They were the most successful WN group in the US seance the collapse of the National Alliance.
>had irl meetings of hundreds of people
>had an online newspaper that actioaully did investigative journalism
>had a charity program (operation White Christmas) that raised tens of thousands of dollars for disadvantaged White children
Yet they collapsed in a couple of weeks. Why?
Because they're jewish lol
White nationalism csn never be successful as a 'branded' movement. It will either be a honeypot, infiltrated and compromised, or otherwise eliminated by not just, but the jews.
White nationalism needs to begin in the houshold, and be developed into generational culture.
>>380506Populist delusion. None of the big/relevant players are interested in White nationalism. And there's no reason for them to become more interested in the future when Whites continue to shrink in number. You will be demolished without patronage.
What's missing is an elite movement that finds its way through the institutions.
>>380516It will be much faster to assist a cultural shift that embraces nationalism as a populist movement, which will aid in allowing for the idea that white nationalism is positive racism
>>380506>It will either be a honeypot, infiltrated and compromised, or otherwise eliminated by not just, but the jews.This is why normalfaggot politics is actually quite important. There is something to the idea of the "woke right", because a lot of people purity spiral and virtue signal just like the "woke left" does. There are many ways to combat this without being the most hardcore pro-white anti-semite in all existance. There are many civnats and even leftists who could get on board of the idea of abolishing the FBI and replacing it with a national hotline for local police departments to use when they don't have the resources for certain categories of crime.
>>380521Civic Nationalism is still suicide in just another generation or two. The West is currently on track to become the next India, with a mongrelized population that is increasingly striated along racial lines, leading to massive and perennial conflict.
If they have their feet pulled from the fire, then from where will they draw the motivation to continue to question their internal orthodoxy?
While I definitely don't want my individual personal creature comforts to go down and would love having a single national scale vote fix everything, there's going to have to be some sort of grassroots organized cultural shift happening. With the propaganda war and recent generations of headline reader "newscaster" channels, the normies who are new to the concept of news coming from non-legacy sources are still pretty dumb about increasingly important things. Knowledge is spreading.
There's clearly some sort of balance to be struck with raising awareness and making progress. Part of my concern is that we might be sacrificing the "hearts and minds" growth for very shallow and ultimately insufficient improvement in the surface level issues that are noticed by the masses.
Many people are still saying that, for example, only illegal immigration is the problem. We'll see how Orange Man's mass deportation campaign goes. That'll be an important information source.
I don't have a clear best solution to anything, but I'm concerned with discarding something when it has
some level of utility in an important area.
-What are the forces that are currently persuading normies to get information and put two and two together?-