I may have missed the party, but the salt is the best part
Post liberal takes on how the world is ending.
Pic 1 is after Trump said that they will officially recognize 2 genders
>trust the plan
These creatures are so fucking retarded, it's unreal.
It was pathetic when Qboomers did it, and it's still pathetic now.
>>380558>Pic 4 having a 40k marine with a heavy 40k machine gun next to the "trans people existing does nothing negative to your life you crybaby bitch" on a bumper stickerIf they were an actual 40k fan, they'd know that sex cults undermining a society are a very bad thing that is dealt with in very certain terms. Sometimes, by visits from said supersoldiers with super guns wiping out the corrupted population.
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The only salt I have to contribute to this thread is how I don't like that Trump's going to try to set up an AI health system with total surveillance. That's one of the bad things that's supposed to be stopped. None of the comments I read were mentioning that. The one thing they might be able to have a point on, and they seem literally blind to it.
What's the deal with all the "I'm trans, and I'm scared I'm going to be killed!" hysteria? I've only heard wild assumptions about what'll happen. No full-stack explanations that are convincing.
It's sad that so many of these people have been so totally controlled that they've become permanently hysterical and irrational.
>>380599What does the person in the 2nd image here even think is going to happen, anyway? How is an executive order declaring the basics of biological reality and definitions of words going to lead to what is "almost literally a death sentence"?
We all know that if I were to go to that post and ask for this, with a step by step explanation, they'd just roundly tar and feather me before banning me. Did they not see the trends of information flow and censorship and recognize the recipe for institutionalized insanity that they would be signing up to?
I haven't got through the stress and nonsense of political / geopolitical / economic stuff unscathed, but I was at least somewhat resistant to the brainwashing in my schooling while growing up.
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I applaud your documentation efforts here, Anon. This is going to be the foundation of tomorrow's history. The segments of history that were extracted from the flowing river of culture to be preserved as examples of mindset and feelings of the time. Thank you for your efforts.
>>380597>Pic 4, on Banning X links from Leddit threads because of "fascism".I think this tradition is spreading to Dicksword.