost my ponies,
Today, today, today I shitpost my ponies,
I hadn't even heard of this failed /x/ raid. Thanks for the history lesson, anon.

Found my home.jpg
First song after the shills where overran.
The 2nd before the freeze…
20170407 - 0312 - (boards.….png
Another little song
Excellent. Now all we need is someone competent to sing it.
Reminded me of reworked caffeteria song I made lyrics for:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxotxP8sP44 [Embed]

Hey, hey, everybody
We've got something to say
We may seem as different
As the night is from day
But you look a little deeper
And you will see
That I'm just like you
And you're just like me.
Hey, hey, everybody
We're here to shout
That the magic of autism
Is what it's all about
We thought we were different
As the night is from the day
Until Adolf Hitler
Helped us see another way
So get up get down
If you're gonna come around
We can work together
Helping /pol/ winning the meme-war
So get up get down
'Cause it's gonna make a sound
If we work together
Helping /pol/ winning the meme-war

Hey, hey hands up now,
We're sending a message
To the boards
Hands wave up
Then come down
We party together
All around

An-cap, tax-free world
Laughter, kindness, loyalty

Adolf helped us each to see

All that we can be!

So get up get down
If you're gonna come around
We can work together
Helping /pol/ save the world from the kikes
So get up get down
'Cause it's gonna make a sound
If we work together
Helping /pol/ winning the meme-war!

I'm gonna be myself
No matter what I do
And if we're different yeah
I want you to be true to you
If you follow me
We'll put our differences aside
We'll stick together and
Start working on that white race pride!

Jump up make a sound (Heil!)
Sieg Heil, turn around
Start now, make a change,
Gonna come around
Sieg Heil make a sound (Heil!)
Stomp your hooves turn around
/mlp/ and /pol/ combined
Help them win the war!
Sieg Heil make a sound (Heil!)
Raise your fist, turn around
Start now, make a change,
Gonna come around
Jump up make a sound (Heil!)
Stomp your hooves turn around
Help them win the war!
Jump up make a sound (Heil!)
Raise your hand, turn around
Start now, make a change,
Gonna come around
Jump up make a sound (Hey!)
Raise your hand, turn around
Raise this board. Raise this board.
One, two, three, four.
Together, we can raise this board.
One, two, three, four.

Up, up, up. Go the threads.
Hammer those shills, work in teams.
Turn 'em round quick with horsepussy.
Grab a new partner, here we go.

Come on /mlpol/!
Let's get to it. Whee-whoo!

Raise this board. Raise this board.
One, two, three, four.
Together, we can raise this board.
One, two, three, four.

Finish the site, recycling memes.
Working hard, you're doing good.
Turn 'em round quickly with horsepussy.
Grab a new partner, here we go.


Raise this board. Raise this board.
One, two, three, four.
Together, we can raise this board.
One, two, three, four.

Slats of memes come off the ground.
Hold 'em up and nail 'em down.
Turn 'em round quick with horsepussy.
Grab a new partner, here we go.
Come on, /mlpol/. Get 'er done.
Look at us, we're family.
Working together thankfully.
We Anons. We are proud to say.

>mlp and pol

Stick together the /mlpol/ way.

Bow to your work, circle right.
Get down if you're scared of bantz.
Forward, back, and shitpost around.
The Site's gonna be the best in town.

Yee-haw! Attaponelacks.
Alright! Let's get to it!

Raise this board. Raise this board.
One, two, three, four.
Together, we can raise this board.
One, two, three, four.

Take your memes, young and old.
Together, paint it bright and bold.
Turn 'em round quickly with horse pussy.
Grab a new partner, here we go.

*Hitler fiddle / violin instrumental break*

(We raised this board - 2x). Yes, we did.
Together, we sure raised this board. Yes, we did.

Being together counts the most.
We all came here from coast to coast.
All we need to strive to be, is part of the /mlpol/ family!
Author here,
Thank you for writing this.
I recall now that there were rumours of some raid on /x/ while we were fighting in the war but the person who posted it believed it to be /jp/ trying to frame us.
I've already screepcapped what you've said and intend to hold onto it for later editions of this text.
I intend to record all future happenings and hopefully, one year from now on the anniversary of the revolution, I will be able to post an updated piece with everything that has/will happen.
Oh, but just to confirm - this failed raid happened on the 4th, correct?
I've never heard of the failed /x/ raid. Can we get confirmation?
7697 7887
I checked /x/ myself on the same day it supposedly happened after reading what a few said on /qa/. Just cant remember the day…
However, if any threads were there, the mods had purged them almost immediately.
7699 7887
I definitely remember one of teh /jp/sies on s4s telling me that the mlpol members thought their discord was secret but it wasn't. If we lost a number of posters in a failed raid on /x/ then how did we have enough posters to sustain the attack on /qa/?
Friendship, magic and autism.
Even though they knew exactly what we were doing, there were just too many of us to counter in /qa/
It's probably worth mentioning the information I gained from the /jp/sies about /qa/. The /jp/sie claimed to be in his (her?) 30s and had been on internet boards for a while. He was on /jp/ for a while before coming to /qa/, and settled into /qa/ allegedly 2 years ago. He claimed that the number of /qa/ users was small. The ice fairies, who tried to diffuse the situation, tried to say help mlpol. The ice fairies were allowed their artwork on /jp/ (or was it /a/?) so they didn't have anything to lose. The /jp/sie himself claimed that he was largely responsible for the thread bumping. He claimed that they were trying to push mlpol off to "maintain board solidarity," or a pony and politics free board. He did not think any sort of coexistence would have been possible, in no small part because the shills and other /pol/ horrors would have followed us to /qa/. It seems that the number of other extremely active /jp/ users was tiny, maybe three or so. He wrote the attached "history of /qa/." A /jp/sie, I don't which one, visited the mlpol .net 4 times, apparently using a variable IP as it showed a different country every time
I read this piece before. Yes, well the /jp/sies may interpret history as they wish. Perhaps it was wrong of us to shit up their board due to the mod's treatment of us. But it can be said that they were misusing that board in the first place. They made enemies of us by trying to push us out even though we were refugees. We werent the same people who were raiding their board in the past - we were the old guard. I mean, we're /mlpol/ was made for positive reasons. But they can apply past-injustices to us even though basically 60% of /pol/ is reddit.

Anyway, the war is over now and if /qa/ is ever restored, I'm sure the vast majority of us will fight them again. We wanted a home and now we have it. It's just a shame they provoked a war - but hey, a lot of people on 4chan have an anti-containment board prejudice. We aren't the monsters they wish us to be
*will not fight them again.
7888 7967
My memories fuzzy of those days since everything happened in such a blur but I believe it happened at roughly around 01:00 GMT on the 4th. The only place I can think of to get more information on it would be from archived /qa/ threads from around that time but that's just going to be biased information from /jp/.

It wasn't a huge group that took part in the raid after support started dropping, probably around 20 people. Most of us that did take part knew how to ban evade as well.
Don't worry, friend.
The doucment has been updated. The sacrifice of you and your comrades will not be forgotten.
There's no information out on /qa/ when I checked but I believe your story as I specifically recall something happening on /x/.
Next time a happening occurs that warrants a new edition of /mlpol/'s history to be released, you will find the Anne/x/ featured in the piece.
Triple Aryanne fly.png


also heres an archive link to one of the source threads: hxxp:://archive.is/uKhEb
If the /jp/sies really did set up a trap for /pol/nies not even going to /qa/ then I have even less sympathy for them
Glimmer boop.png

Make sure you keep archiving this.
We're on top of securing historical heritage. Everything is backed up and is constantly being improved upon as new developments occur.
Not much of a necessity to keep this thread around.

Our flag is proudly floating on the land and on the mane,
Post, post the battle cry of Freedom!
Beneath it oft we've conquered, and we'll conquer oft again!
Post, post the battle cry of Freedom!

Our /pol/ny forever! She's never at a loss!
Down with the frog and up with the horse
We'll rally 'round the /pol/ny flag, we'll rally once again,
Post, post the battle cry of Freedom!

Our gallant boys have marched to the shitting of the posts.
Shout, shout the battle cry of Freedom!
And the raiders in charge cry out, "Come, lads, come!"
Post, post the battle cry of Freedom!

They have laid down their lives on the bloody battle board.
Post, post the battle cry of Freedom!
Their motto is resistance – "To the mods never yield!"
Post, post the battle cry of Freedom!
raid bump
14369 15430
>We may yet achieve the ideals we set out to fulfil on April 2nd.
It'll take a while… we currently have about 800 unique ID's, according to the homepage. But to really gain enough users to achieve what was accomplished on April Fools, we'll probably need 100,000+ users. The site is only about 2 weeks old though, so it's possible if we can improve on our current rate of new users. 4chan didn't really gain a large community until late 2004, over a year after it was founded.
We've got a very long ways to go. I think the general desire to be secretive in the first two weeks did a lot of harm, and resulted in missed opportunities for new members
Can we move this tread over to Golden Oaks?
No need, this history is out-of-date. I'm holding back to see if anything new happens in the next few days but if not an updated edition will be released May 1st to commemorate the anniversary of /mlpol/.
Aryanne Globe Hug.png
There are a lot of contributing factors toward decreased participation, not all of which are bad. I personally am working 60 hour weeks expressly so I can furnish a sufficient PC to b able to lend a hoof.
Take heart, what has been built seems solid, even if it seems more modest then envisioned
D'aww. But we still need to focus on getting more users and keeping the ones we have active. I don't like seeing this board almost dead
By reading back on this thread and reflecting on recent events, I feel as if there are two sides to this board.
We have a lot of energy to create and a lot of energy to destroy.
Maybe due to us coming from two different boards?
Neither can be done simultaneously.
Traffic is always going to be low here while we're shitting up another board.
Conversation the past few days has been stifled with a lot of raid-talk.
I'm not saying we shouldn't raid, it was fun.
Just that /mlpol/ has two natures that need to be sated.
Hopefully in a few days people will get bored and come back to mlpol.net so we can build again for a time.
15447 15451 15480
>energy to create and to destroy
/pol/'s greatest creations have come when it put the power of its autism to playing capture the flag with Shia Labuef and in doxxing Antifa. Even on this board, so much of our OC has been created for the purpose of the raids and evading bans. It brings out the creative energy
>neither can be done simultaneously
just have one tab open on 4chan and one tab open on this board, and engage in the one while the other is in a lull
>Traffic is always going to be low while we're shitting up another board
Why? It gives people something to talk about and do when they come to this board
>Conversation these past few days has been stifled with a lot of raid talk
Are you kidding me? It's been peaking up with raid talk. Much f the conversation IS raid talk

One of the /jp/sies, when I got him in conversation on s4s, told me that /pol/ is an activist culture, constantly needing to crusade. Was he wrong?
No, I don't think he was. Most of /pol/ consisted of ex/b/tards and /b/ definitely had a raiding culture.
15456 15458 15480
Perhaps I didn't word my post correctly.
Yes, many of the best OCs have come out of raiding and there is no denying that.
The need to destroy fuels our desire to create.
It's a symbiotic relationship.
That's why I think raiding is still needed.
When I say neither can be done simultaneously because raid talk has drowned out basically everything else on the board for the past few days.
A board that only caters to raid logistics can still get dry after a time.

And the /jp/sie was not wrong about /pol/.
It is a culture of crusading.
And that can wear someone down after a time.
I still recall many /pol/acks expressing how the pones had helped them feel emotions they had long since forgotten back on April 1st.
However, I cannot speak for everyone.
These were just my own observations.
I'm sorry I misunderstood you.

I think this board needs basically everything all at once. People talking about raiding 4chan, people talking about political happenings, people trying to battle antifa, people talking about my little pony, and people making art for every purpose. That's not really possible with few users. I think that maybe we should rekindle our /pol/ fishing efforts, trying to raid /pol/ to get more users. We also need to recreate the Aryanne thread on /mlp/ - that was very effecting at spreading knowledge of this site.
palindrome checked. Also I agree to a point, except I find that while the board doesn't exclusively consist of raid/counter-raid culture, it does largely so, and who's to argue? The first hours of /mlpol/ was a raid from all sides, even internally!
Still, I agree that such can dry over time and consideration should be paid to avoid growing stale, I am quick to temper that by suggesting that an 'omenous, ever-present threat of a surprise raid by /mlpol/' may be precisely the publicity necessary to further establish the board's presence.
Tl;dr bring on the salty tears
/jp/ has made it clear that they are up for a few more rounds of raiding. I say let's play with them. What do you think of fishing on /pol/? I think that could help build our board, even though it would be much harder than the unmoderated /qa/ board
15487 17252
Definitely agree with both of your points. This raid was a bit different than the original /qa/ raid though. This one wasn't organized, and a few people went ahead and started it for the lolz. Others, myself included, followed suit for old times sake. While the raid has been at least somewhat successful, in my opinion it should have been organized. Had it been organized, our actions on /s4s/ would have lead to /qa/ being unfrozen sooner (I believe the mods unfroze /qa/ to subvert us from /s4s/) and /qa/ would have been crashed much much harder if we had more people helping. If refreezing /qa/ was our goal, or at least inhabiting it on a long term basis to gain recognition on 4chan, then an organized raid would have been more efficient by saving time and energy, while crashing the board faster.

This would have been a win win situation if we try harded on our raid instead of half-assing it. I'm not saying anyone is at fault for starting it, but in the future we should have more of a clear objective in mind if we want to actually get things accomplished via raiding, while STILL HAVING ENOUGH ENERGY LEFT OVER TO POST ON MLPOL.NET!
Also this.

imo our energy would be better spent recruiting/fishing for the time being.
I agree. We need to take all efforts to be as organized, coordinated, and cohesive as /jp/ thinks were are. If we can do that, then we can do serious damage
History is important
I've been an enthusiastic participant in the recent raids, and I'm honestly inclined to agree with you. /qa/ is basically a murky river of shit right now, thanks in no small part to our efforts, but it's a little hard to claim victory since I think at this point the raid has neither cohesion nor an objective. At this point the board isn't likely to get frozen, it's just going to continue being a murky river of shit, and if our people keep wading in it long enough they're going to get demoralized. The handful of people posting ponies or horses or Denver Broncos memes are able to be singled out and banned easily, so people are just generally shitposting and making fun of weebs and baiting GR15 guy. While this is definitely funny, there's really no point in raiding a board if nobody knows it's us. Plus there's the issue of traffic here slowing down because everyone is on /qa/ posting garbage, which ultimately makes no sense. All we're doing right now is making a shitty board even shittier.

I think we should call a halt to the raiding for now and regroup, focus on fishing trips and plan something cohesive for the next volley of shit we throw at 4chan.
## Admin
I'm inclined to agree here. Fishing should take priority over raiding.

But still keep some presence on /qa/, wouldn't want the teenbros to get too comfortable in their shitriver
>wouldn't want the teenbros to get too comfortable in their shitriver

Definitely not. Part of it for me though is I'm just getting a little worn out and could do with a break. I took a special trip today just to use public internet to raid /qa/, and then I got home and realized I did basically nothing but shitpost for an entire day, and I've had more than a few of those days lately. I'm seeing captchas in my sleep. I think I need to take a little me time, play some video games, maybe actually get some work done. Stick to posting here until we have a definite agenda and something resembling organization for the next big raid.