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Castle Wolfenstein = Official Mlpol hideout
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If you guys don't know what Wolfenstein is either you are way too young or way too old. With that said, if Mlpol had a hideout spot, what would it be? I think Castle Wolfenstein fits best because (1) looks cool (2) impenetrable awesome fortress with giant robot dogs and (3) funny mustache man.

With that said, if you were in Castle Wolfenstein (oh and you can be a pony) what job would you have in the Castle? Soldier? Scientist? What kind? A leader? Top researcher? Lmk. I think me being a physicist and paranormality researcher would fit me best, because (and I am serious) I actually believe telepathy, telekinesis, people able to do miracles, and all of that shit, is real. I also believe we're in the mind of God as well, while also having a profound interest in the nature of modern physics and its relationship to theistic idealism.

Lmk what you guys would be. Oh and you can be a pony too.
Or you're just old enough to have been going into high school when the original came out for the 386. One assumes that the role of Fuhrer is out of the question? Seriously though, paranormal/occult is likewise my most contributable set of skills, other than chef. Dear god, a castle-sized kitchen tho.
In any case, I agree with your position on telepathy, telekinesis, spontaneous healing, etc. In many cases, I can summarize how to do them if you're interested, though first and foremost you must always exercise caution when doing so, and it should only be done as a 'last resort', in the same sense that a Jedi is not to use the force for frivolous ends.
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I'm actually pretty surprised to meet someone here who also believes in the paranormal. My journey to believing in that is a combination of my journey into believing in monistic idealism, and the implications of quantum mechanics which support a non-dualist reality. The mental can affect the mental, therefore it is theoretically possible to do shit here in this universe like we're in the matrix. And the plethora of mystical phenomena, such as miracles, whether they be Christian or not, are a strong cornerstone anomaly to the naturalist or physicalist.

>Seriously though, paranormal/occult is likewise my most contributable set of skills, other than chef. Dear god, a castle-sized kitchen tho.

Lol, castle sized kitchen. I didnt think of that, thats lit. Yeah, I'm more of a physics guy than anything. So I'm not your dude who would go adventuring off to find the lost ark of the covenant, but more like your guy who says "hey spooky shit is real" and continue doing my math stuff, making robot dogs maybe idk. I think its cool you will be a part of the paranormality group, since I relate to it. Congratulations, youre part of the paranormal SS division.

>In many cases, I can summarize how to do them if you're interested, though first and foremost you must always exercise caution when doing so, and it should only be done as a 'last resort', in the same sense that a Jedi is not to use the force for frivolous ends.

I already know how to do it. Though I have never done it nor any miracles in existence. And I am very careful with working with them if I do so. I do not believe it is ethical for me to work with these things, in pursuing some spooky or evil shit. I believe we can only do miracles for the benefit of Telos (rejuvenating reality to perfection through Godly ethic) and must do so, or strive forward to it. In fact I have a story to share.

I have a friend of mine named Johanan Raatz (public information, he has a youtube channel check him out) who is a physicist, and he had a friend who was an atheist naturalist, and talked to him a lot about this spooky paranormal shit. The thing is, this atheist guy walked away convinced its real, but somehow not convinced God exists. Johanan told him to not do spooky or weird shit with this "magic" (its just physics) stuff. A few years later, he called Johanan.

"Uhhhh hey Johanan. Yeah, I need your help."

Turns out, he did something really fucked up, I dont know what it is, but one night he randomly felt cold hands on his body. You can imagine he freaked out he was when he first felt it. In his room, he encountered a demon that did telepathy with him, saying "believe in me doing this for you, to get you across that locked door." And the guy believed, and he like teleported through the door. Its some really weird shit. I think hes still an atheist today, but he encountered really really freaky stuff. The the lazy naturalist mf would just say "oh that nigga just made ts up." Shut the fuck up and just drink your soylent.

But hey its really neat meeting someone likeminded. Im pursuing my studies in physics, because I believe God is calling me to that. My main prior was Biblical studies, but I kind put it aside though I still have an interest for it. Mainly because you don't need to go to college to master Biblical studies, it's like one of the most useless degrees you can get, unless you want to get a tatoo that says "PHD" like a loser. I like physics because (1) cool shit like this (2) I can do something innovative with it. And I like that dream because I desire to pursue an altruistic life, which is the life of God.
My uh,... pursuit of the occult and metaphysics was unconventional to say the least, having grown up an atheist myself, but at a certain point the existence of God became undeniable, and that he had led me down a path of comprehension, without invalidating my developing relationship.
The ability to perform feats and miracles is SUPPOSED to be limited to 'need', and I concur with the assessment that he had really fucked up. Never perform 'magic' that you don't comprehend especially if you don't have trust/rapport with the entity sharing the information, but the ability is a function of our individual sovereignty that is at the core of the lesson of the 33rd degree of Masonry - the right of refusal with a threat of force.
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>especially if you don't have trust/rapport with the entity sharing the information

Yeah and like the other thing is that we shouldn't actually coerce with these angelic/demonic spirits. The reason is because the only reason we would, is due to us being lazy or ignorant on how to do shit ourselves. We can do anything, they are not extra special beings. They are literally us, just not human. No seriously, what's the difference with us and these spirits? The only difference is that they're interdimensional.

>but the ability is a function of our individual sovereignty

>that is at the core of the lesson of the 33rd degree of Masonry
I do not fuck with Freemasons, they are really spooky. I am pretty sure they do evil shit, they're like the sith. But they're like the most absolute boomer club in existence. For Gods sake, freemasons arent the concern anymore. It's ((them)). ((Theyre)) using weird occult shit to remain in power. Maybe, who knows. I have another story to share.

My friend Johanan is friends with two other guys, a married couple, named Ethan and Olivia Palmer, who published a book called the Quantum Hermetica. Despite it being 94 pages of content, they cite a whopping 172 scientific sources, on the relationship of quantum mechanics, and ancient hermeticism. Basically, the ancient hermetical ideas, got cutting edge physics facts right somehow, but probably just from their own philosophy. Sorry, Da' at Yichud from Wolfenstein is probably not real.
However, one day, the Palmers have a friend, who got a death threat. This guy told this friend of the Palmers, to tell the Palmers to stop publishing this shit, or else its lights out. After this encounter, the friends phone logs were completely wiped. This gave Johanan and the Palmers a clue. The only way you can do that, is through a spyware program called Pegasus Software. Pegasus is not accessible to civilians, akin to bazookas and nukes. So somebody in deep state did NOT want the public to know more about this information. Pegasus software is CIA shit. Check out the Quantum Hermetica book, its goated. I would not be surprised if I am being watched by the CIA. I'm not a schizo, lets be real. Two random people who wrote a book on the quantum hermetica got a death threat from deep state to cease preaching about this material. Hm. I wonder why. Oh Idk, probably because ITS REAL.

But yeah, never do spooky or evil shit with magic. Be like the apostles, do things that pursue the defeat of evils.

P.S. Would you be a pony in Castle Wolfenstein or only a human. Or something else?
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>I don't fuck with Masons
Nor should you, the oaths they make you swear are atrocious. Luckily the masonic ritual is available in most local libraries. ^_~
>evil shit
Many of them do, without question, and those who don't are unfortunately oath-bound to neither snitch or interfere. The God/Goddess of wisdom manifests in many forms, from Moloch to Athena depending on the practitioner.
>we shouldn't coerce angels and infernals (and djinn)
Excepting cases where the entity is acting in an unauthorized predatory manner (usually at the behest of a malevolent practitioner), I agree; having said, they can be bartered with in a parlay sort of capacity.
>quantum hermetica
Added to the to-do list, and I appreciate what you're saying. The kybalion remains one of my favorite books on the subject, and the (I think) seven rules of reality allude to what you're describing.
And to your last question, I would be a bat.
Also, quick follow-up. If you can somehow get your handson a copy of the masonic bible, toward the back is a series of wordless pictures that depict the crafting of Solomon's temple. Spoiler alert, they had a method of making stone malleable
Another quick follow up
As long as there have been prophets and teachers, there have been agencies and organizations who have worked to shut that shit down with the quickness. Humanity is intended by the powerful to be ignorant and asleep, if not then the powerful would lose their power.

Oh! And as a physics pursuer, heres something they DON'T teach at university.
The common atomic model - protons, neutrons, and electrons is WRONG. It isn't 3 particles, it's 2 particals in 3 levels of magnetic orbit. The 'neutron' is actually the pairing of a proton and electron. You can observe this using equal strength magnets. Moreover, the physical body only SEEMS physical. We are gaining and losing atoms constantly; atoms pass through us like a membrane.
>Neutrons are paired electrons and protons
Anon, they taught that in high school. It's short hand to keep the atomic structure simple for the masses. As proton and electrons are togther in atoms might as well make it a short hand.
>Atoms are mostly empty space
Yes congrats.
Those fucks slobbering over a child brutalizing being are sick.
(((They))) do similar. Proclaimed reasons have variation, but it's as always a cover for evil.
Keep in mind those fucking shit up arn't limited to just those groups. There's extensive threads on the subjects.
My short hand take on it is they all fall under the same evil spreading umbrella of evil being(s). IE evil tries putting evil in higher and higher positions to spread evil, if there's none there either corrupt or remove.
>Bartered with
Go Rip and Tear until it's done.
I would suggest trusting in the blood of God made Man as remediation for all evils, thereby having the most powerful be in and with you.
This means being born again from the most high, berserking on evil spiritual forces means they run before even reaching them.
Also also /vx/ has some stuff.
Sounds about right for their MO. Other youtuber Bear Heart had multiple similar events including being invited to those groups.
Funnily enough the methods to deal with them is similar is to ruin their day. Considering he's a strongman the physical harassment didn't go well for the peons.
Though it's better to be with the highest power and do good unto evil and provide freedom to the chained.
I suggest not taking vengeance into one's own hands for there is one who is far more competent and rightous that desires to do so. Giving more than enough rope yet also a way to step back.
His gifts are prefect, even if those demand scorpions consistently.
Oh look, the kindergarten table decided to try and join the adult conversation.
>they taught that in High School
Not when I was in high school. I had to hear about it from a half-crazy Luziferino type named the late Larry Spring.
>Atoms are mostly empty space
Not what I said. Most people think "I have all these atoms. These are my atoms of my body."
In reality, humans are more like a fence with atoms passing freely through.
Anon, put simply your take is shit, and this is why your type is unable to conduct any sort of business with infernals and other entities. Look at Trump: You can't make a deal by talking shit about the other party and then show up and say "Greeting, I have need for this, and my opening offer is that."
Why would I "rip and tear"? Devils do much better business than angels. Demons will attempt to break the contract (its amusing when they do) and Djinn will try and do that 'subjective interpretation' thing where they ironically twist the meaning of a poorly negotiated bargain.
>I would suggest
To no one's request
To be even more specific, it isn't the atoms that are passing freely, it's the electrons outside the paired layer.

This is integral to the use and affecting of energy in any given metaphysical endeavor, and knowing this to the point that you can guide your mind to feel it has profound intensity
>what job would you have in the Castle?
fuck toy for the wolfenstein girls
>not ponies
You know theres robots right? We can make a robot janitor, we don't need ponies or people doing that
Bro exactly. We're all gonna live in Castle Wolfenstein, and we're all gonna be ponies or some kind of animal, and we are all gonna be racist and not racist at the same time :aryanne: its gonna be so lit