Hey faggots! Mare Fair is obviously over, which means now is the perfect time if not already done so to begin the steps and plans to go toward/into Mare Faire 2025.
Personal plans are free to be discussed and developed, but speciically I'm encouraging plans/discussion for how to improve the site's visibility and public profile.
Mare Fair seems amongus the best spurces for potential new/old users, as well as ample opportunty for quasi-board related shenanigens.
In particular, there seems to be a decent potential for a publicly scheduled meetup (with complimentary elastic-strig and paper anon masks, in green and orange), if not a full-on /mlpol/ panel.
Not to mention the potential of randomly annexing areas, events, etc.
Think about it, there's plenty of potential to show the fandom - particularly the anonymous part - that theres still fun to be had here and I'm interested in discussing how to make that happen.
47 replies and 8 files omitted.
The signage virtually writes its self;
"You're my fren now, have free soft tacos"
"Room X betw 10a and 9p"
pics prolly
>>377657Thats the bigger-con idea, HC would be more for (ahem) bronco-appreciating horse appreciators
>>377658With context, thats deliberated to be the standing order
New idea:
Kinda stupid, ngl, but hear me out.
Would you go to a panel/workshop involving pony pumpkin carving?
Without having looked for more, theres at least one pony artist that has stencils for ease
Pumpkin Carving aside,
(Happy Halloween btw)
>>>/ub/8073 →This right here is an example of what I am talking about/planning, except I'll be serving horsefuckers from a hotel room rather than family from home. Food will be properly and professionally (vacuum bags, dry/wet ice refrigeration) stored and all the necessary health and safety standards upheld.
$50-60 in cost to me (waiving labor) means 40 servings (precook weight) of 1/4 lbs, which breaks down to $1.50 each. 1/4lbs is just the meat, there will also be slaw and may fried onions or coarsely ground chicharron.
Whatever the final plating, its gonna be amazing, amazingly cheap, presented by a shitposting/talking furry cowe, who you can (attempt to) take down a peg pr two while they're makong ur sandwich.
I'm talking pulled pork sandwiches.
I'm talking the authentic street tacos.
I'm talking chopped italian grilled cheese sandwiches.
The whole 'kitchen 'doesnt have to be anything huge, it JUST has to be a memorable/noteworthy experience that participants will assocoate with /mlpol/.
No soapboxing, no real political discussion (jokes of course) unless it starts naturally, just one furry horsefucker bringing their absolite A game in the kitchen.
And they'll have all 3 days (more, depending on how registration goes this year ^_~) to filter through at their leisure during posted/advertized operating hours.
And who knows! Maybe I'll forget to cross a T, and wind up arrested/walked out in fursuit. Can you say viral (in the /mlp/ community)?
(And dont forget, the tacos are free)
Contemplating having a tip jar to be donated to the con/charity on behalf of /mlpol/ at the end
Omg thats it!
Weld a box with a slit in the top, for donations. Donation tiers get access to better/more portions/types of entrees. Everything donated at the end with a big 'ol /mlpol/ sticker plastered on the envelope, with glitter and shit.
There is no sale or purchase, its entirely a thank you for donation
>>377948Staff eats free?I know some of y'all get bored enough, and if anyone has ideas/suggestions, I would like to hear them>inb4 KYS, etc
>>377948you can't tie things to donations, otherwise they're purchases.
>>377952Are you citing anything specific, cuz A. I'm sure I can (I just havent figured out the leg/paperwork yet, but neither have you so who are you to say?), and B. You make a fair point. No pearls before swine
>>377952Not trying to be too adversarial but substance, please. The world is rife with tiered donations and rewards. The implication that I can't do the same with plates of food will need more than your disbelief as a citation
I think too much emphasis is being put on terms. The "tiered donation" idea is simple:
1. Free tacos (2 free cuz we're frens now) for signing an alias in the book, heres your stamp card.
2. Insert $ into the box, write amount next to alias in book (optional) and on stampcard (necessary).
3. $1, $2, $3 items, tracked by stamp on stampcard, different colors for specific tier.
The principle behind the tiers fpr fppd is with respect to the cost that I can now absorb and don't need to be paid back for BUT "you're" not getting my food, time, and effort without giving a little - ultimately, but by proxy - to the Mairfare/host charity. Give as much as you want, or eat well for a little.
It might need a little tweaking, but in that the convention is actively fundraising and encourage participation throughout - expressly to raise money for an established, publicized charity - means I simply have to document/maintain a thorough, good-faith effort to profit zero and participate likewise in the fund raising of the convention. And upon making that ultimate donation, I can dedicate/credit the donation to /mlpol/.
The only liability then pertains to food safety and available on-demand nutrition data.
I'll clear it all with a legal professional in advance, but it is seeming - the more I research - that I actually can mix donations and rewards.
>>377954>>377964>To be a gift for such purposes in the present context there must be, among other requirements, a payment of money or transfer of property without adequate consideration. As a general rule, where a transaction involving a payment is in the form of a purchase of an item of value, the presumption arises that no gift has been made for charitable contribution purposes, the presumption being that the payment in such case is the purchase price. Thus, where consideration in the form of admissions or other privileges or benefits is received in connection with payments by patrons of fund-raising affairs of the type in question, the presumption is that the payments are not gifts.https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26/170
>>377977While you may not be a 501(c)3 charity, see earlier in the thread where you yourself were worrying about legal ramifications of selling food vs giving it away.
>>377977I appreciate your attempts to help, but when it comes to legal shit, I can't be certain that the purpose refferred to in "for this purpose" is accurate; I'm not convinced it is for several reasons, most expressly because there is no implied, expressed, intended, or available tax claims associated, which is where alot of such liability stems from.
Legal consultation is priced in. I'm looking at making the idea as good as it can be.
Let me rephrase. Let me worry about why it will be legal.
As my potential audience, I am interested in how I can make the idea better.
>>377979>I'm looking at making my mlpol meetup as good as it can beavoiding any chance of legal reprisal would help with that, you can't exactly serve tacos when some asshurt tranny calls you in for selling food without all of your Ts dotted and Is crossed. Good luck with your idea anon, I tried to help.
>>377978I missed this post cuz typing
You seem to have difficulty with the idea that this is an idea in progress/evolution.
I dont expect the idea to be perfect now. I do think the idea could be perfect in due course.
And no, Im not interested in listening to somepony who just wants to be a dick about shit is wrong, unconstructively, citing 50 page docus that MAY be related. Like I said, Ill pay someone for authorotative information.
>>377981>I tried to helpDid you though? It looks more like you were trying to score some sort of points. Faff off, regardless
>>377982>I started a public post on a public website>I don't want anyone's inputbrainstorm in a notepad document faggot
>>377983You misunderstand.
Your input is not constructive. Perhaps it could be, but currently it is laboriously not.
Oh shit, why didn't I think of it sooner?
Fuck daytime service/foods (mostly), late-night and BREAKFAST is where it's at!
Also, for the chancelors in the audience (get it? Neighsay-ers), the easiest workaround for the donations scheme would be to collaborate with marefair staff so that people who donate are given ticketed vouchers redeemable in the "cafe"
No cash handling restrictions, no liabilities, just good faith gestures
After lengthy consideration, it seems that the most insular way to go about having a pop-up 'restaurant' is simply to describe in detail that the food served will be technocally free, however it will be assumed but on an honor system that in-person donations will be made, with an attached note in case it's a box/jar for collections.
It will be asked that they notify upon donation that the donation is on behalf of Addy's Kitchen, and that will be included in the disclaimer attached to the required and video-taped sign-in book, manned by a beaner-friend, that includes all necessary health and safety regulations, including foodsafe certification.
In this manner, Marefair staff can avoid any direct/implied partnership of a voucher system. It also enables the participants to "tip" any amount WITHOUT me knowing, adding to the fun and suspense on my end. All food items will have an at-cost value associated for reference, and however good of a job they think I did, add that to the cost-price of the donation.
But the 1st 2 tacos, and the shitposting, are both free
The incentive for me is to see how much in donations can be accrued on behalf of the kitchen based off an analysis of 'customer' satisfaction and how many items 'sold'. There will be plenty of incentives including free stickers and shit (and Ill prolly wear the ver 1.1 Mlpol shirt, lol). Ideally I'd like to learn in the aftermath what the sum total ends up being,.... There will be an option to rate the food in the sign in book, as well as write down what the donation will be, but not required
I wonder if theres any way I can serve alcohol,....
>>379454If Im only offering alcohol to legal adults who arent PubIntox, at no cost, its not alcohol sales,....
>>379577>pic 1Thats an upside-down horsepussy, you cant fool me
>>379459murca has dumb laws on alcohool import, sadly i won't bring any Bourgogne or Jura.
i'm not even sure if i will manage to make any sales but i'll give it a try anyway. hey merry mas !
>>379612Im just talking about having a line of bottles on the counter, for the obvious (and not already 3-sheets) adults
Merry Christmas, you Spoony Bard Xp
<Fer fookin real? Yer just gonna say tha', n no' give a proper image? Ye faggit?
>>379614For the youngfags, "Spoony Bard" is a callback to Final Fantasy 2 (ff4 in japan) where an aging wizard laments the silly bastard his daughter has fallen in love with. Its a gen x thing.
There will be disclaimers in the required sign-in documentstion that detail a few "signatory" contexts. Of course I'll give examples.
Without having determined a specific phrase, something like "no nonsense" will be sufficient to curb my 'enthusiasm' (cuz I will be VERY enthusiastic even though I will be attempting to portray a character that gives 0 fucks).
Im just saying, I'm trying to refine the idea so that everyone can enjoy it
What that was intended to effectively convey (and no doubt didn't) is that I will tell you how to tell me when to "shut off".
I get that anonymity is a big thing for alot of people for obvious reasons.
I just dont have to, so I dont bother. Im not trying to get myself doxxed or anything, but I am unreseverd in that it would have little effect on my situation (and ngl, Im lowkey disappointed it hasnt happened yet).
But, I get where y'all coming from, and I care more to serve you soft tacos than I do to try and be all sherlock holmes n shit.
>>377571Be happy to host the coming one, also, on a mildly related note, also happy to do a meet up or just drink and chill w/ any of you that'll be at harmony.
>>380585Not sure my participation level. There will definitely be a cow present, but theres an airbnb apartment near terry blacks that I have a good rapport/relationship with (the concierge offered to get weed for me last time I was there XD)
Oh snap! They said the bbq patio area would be open by now! Muhuhahahahaha!
Better believe Im bringing food, even if Im not cooking
What, did you think I was gonna be idle? After all that shit? Nononono
So let us revisit the topic of Marefair, with a bit more savvy.
The pop-up restaurant is fucking happening, I don't give a FUCK. It SO almost happened this weekend, even though that's not where my head was at. Best believe, there will be a cow delivering authentic street tacos rto the room parties.
But not just tacos, nonono, smash burgers, epic grilled cheese sandwiches, pulled pork sammiches,... just wait
>>380588I so should have gone with them this time. It would have only been an extra 2 blocks >_<
Oh well, lesson learned, fuck airBnB.
In spite of - or in cases "as evidenced by" - recent events, the Loser's Club is very much gonna be a thing, come hell or high water; its Florida, you never know. I'm STARTING the plans NOW. So what are y'all gonna want? I would default to options including Chicken, Beef, Pork, Sausage, and ground beef (burgers). I can expand the menu if desired,... ngl I kinda wanna have a neopolitan pizza option.
It wont be frenly neighbor-cow, but there will be very fresh-from-butcher ground beef. Should I age it a bit? I might age it a bit.
Fuckoff, there's gonna be burgers. Different types and styles, per request. And of course tacos
>>381092>>381093>>381102Whatever you are best at. It's better to have a small menu that's really good than a large one that overwhelms you.
Apropos to house parties, why don't we have one for /mlpol/? I could bring along drinks and be a bartender, though be advised I wouldn't be very experienced at it. Also if we have one it should either be Thursday or Sunday night because I would likely be preoccupied with late-night panels which were very good last year. Thursday night is superior simply because many ponies will be waking up early to go home on Monday.
>>381119Appreciated, but that's the purpose behind the diversification. I'm absolutely confident in my tacos, burgers, and grilled cheese, and that's probably what I will limit the menu to, but I'm leaving it a LITTLE open. For example, I have an idea for a particular nigger who prefers Angel-hair spaghetti,... and more than anything, if the cook can't respond to specific requests,....
Operating hours are intended to be 2a-6a, and I'm working on a Karaoke rig for the hours prior to 2a
For clarity, I'm effectively planning to take line-cook training and experience, apply it in a context of feeding ponies the best I am capable of (and I'm pretty capable :3), under the auspices of "If you like the food, donate to the charity under my name"
Because under MY watch, no pony goes hungry. Ask me why that's important
>>381128>Because under MY watch, no pony goes hungry.I like this poner.
>>381129<Ah dinnae ask fer approval ye faggit, get back in loine!
It's my thread, I should do something. I don't wanna, but eh. Okay
The going-forward pretense for Marefair is that "If you're hungry, come on by"
Thats as dfar as I've taken it. I don't know, I don't care, tacos, burgers, and grilled cheese. Shut the fuck up and come on by wit y'all ayyyy (ass, if you don't know ghetto slang)