Hey faggots! Mare Fair is obviously over, which means now is the perfect time if not already done so to begin the steps and plans to go toward/into Mare Faire 2025.
Personal plans are free to be discussed and developed, but speciically I'm encouraging plans/discussion for how to improve the site's visibility and public profile.
Mare Fair seems amongus the best spurces for potential new/old users, as well as ample opportunty for quasi-board related shenanigens.
In particular, there seems to be a decent potential for a publicly scheduled meetup (with complimentary elastic-strig and paper anon masks, in green and orange), if not a full-on /mlpol/ panel.
Not to mention the potential of randomly annexing areas, events, etc.
Think about it, there's plenty of potential to show the fandom - particularly the anonymous part - that theres still fun to be had here and I'm interested in discussing how to make that happen.
Assuming there is collaboration/participation, it would behoove the entire process if we could get someone from the site to serve as volunteer staff, if only to have a direct spurce for information/updates.
Having never done so in such a venue, running a panel or making a presentation really isn't that difficult and comes down to plannig planning an preparation. An /mlpol/ panel would probably be best suited to start with a retrospective from 4/mlpol/, featuring classic threads, videos, and memes, and the archive is still active for source material.
Then theres all the memes, videos, habbedings, and shenanigens that have gone on since then, all of which could be neatly and (ideally) entertainingly presented/referenced for both newfag and old. And all that is nothing to say about the ridiculous signage we could come up with. A picket-line protesting Griffoni occupation of Yakistein, for example.
Actual optics and equipment is EASY!
As a former employee of two major electronics and component retailers I can assure you that as long as you didn't break your equipment in some visible/tangible/testable way you can get a full refund.
Trust me, it beats the hell out of borrowing,
Assuming the overhead for purchase is within budget, you get to precisely specify the equipment. This can be cameras to record content for presentation, it can be projectors and speakers likewise.
it beats the hell out of renting,
I struggle to justify the idea that "full refund" is either ambiguous or debatable contested against giving out money you can't get back, in context.
and it beats the hell out of leasing.
UNLESS one already leases said equipment, but that becomes the exception that proves the rule(s)
>>377360I'm considering jumping in to staff, but like I said in this year's thread I don't think we're going to have much luck. The entirety of the DR presence at the con was maybe 15 people, between the aryanne guys, the guys that they introduced me to, and the 4 of us that were there from mlpol
>>377363also re:equipment I have all the sound and recording equipment we could possibly need. My DSLR isn't great at video and it likes to overheat after an hour or so but I also have a few decent video options, I've got studio quality sound stuff and I'll be driving next year so I could mic up a panel. I don't think staff will let us get away with it though, even if we have a guy or two on the team
>>377369You could be right, the idea could be doomed to fail before getting to the starting line (part of where my personal plans come into play).
The alternative might be something like a Denver Broncos appreciation panel,....
In fairness, I would be okay with 15 or so people. The point wouldnt be to have a "huge" or even a "successful" panel, it would be to have one at ALL. As cons go, Mare Fair is the closest to an /mlp/ and 4chan exclusive event, and having any scheduled presence at ALL strikes me as a big win.
Another option would be to annex a panel room (schedule the panel in advance, but for posturing and promotional purposes) to do a live screening of the /mlpol/ movie night.
Operating from the plausible conclusion that there may be scrutiny from outside he board, hello and welcome!
In lieu of recent statements from snowpity.inc administration, it is clear that any tacit affiliation between snowpity.inc and a collection of anons self-identifying as /mlpol/ - while not ACTUALLY being Nazis (we're politically active/aware, ironically horsefucking shitposters) - is untenable and impossible to approve on any level.
>inb4 Aryanne is banned
In light of the possibility that any public account wrt plans for MF3 - be they individual or site-related - might be documented by individuals operating in bad faith and weaponized in a misguided attempt to grasp at any shred of potential relevancy on twitter, I must regrettably request of staff that this thread be closed and locked.
>>377406Just post voluptuous equine vulva. This cleans the thread of any slack-jawed keyboard warriors who hate to see a group of men have a good time.
>>377407Maybe you're right. I just wanna be able to cook tasty food for ppl, out of my own room where Im not bothering anyone
I still think the safest bet is to hard-cancel any site related plans and close the thread. It kinda sucks that being from /mlpol/ could be considered a liability, but it is what it is and I dont wanna ruin anything for myself or anyponer else
But anons. If there's no mass media outrage at a convention of 'white' men celebrating the existence of nazi talking equines then there'd be no memes to make of it. No memes to fight the meme war, we'd have failed KeK and the meme magic by passing up the chance of Nazi Pony Pussy living rent free in the minds of the people and not just us. It's Selfish to keep the Ponies message of Friendship and Loyalty, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, Kindness, and magic (vril) to our selves when these are the very ideals all true National Socialists dream of achieving. I dream of a world where ponies are the symbol of a new party to pick up where Hitler left off.
>>377414Anything overtly /mlpol/ could result in a perma ban. Im not gonna volunteer anyone for that just to try and get some attention
There's nothing prohibitive about meeting up elsewhere if that is of interest, just not in any visible or recognizable degree while on con grounds.
No one has YET said anything about Aryanne officially, but even if they don't we already know that at th very least, the presence of Aryanne and other such signage/iconography - even if permitted - puts con administration in a dificult position