>>382240I'm actually pretty surprised to meet someone here who also believes in the paranormal. My journey to believing in that is a combination of my journey into believing in monistic idealism, and the implications of quantum mechanics which support a non-dualist reality. The mental can affect the mental, therefore it is theoretically possible to do shit here in this universe like we're in the matrix. And the plethora of mystical phenomena, such as miracles, whether they be Christian or not, are a strong cornerstone anomaly to the naturalist or physicalist.
>Seriously though, paranormal/occult is likewise my most contributable set of skills, other than chef. Dear god, a castle-sized kitchen tho.Lol, castle sized kitchen. I didnt think of that, thats lit. Yeah, I'm more of a physics guy than anything. So I'm not your dude who would go adventuring off to find the lost ark of the covenant, but more like your guy who says "hey spooky shit is real" and continue doing my math stuff, making robot dogs maybe idk. I think its cool you will be a part of the paranormality group, since I relate to it. Congratulations, youre part of the paranormal SS division.
>In many cases, I can summarize how to do them if you're interested, though first and foremost you must always exercise caution when doing so, and it should only be done as a 'last resort', in the same sense that a Jedi is not to use the force for frivolous ends.I already know how to do it. Though I have never done it nor any miracles in existence. And I am very careful with working with them if I do so. I do not believe it is ethical for me to work with these things, in pursuing some spooky or evil shit. I believe we can only do miracles for the benefit of Telos (rejuvenating reality to perfection through Godly ethic) and must do so, or strive forward to it. In fact I have a story to share.
I have a friend of mine named Johanan Raatz (public information, he has a youtube channel check him out) who is a physicist, and he had a friend who was an atheist naturalist, and talked to him a lot about this spooky paranormal shit. The thing is, this atheist guy walked away convinced its real, but somehow not convinced God exists. Johanan told him to not do spooky or weird shit with this "magic" (its just physics) stuff. A few years later, he called Johanan.
"Uhhhh hey Johanan. Yeah, I need your help."
Turns out, he did something really fucked up, I dont know what it is, but one night he randomly felt cold hands on his body. You can imagine he freaked out he was when he first felt it. In his room, he encountered a demon that did telepathy with him, saying "believe in me doing this for you, to get you across that locked door." And the guy believed, and he like teleported through the door. Its some really weird shit. I think hes still an atheist today, but he encountered really really freaky stuff. The the lazy naturalist mf would just say "oh that nigga just made ts up." Shut the fuck up and just drink your soylent.
But hey its really neat meeting someone likeminded. Im pursuing my studies in physics, because I believe God is calling me to that. My main prior was Biblical studies, but I kind put it aside though I still have an interest for it. Mainly because you don't need to go to college to master Biblical studies, it's like one of the most useless degrees you can get, unless you want to get a tatoo that says "PHD" like a loser. I like physics because (1) cool shit like this (2) I can do something innovative with it. And I like that dream because I desire to pursue an altruistic life, which is the life of God.