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Pony Prompt #2 --BuzzyBogBasin
Pony Prompt Pompf #2 -- BuzzyBogBasin

Write a short story set in my made up pony town. The story should be at least a thousand words. Let me tell you a bit more about BuzzyBogBasin:

>BuzzyBog gets its name from the all-year constant presence of mosquitoes.
>It's located on the west side of the dry dragon lands.
>The two are separated by a the spikey mountains chain, which is traversed by the adventures of the BuzzyBog whenever the ponies of the settlements have the need.
>Hyrdas, a terrifying monstrosity in the swamp are scared off by the scent of dragons so the adventures collect dragon dropping from the dragonlands both to ward off hydras but it also works well as a fertilizer for their crops.
>BuzzyBog is situated on a small island surrounded by swamp water and tall greenwood trees (like redwoods in our world but half the size and green where its red).
>The island is the one of the few stable lands in the march, as everything else can easily sink into the water.
>The BuzzyBog citizens are around sixty percent earth ponies(pegasi and unicorns are more rare here), thirty-five percent kirins, and a five percent mountain tribe zebras (honorary ponies).
>They live off their crops: Lily pads and flowers, rice, green moss and brown peat, and floaty fungi.
>The earth ponies wear clothes and nets almost all the time outdoors to keep the gnats and mosquitoes from biting them.
>The kirins simply turn into nirkid whenever they get to bitten, vaporizing the bugs on them in an instant.
>Zebras make great salves, that they give to the ponies in exchange for other things, that keeps the bugs off them.
>March Captain: "With a boat you can go anywhere."
>A captain is a pony that knows their away around the march with a boat.
>They are highly sought after.
>Swamp Farmer: "These here crops don't grew themselves."
>Are ponies.
>Feces Adventurer: "*Long-drag inhale* Hmmm. That's dragon poop for ya'. The sweetest smell under Celestia's sun."
>Are ponies
>Witchdoctor: "I see you been bitten, my friend. Here's a potion to bring the itching to an end."
>Witchdoctors are zebras that collects the, usually magical, plants and naturally growing ingredients of the march and make useful potions out of them.
>Croc-killer: "................................Stop........................That.........................I may only speak when I'm MAD!"
>A croc is a semi-bipedal crocodile creature that lives in tribes in the march.
>They are meat-eaters and usually subsists on fish but if they notice you can't defend yourself they will come for you.
>They enjoy equine meat too.
>It's a delicacy.
>A croc-killer in that regard is a well a defender of the the settlement for all the equines.
>Croc-killers are kirins that taken an oath of silence: To only speak when cursing and swearing against crocs.
>They do this despite the humid air, they don't want to risk turning into niriks since most of BuzzBog's building are made out of wood, that hard to put on fire due to the overall air moisture level, still is wood.
>Elevated structures like tree houses are common but as are floating structure like boats.
>There are a lot of wooden piers to dock at and also just above hanging rope bridges leading from tree house to tree house.
>All space is utilized, and the place looks a bit like a labyrinth and a wooden fort.
>The bark on the greenwoods near settlements in the march are often decorated by carved in art and writings done by knife.
>Resin usually fill out the carved out patterns with time, emphasizing the whatever the knife-artist did.

So in your story you only need to set it in this setting, not include every element. That's just there for inspiration.
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My first draft for this thread. Will post an improved version later.


A thin boat called a drifter, drifted across the mirror-esque still water pond. Two earth ponies in sun hats with nets going down from their brims and down into their collars. Despite being fully protected, mosquitoes buzzed around them in wisps of icky clouds.

One of them held and oar and used it to break the drift of the drifter so they broke into a stop next to a lily flower surrounded by a bunch of lily pads.

A drifter was a long, thing row boat for a maximum three ponies. What was so interesting about them was how the water almost reached up to their edge so from the side it looked pike the occupants sat on or in the water.

As the other pony kept the drifter steady, the other dipped his hooves into the waters. The mare coiled her hoof around a stalk and did a fast and precise jerk upwards.The stalk belonging to the lily flower was pulled out from the very bottom of the pond. The mare roped the stalk up and placed it on deck of the boat among a pile of other white stalks of the same type, with lily flower and pads at one of their ends. The mare continue to pull up from stalks onboard till all had been plucked and her companion set the drifter adrift to the next lily pad bouquet in the row.

Outside of the edges of the pond was even more water. The pond had been set up with boulders, stones, and timber for walls, like many other artificial ponds set up for agriculture.

A little bell jingled. The two mares on the boat stopped. One of them looked over the edge of their boat and saw how the water had risen so high the cork attached to string attach passing through a small wheel lower down on the drifter's hull back to the bell. Another jingled was heard as a ripple caused the cork to bob upwards and pull the string taut for a moment.

Two ropes lay across the drifter and went under the stalks. They had been placed there before the ponies put the stalk on top. Now, the ponies tied them hard and made a handle between the ropes with their excess.

Above them, two earth ponies stood on a rope bridge hanging between two, of the many tall trees around. The two above threw lowered down a line with a hook attached to its end. The pair in the drifter hooked it under the handle of the bundle of stalks. The four ponies help lifted in all together in the beginning but once it was hoisted up far above the two in the drifter to reach, they let the two above do the rest. The rope bridge waggled from side to side as they hoisted it up onto it, but they managed.

The ponies worked in relative silence with the exception of some small talk and the buzzing of the mosquitoes in the background. It was early in the morning and a few rays of dawns light pierced the treetops of the tall greenwoods.

The one mare with the assigned job to pick up the stalks in the drifter stretched out her limbs. She scratched part of her neck. The one with the oar took notice.

"You been bitten, Outback Poof?" the mare with oar asked.

"Tch," the mare whose name was Outback Poof answered. "Yeah. Somehow it got inside. The net probably tore again."

She sighed.

"Gotta go to, Zheila, for some of that green goo, she sells. This stings baaaad," Outback said through clenched teeth.

"Well, that's how it goes when you don't give the net enough slack, like I told you" the other mare said.

Outback groaned.

"I gave it slack, alright." They arrived at the next patch of pads with a flower and Outback submerged her front hooves through the water surface instantly. "How's this: 'Oh, Outback that sucks mare. Hope it gets better.'"

Outback hauled in a few stalks onboard.

"Taste it at least, Dawn-Iris," Outback said as she panted lightly from pulling in the stalks.

"I'm tasting it," the other mare whose name was Dawn said. "But, 'Do it right the first time and you won't get bitten,' tastes better in my mouth."

Dawn smirked smugly.

Outback rolled her eyes and sighed.

She was about to dip her hooves into the water again but then her eyes caught sight of something strange. Beneath the lily pads there was this big thing. It looked like sharpened yet somewhat blunt end of a log. She leaned a bit closer. It had a weirdly uneven and kinda brown-green color but then again so were most things in the water.

Then she recognized it. Her eyes went wide as she saw what was right under the surface and beneath her hooves.

She pulled her hooves back and fell onto her back. The drifter shook and it's edge being so close to the water cause some of it to splash up into it.

"Hey hey hey!" Dawn shouted at her in rage. "Don't tip the drifter! Idiot."

"A croc!" Outback yelled and pointed in the direction she saw the eyes.

"What?" Dawn turned her head and looked into the depths where Outback points.

Her expression was hard and her body motionless.

"What's going on down there? Poof? Iris? You alright?" calls one of the ponies from above on the rope bridge.

Outback waves up at them.

"Hey! Toss down the lin--" Outback starts but gets silenced by Dawn's hoof blocking her mouth.

"Shh," Dawn said in harsh whisper. "No yelling. Sound agitates crocs."

Outback open her mouth, holds it there for a moment before closing it again.
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Improved version. This not finished tho.

A thin boat called a drifter, drifted across the mirror-esque still water pond. Two earth ponies in sun hats with nets going down from their brims and down into their collars. Despite being fully protected, mosquitoes buzzed around them in wisps of icky clouds.

One of them held and oar and used it to break the drift of the drifter so they broke into a stop next to a lily flower surrounded by a bunch of lily pads.

A drifter was a long, thing row boat for a maximum three ponies. What was so interesting about them was how the water almost reached up to their edge so from the side it looked pike the occupants sat on or in the water.

As the other pony kept the drifter steady, the other dipped his hooves into the waters. The mare coiled her hoof around a stalk and did a fast and precise jerk upwards.The stalk belonging to the lily flower was pulled out from the very bottom of the pond. The mare roped the stalk up and placed it on deck of the boat among a pile of other white stalks of the same type, with lily flower and pads at one of their ends. The mare continue to pull up from stalks onboard till all had been plucked and her companion set the drifter adrift to the next lily pad bouquet in the row.

Outside of the edges of the pond was even more water. The pond had been set up with boulders, stones, and timber for walls, like many other artificial ponds set up for agriculture.

A little bell jingled. The two mares on the boat stopped. One of them looked over the edge of their boat and saw how the water had risen so high the cork attached to string attach passing through a small wheel lower down on the drifter's hull back to the bell. Another jingled was heard as a ripple caused the cork to bob upwards and pull the string taut for a moment.

Two ropes lay across the drifter and went under the stalks. They had been placed there before the ponies put the stalk on top. Now, the ponies tied them hard and made a handle between the ropes with their excess.

Above them, two earth ponies stood on a rope bridge hanging between two, of the many tall trees around. The two above threw lowered down a line with a hook attached to its end. The pair in the drifter hooked it under the handle of the bundle of stalks. The four ponies help lifted in all together in the beginning but once it was hoisted up far above the two in the drifter to reach, they let the two above do the rest. The rope bridge waggled from side to side as they hoisted it up onto it, but they managed.

The ponies worked in relative silence with the exception of some small talk and the buzzing of the mosquitoes in the background. It was early in the morning and a few rays of dawns light pierced the treetops of the tall greenwoods.

The one mare with the assigned job to pick up the stalks in the drifter stretched out her limbs. She scratched part of her neck. The one with the oar took notice.

"You been bitten, Outback Poof?" the mare with oar asked.

"Tch," the mare whose name was Outback Poof answered. "Yeah. Somehow it got inside. The net probably tore again."

She sighed.

"Gotta go to, Zheila, for some of that green goo, she sells. This stings baaaad," Outback said through clenched teeth.

"Well, that's how it goes when you don't give the net enough slack, like I told you" the other mare said.

Outback groaned.

"I gave it slack, alrioght." They arrived at the next patch of pads with a flower and Outback submerged her front hooves through the water surface instantly. "How's this: 'Oh, Outback that sucks mare. Hope it gets better.'"

Outback hauled in a few stalks onboard.

"Taste it at least, Dawn-Iris," Outback said as she panted lightly from pulling in the stalks.

"I'm tasting it," the other mare whose name was Dawn said. "But, 'Do it right the first time and you won't get bitten,' tastes better in my mouth."

Dawn smirked smugly.

Outback rolled her eyes and sighed.

She was about to dip her hooves into the water again but then her eyes caught sight of something strange. Beneath the lily pads there was this big thing. It looked like sharpened yet somewhat blunt end of a log. She leaned a bit closer. It had a weirdly uneven and kinda brown-green color but then again so were most things in the water.

Then she recognized it. Her eyes went wide as she saw what was right under the surface and beneath her hooves.

She pulled her hooves back and fell onto her back. The drifter shook and it's edge being so close to the water cause some of it to splash up into it.

"Hey hey hey!" Dawn shouted at her in rage. "Don't tip the drifter! Idiot."

"A croc!" Outback yelled and pointed in the direction she saw the eyes.

"What?" Dawn turned her head and looked into the depths where Outback points.

Her expression was hard and her body motionless.

"What's going on down there? Poof? Iris? You alrioght?" calls one of the ponies from above on the rope bridge.

Outback waves up at them.

"Hey! Toss down the lin--" Outback starts but gets silenced by Dawn's hoof blocking her mouth.

"Shh," Dawn said in harsh whisper. "No yelling. Sound agitates crocs."

Outback open her mouth, holds it there for a moment before closing it again. She nodded.

Dawn cupped her hooves around her mouth and hiss upwards, "Muddy, lower the towing line down carefully. You two need to pull us up. There's a croc in the water."

"What?! A croc!" the mare yelled back.

The mare next to her, on the rope bridge, gave her a slap with her fore-hoof.

"Muddy. Not so loud," she said and then grabbed the line. "Alrioght, here it comes."

The pair on the bridge started to extend the rope down to Dawn and Outback. Dawn grabbed it and gave the hook to Outback.

"Tie the line around your waist, cross-wise. It's the most secure way," Dawn said.

"What? You go first," Outback said and pushed the line back to Dawn.

Dawn's eye brows vibrated as she shut her eyes in annoyance.
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"Don't be dumb. You're the youngest. I'll be dead sooner than you anyway," Dawn said and pushed the line back to Outback.

"Yeah, but you do wanna live out those days, don't you?" asked Outback and struggled back against Dawn's hoof. "Besides, you're right. You're a hag. I'm in my prime. I'm more likely to survive this mess, if I fall in."

Dawn does hoers-snort.

"You can barely pick flowers without panting for air as if you just breached the surface."

The two glared at each other. But their contest of wills to sacrifice themselves for the other was interrupted by a call from above. (As an aside, I'd just taken the line personally. See you later, bruh.)

"Stop it, Poof. Don't you know the law: The youngest are prioritized first," said Muddy from above while the other mare on the rope-bridge nodded sagely.

Outback stared at them before looking at Dawn, who looked vindicated. She sighed.

"Foine." (Note to self: Remember to remove random British mock accents later. ^^)

She began to fasten the line around her. Dawn provided some silent help and adjustments. Soon, she was ready to be hoisted up. Muddy and the other mare on the bridge, whose name was Dusty Pouch, began to haul her up.