>>381599>There won't be a Russian ground force in four monthIt is in the Russian press the formation of 14 new army divisions right now, the public statement of their purpose is: "just in case NATO has some funky ideas".
>Its economy can't afford butter or cheese let alone advanced weaponryThere were and are plenty of videos along the past years till today showing ruskie supermarkets fully stocked and people buying normally.
In weaponry the thing got ugly hairy. America lost the arms race and most of her stockpiles and hardware are obsolete and not able to perform in the XXI century battlefield. It gets worst, the American army is designed to be an expeditionary force with prospects of short term engagements against rag-tag armies and not at all to confront a peer or over-peer adversary prepared for continental warfare. And the ultimate kiss of death for NATO is that their industries are unable to produce enough weapons to supply the battlefield even in the middle term.
So, it is Russia who dictates the terms of capitulation to Ukraine and the demands for NATO to meet for a lasting peace.
>and lost it over 25+ military alliesThey are midget armies, for a sample look at the UK, which in case of actual war won't be able to mobilize even a small brigade to Ukraine, it lacks experience, it lacks weapons, but the most critical thing, it lacks logistics to move, let alone, to support the troops.
>picIt looks like the kike is really butthurt and as usual, lies non-stop.
>>381601>RUSSIA STRONKComing up on year four of that "special military operation" that was only supposed to take 48 hours, I am duly impressed, and I am absolutely certain that these "fourteen new army divisions" will exist in reality and not merely on paper. I am, additionally, absolutely certain that the money for them has not already been stolen by one of Putin's cronies. I am suitably impressed, yes.
>>381662Care to sauce any of your confidence?
>>381662>"special military operation"That's right, the dismantling of the ukro electric grid didn't start till 2024, the water supply never was touched, the gas flow to Europe was always on, the bridges are still standing. And in case of a "real" war, you can be sure that a lot of army divisions springing from Belarus would be already in Berlin and on their way to Paris.
>that was only supposed to take 48 hoursAccording to who? The western judenpresse perhaps?
>and I am absolutely certain that these "fourteen new army divisions" will exist in reality and not merely on paper.Ahem. May you be so gentle to browse the ruskie net and find out about recruiting offices in the ruskie federation? A hint, each Oblast (aka State) is competing with each other to get the most men, you see, it is all about da money the Kremlim is pumping non-stop and the bureaucrats are crazy to get as much as possible. On the other hand, a recruit is getting huge signing on bonuses and a generous pay so big as the equivalent of 12 trucker monthly salaries, of course plus bonuses for kilometer conquered and vehicles destroyed, which results in thousand of veterans re-heating the economy with huge quantities of cash. But, don't believe me, go and look for yourself.
>>381662Here is a Slav goy describing what is going on about recruitment:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq_Qq0tlGjQ [Embed]Content:
0:00 Introduction
4:57 (2022) Russia struggling with manpower
7:40 (2023-2024) Russian Army grows massively
9:27 Russia's new recruitment strategy
10:16 Monthly Salary
13:07 Special allowances
13:49 Enlistment bonus
18:59 Bypassing corruption & other benefits
22:05 What recruiters don't tell volunteers
24:02 Bounty System
28:02 Conclusion -- is this recruitment rate sustainable?
>>381665Are the "new divisions" using the same rusted-out seventy-year-old "turtle tanks" with garden sheds built on top of turrets that are so corroded they can't rotate? Or were they supposed to get the equipment the Russians just left behind in Syria when they were defeated, their hated puppet regime collapsed, and they had to flee?
The rest of the world will stop laughing and start taking you seriously any year now. Putin will unleash all the SeCrEt WeApOnS he has hidden away, yes. I am sure they are equally impressive.
Give Glavset their money back. You're not very good at this. Of course you don't have much to work with, either.
>>381671How are people like you even still a thing? I thought Elon cut your funding.
>>381683Some of us are here to speak truth to power. I know it comes as a shock to Glavset trolls who get paid by the post, but not everyone is here for money.
When do you suppose we'll reach the one-million-dead-Russian-conscripts mark? I think that's coming well before summer at this rate.
Oh, and the whole world also now knows exactly how many troops the Russian economy can feed and sustain in the field. Remember Prigozhin's "thunder run" to Moscow? Every swinging dick the Russians can feed and hand a rusty 120-year-old Mosin-Nagant, five corroded cartridges, and a can of dog food is already in a muddy trench in Ukraine. Even begging Iran and North Korea for help is not enough. Russia is already bankrupt and on the verge of collapse. Putin's sudden willingness to negotiate should also tell you how badly things are going for them.
Some of us are starting to consider what this tells us about other Russian capabilities, like the nuclear arsenal that probably never existed except on paper. Chinese maps still show almost all Russian territory east of the Urals as part of China. We're not the only ones noticing. Of course I don't think the Chinese are any better at this war stuff than Russians are, so if they decide to take it tomorrow morning it'll be another grand guignol shitshow for the world to point and laugh at.
I find it odd that anyone would post foreign propaganda on a Right-leaning site like this in the first place. The Ukrainians are White Christian folk like us, fighting for blood and soil against the invader. Surely this is heroic and worthy of admiration and support.
>>381685>Some of us are here to speak truth to power.This is a common libshit catchphrase, which supports the argument that you're an outside shill. Also: what power are you speaking truth to? Thought Russia was too weak and incompetent to be powerful.
>I find it odd that anyone would post foreign propaganda on a Right-leaning site like this in the first place.I find it odd that you immediately leap to the conclusion that anyone who even remotely disagrees with you is automatically posting "foreign propaganda." This accusation and the way you're posturing also points to your being an offboarder shill. That idiotic glownigger-funded NAFO shilling campaign uses the same kind of rhetoric and combative posting style, I've seen it many times.
>The Ukrainians are White Christian folk like us, fighting for blood and soil against the invader.From what I understand, Ukraine is one of those countries like Yugoslavia or Czechoslavakia that was created in a treaty, is comprised of multiple ethnicities, and has no real national identity of its own. In other words, a liberal globohomo state made up of different types of Slav, some of them Russian, and the territory being disputed belongs mainly to the Russian portion. So in other words, this war is a minor squabble between two Slav factions and its outcome has little significance for anyone from outside that region.
Anyway, I really have no dog in the fight here, so you can probably tone it down. I honestly don't give a ten gallon shit who ends up controlling the Donbas and the Lutefisk and whatever other insignificant regions of the world's unwashed butthole Russia and Ukraine are currently fighting to the death over. If I had to pick a side I'd probably take Russia just as the obvious lesser evil; literally every globalist is shilling for Ukraine right now. Apart from that though I really don't care.
>>381685All right, allow me to foretell the immediate future in a few sentences describing an hypothetical peace-deal which is nothing new, Mr. Putin has been saying it all along from 1991.
1- No NATO for Ukraine
2- No EU for Ukraine
3- What is left remaining of the former Ukraine will be allowed to exist only as an agrarian country with a small police force
4- Dismantling of the anti-missile bases in Romania and Poland
5- Retreat of NATO to the German border
>>381685>I find it odd that anyone would post foreign propaganda on a Right-leaning site like this in the first place.Then take it from the domestic European propaganda. Globohomo is known for its outrageous lies but when it is about to enforce the globalist line, then the naked truth is spelled.
It looks like the 14 Russian divisions might be handy after all.
>>381685>Surely this is heroic and worthy of admiration and support.No. I firmly oppose giving gibs to foreigners. They are not my problem.
>>381711This. Appreciating the situation in the US is very contrively fucked, can we stop giving money to people who don't deserve it? It would be a big start.
Meanwhile, fiber-optic Russian drones pay a visit to the city of Kharkov. Civilians wave their hands.
>Globohomo's lies
They are not stupid as they pretend to be, but they follow a script to sabotage the West as most of (((their))) tangible assets are now in Asia.
This clip for sure will be preserved for posterity.
>>381685>The Ukrainians are White Christian folk like us, fighting for blood and soil against the invader.They are fighting their Russian brothers at the behest of Jews like Larry "The Rat" Fink. Fink, Soros, and other Jews basically own Ukraine now, and attempted to use it as a bulwark to break up Russia for their own greed and avarice. It really is a tragedy what's happened to Ukraine. Ukraine had some really good people, and had they gone after their American puppets in Kiev, instead of worrying about muh Russians, things might have been different.
Of course, you're a USAIDS shill, so none of this will process in your brain. You will continue to read from your script.
>>381685Cope harder, fed.
Your kind will be eradicated.
This is not a computer game and Russians are not taking NATO prisoners.
I always forget that blackrock is swooping in buying up ukrainian wartorn land. Honestly, it's probably in the interest of everyone if that land goes to either russia or america. Countries using land are a cointoss but corpos always find ways to use land for evil shit.
>>381827I suspect that a certain population will end up moving from Israel to Ukrainian territory. I hope I'm wrong. This is pessimistic. But I don't think I'll be surprised if it does happen.
>>381843It looks like that was the plan all along.
Putin dragging his feet to end the war by doing a Blitzkrieg is consistent with making room for the jew immigrant population replacing the Ukrainians.
>>358136 → >>381844Kinda funny to hear, when juxtaposed against the claim "Ukraine is a bunch of neo nazis"
>>381846>"Ukraine is a bunch of neo nazis"Actually not so. Many are lowlife larpers paid by the jew to play the nazi role while being led by jews also larping as nazis.
>>381847And this clip is so over the top that I feel real pity for that boy.
>>381847Thank you for the correction. Probbly redundant to say "every fucking time" by now
>>381847>Actually not so. Many are lowlife larpers paid by the jew to play the nazi role while being led by jews also larping as nazis.This is the psychological key ingredient to trigger the Russian population into killing the Ukrainian Nation with no survivors.
>>381851Debatable. Let's not pretend that the russian people didn't embrace socialism for however long at the behest of it's "well intentioned" rulers, and look how that turned out. Let's not ascribe qualities to russians that they don't already display
>>381853>Debatable.Yes, but my focus is on the Russian media. Never is told that jews are behind the "nazis" in Ukraine. On the contrary, only the word nazi, nazi, nazi, is repeated over and over again; and when Russians went to social media to say it, they were thrown in jail by a law that punishes antisemitism.
>>381854>russian people are also subject to the jewAnd ice is cold
Sorry, the intent was to convey that the idea that jews are maipulating fucking everything seems a foregone conclusion
>>381601Russia is not a peer rival for the US. But they are not going to sacrifice their army in Europe and let China roam free.
>>381664They couldn't even defend Syria.
>>381696It was already an agrarian country.
And there's no way poolacks will agree to that.
>>381685>The Ukrainians are White Christian folk like us, fighting for blood and soil against the invader.Slavtards aren't white. And both Russians and Ukrainians are basically the same race. Ukraine was raped and used as a meat-shield by western kikes. There's no ethical way to defend this shit.
>>381844Wouldn't describe the classic Russian attrition strategy as a "blitzkrieg".
>>381981>Russia is not a peer rival for the USSure they are. They have the industry, the manpower, the battle hardened troops, largest nuclear force in the world, better aircraft, hypersonic everything, oil, resources, support from China. The US cannot challenge Russia in Ukraine or anywhere near. US ships would get Oreshniked if they got too uppity.
They spend a tenth of the money that the US does and get higher quality and more materiel.
They wouldn't even have to attack the US directly, everything would be burnt to the ground once they started drafting US citizens anyway.
>>381981>Russia is not a peer rival for the US.Yes you are right, but because of the wrong reasons.
You see, at this stage, Russia has reached the over-peer level.
>>381981>They couldn't even defend Syria.If the same Syrians are not willing to fight for their land and whole Syrian army took bribes to drop their weapons and abandon their positions, nothing can be done. Arabs are a lost case and deserve as a race to go into oblivion.
>It was already an agrarian country.Not so. Jets, turbines, missiles, and all kind of shit came from the Ukro land.
>Slavtards aren't whiteDebatable.
>And both Russians and Ukrainians are basically the same race.True.
>Ukraine was raped and used as a meat-shield by western kikes.True, but I have a strong suspicion that both, the White House and the Kremlin play in the same (((team))) and only pretend to be enemies.
>Wouldn't describe the classic Russian attrition strategy as a "blitzkrieg".My bad, I inverted the meaning, sorry.
>>381988>They have the industry, the manpower, the battle hardened troops, largest nuclear force in the worldThey are running a war economy.
The sanctions did failed expectacularly and Russia successfully decoupled. And we don't know if the US could transition(lel) to a war economy as smoothly, considering the industrial problems we face.
But we still have the second largest industrial base after China and the biggest economy.
>better aircraftLmao
>The US cannot challenge Russia in Ukraine or anywhere near. US ships would get Oreshniked if they got too uppity.Regional power ≠ peer rival.
America's power projection capabilities are unmatched. But the defender obviously has the advantage.
>They wouldn't even have to attack the US directlyThey literally can't tho. Only pissrael is actually retarded enough to use nooks for anything other than deterrence.
>ChinaI thought we were talking about Russia.
This appeasement is just the US shifting gears towards China because they are the bigger threat. The US doesn't want to come out scarred from fighting Russia while China is building up their fleet at enormous speed.
>>382015>Not so. Jets, turbines, missiles, and all kind of shit came from the Ukro land.Fair enough.
>True, but I have a strong suspicion that both, the White House and the Kremlin play in the same (((team))) and only pretend to be enemies.It is quite convenient to reapproach Russia at this time.
If successful, the US could isolate China. Russia would decouple from Iran and act as a counterweight against Turkey, benefitting our (((greatest ally))).
Moscow already has a good relationship with India. So this could help IMEC while also thwarting the belt and road initiative.
I don't think this was the plan all along. But they might have struck a deal at this point. I wonder what the cope is going to be for "muh multipolarity" faggots if it does happen.
>Queen Ukrainian refugee
"We are not used to work" and we are in search of host country without that requirement"
>>382121That women are shallow, materialistic lazy thots isn't exactly news. The real story behind this video is that it finally puts the meme about cute Ukranian waifus to rest. This bitch unironically looks like Lurch from the Addams Family.
Mr. Trump's envoy to Russia didn't fare well. He was kept waiting 8 hours for Mr. Putin to show up.
A clip where a Russian analyst mocks the NATO generals who plotted the Ukrainian incursion in Kursk, he stops short of calling them incompetent clowns.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fp6yrL5F9XY [Embed]>>381601But I thought Russia is merely fighting with shovels anymore? Did the Jewish tv lie? No way!
which /k/? any /k/ i go to knows the truth about ukraine/russia. Do you guys frequent 4chan? I stopped regularly going there since the 5 guys thing. I remember checking back and saw they had a rule against racism. It might as well be reddit.