Hey faggots! Mare Fair is obviously over, which means now is the perfect time if not already done so to begin the steps and plans to go toward/into Mare Faire 2025.
Personal plans are free to be discussed and developed, but speciically I'm encouraging plans/discussion for how to improve the site's visibility and public profile.
Mare Fair seems amongus the best spurces for potential new/old users, as well as ample opportunty for quasi-board related shenanigens.
In particular, there seems to be a decent potential for a publicly scheduled meetup (with complimentary elastic-strig and paper anon masks, in green and orange), if not a full-on /mlpol/ panel.
Not to mention the potential of randomly annexing areas, events, etc.
Think about it, there's plenty of potential to show the fandom - particularly the anonymous part - that theres still fun to be had here and I'm interested in discussing how to make that happen.
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Oh shit. Has anyone ever hosted a panel? I have a sudden inspiration to see to a very large gathering of folks singing Winter Wrap Up.
Further developments to the ostensible restaurant:
The likelihood that the people in my room will be asleep at the proposed operating time is more of an inevitability, but there's still a few options:
It is absurd to think that the hotel won't have some sort of barbecue area; even if they don't, I have a portable 2-burner stove thats permissible for open outdoor use. All the proteins will be prepared in advanced and then properly refrigerated, and all garnishes and ingredients beyond those will be freshly made to ensure quality and consistency, excepting some of the sauces which will also be made in advance so the flavors develop.
All food WILL BE FREE, with the previously stated request that any proceeds anyone would otherwise offer be donated to the sponsored charity on behalf of the 'restaurant', to a degree that the person enjoyed the experience and food. My plan is to TRY to significantly appear on the donations list by way of my efforts, as well as provide as many anons as possible. Additionally, I will deliver trays of tacos and burgers to the room parties, while taking delivery orders from the 'menu'.
The menu will include: Tacos (chicken, pork, beef, and veggie if you're a faggot), Borgurs (double-smash, and thiccboi, Grilled cheese (3 cheese, chopped italian with fresh-made red-sauce consomme'), and if I CAN some fresh-made pizza. (One guy knows why I will have fresh red sauce Xp).
Specific individuals from /mlpol/ who give sufficient notice of what their FAVORITE dish is may (if not unreasonably expensive to prepare) have a private option exclusive to them (spaghetti, for example).
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