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Bat Pone Lurr?
376794 380063
So, here I am again with a half-baked idea for a thread and to snatch a sip of that sweet (you)s.

>Oh, no. It's him again ;^P
So the idea with this thread is that I write down a form below and (you) answer one of the queries in it. Then we concatenate the answers into one big lore doc.

>How big can my answer be?
However short or long you feel like, as long as it answers the question you picked to answer.

>Can I only answer one question?
Yes, in that that I will only collect your first answer and disregard the rest but suggestions or ideas are always welcome. I just want to make it so everyone felt included.

But basically, one answer per Anon.

>How does the queries work?
One question, which you is the one you should answer and then the follow-up question underneath is just some extra text there to help you if you need it to understand the question better.


<Subject Matter: BatPonies

<Query 1:
<Where are they?
>Where do batponies live? Do they have their on places like Cloudsdale for pegasi or do they just live alongside other ponies such in places like Canterlot and the like, or both?
What's the climate where they live?

<Query 2:
<Are their bat features just for show or do they serve a purpose and if so what are some of the consequences of them.
>Do the slit eyes of batponies give them night-vision? Is that the only thing that separate batpony eyes from regular pony eyes? Can they see the smell of blood like trail in air? Are their wings leathery to the touch, or soft like jelly? They batpony clans in the past punish traitors by whipping them with their wings? Can they use echo-location? How does it feel to have such sensitive ears and go to rave? Do they possess any other unique racial ability?

<Query 3:
<Whose their favourite princess or do they prefer another type of system of state?
>Do they like Luna most or Celestia, perhaps they like Cadance for the ...plot? Getitgetitgetit I'm a master of comdey Why do they like one over the other? Perhaps they the hate being ruled by any princess and prefer democracygay but like Flurry Heart the most because she is just a foal that doesn't enforce any rules yet or something.

<Query 4:
<What roles do the different sexes have in their society, etc (feel free to imply RGRE)?
<Do batponies foals have special mouths, for their first few years, like the suckers of octopi that they use to attach themselves to their father in litters while he in turn hangs upside-down from a cave ceiling via his tail tied around a stalagmite? Are batponies stallions in some more archaic areas force to shave of their fur between their wings (or their entire body) so that if they ever are unfaithful and try "finding themselves" while visiting cities outside of the cave they can be punished accordingly? Is the size of your fangs a sign of your mareculinity as a batpony mare? What are some of the expectations on a batpony mare and on stallion? Are they similar and where to they differ if they do?

<Query 5:
<Do batponies subscribe to a religion or faith, or are they secular; how does this impact their regular life?
>Do they have some sayings, like: "Why use a canary, when you got a bat?", "'Climbing, lmao!'/'muh climbing'", and "Rather be swallowed, then die from mosqiuto bites." <-(comes from the idea that it's better to lose to a dragon than to die by being betrayed, perhaps)
How would Anon be treated if you where to drop him in the den of these ponies? Would they take him in and offer him food and kindness out of the goodness of their hearts or can't they even look themselves in the mirror anymore as they will exhort Anon on every single drop of blood he has(if they drink blood that is)? Do they drink blood? I don't really know how to solve the problems with answers that might intersect each other and overlap. I say we solve it in post and let's just no worry about it now. Answer the query how you want to.

<Query 6:
<Do they have any traditional clothes that they wear and how does their architecture look like?
>My energy was spent here. This section was only there to help anyway and was probably not necessary to begin with. Do they build their houses on the from the ceiling? Maybe they dig out the insides of enormous stalagmites and make homes out of them?

<Query 7:
<What do they eat?
>What's their diet? What meals do they make? When do they eat?

<Query 8
<Customs and culture etc?
>Are there anymore customs and behaviors that they have but are outside of the previous queries?

<Query 9
<Do they have any myth and legends about their own kind or historical events they care to for and retell?
>Like what's their take on the legend of Nightmare Moon or something like that?

Feel free to give any form of feedback regarding the thread and also feel free to just dump your own headcanon on batponies at your leisure. In general feel free to post whatever here, like if you feel prompted to writefag feel free.
376796 376805
>On the enrichment of enslaved rehabilitating bat-ponies.
Eventually every foal eventually asks why they aren't allowed to open all the cabinets, and why some are never seemingly used.
The answer is that bat ponies live there.
So they'll eventually keep watching it until they come out and are disappointed that they didn't.
The following explains the how and why of bat ponies.
After the sealing away of Nightmare Moon the bat ponies full of sadness of being tricked almost committed Sudoku till they died, however a different agreement was reached. Ever household would have a number of bat ponies so they can regain their honor and assist the day ponies.
Going a step further they added a few clauses and eventually with much arguing only added these.
They'll attempt to remain unseen and unheard except in an emergency or directly summoned.
They tend the moonlight that hits plants, all things magical and clouds. To prevent the Nightmare from influencing Equestria.
Now logically any foal will ask why don't they sleep in beds and not small dark spaces.
Unlike most ponies, most bat ponies have an inverse relationship with comfortable locations. This is due to the moonlight they tend to making their fur and skin extremely sensitive, every bump, imperfection and weave is intensely felt.
For older ponies yes those does mean you can make bat ponies quiver by a simple hug.
Thats one of the many sources for morning dew that covers all surfaces, bat ponies out and about in a harsh world of too much pleasure. Thankfully it's sanitary and safe.
There's a few times when bat ponies aren't a puddle of pleasures.
When they're asleep in the specially made bat pony areas.
Nightmare Night.
Hearts and Hooves.
Some weekends that a household adheres to.
All voting days.
To a casual Inquirer that doesn't make sense, but due to the moonlight and manually cleaning The Nightmare the time they are most free is when it's a rest day for a community. The rest is bat ponies changing The Nightmare to harmless magic, moondews, morningdew, energy and a special catalyst to convert more of The Nightmare.
It's why they are extremely sensitive during the day, as it'll eventually lave them with no energy or water.
As such any pony that sees a bat pony in the day must bring them to the local ER immediately as The tiny fragments of Nightmare is tearing them apart from the inside while being blasted by too much pleasure the sun immediately gives.
>To be continued...
>You're Anon only human in Equestria home of cute fuckable ponies.
>Some muscled brickshithouse clay red with nerdy glasses inspite of his juggernaut frame.
>"Everything looks to be in order sir?"
>You just had a human sized house custom made for you.
"It looks perfect."
>The walls were weirdly wide, but all you got out of why is something something magic to handle all the features.
>"Excellent just to confirm your home now includes a dishwasher, laundry washing and drying, full kitchen package, standard package, premium package, full house cleaning, entertainment systems, total royal tier S.M.A.R.T. system and most expensively is 24/7 usage."
>Pony land is weird that they shut off the use of machines during the day, but you payed a pretty bit to have all the modern comforts.
"Everything looks good on paper Mr. Foundations."
>The clay red stallion grins once again.
>"If there's anything wrong we'll always keep you in our VIP list Mr. Hero."
>He trots away skipping at times, off the property.
>You head inside, not just fully paid for by the princesses for whatever reason they'll keep paying you to live in your new home if you got all the accessories.
"I'm glad I got to pet them."
>Enjoying the shear space instead of the cramped pony houses, you can finally relax.
>Now to head to the kitchen to make something to eat.
"Hmm, I'm feeling like having a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich."
>You hear a vintage diner bell ring twice.
>Grabbing a pan and ingredients you're about to cook the bacon.
>The sound of a plate hitting on your table.
>Turning quickly you also hear that bell ring once.
>A BLT if made by a five star restaurant, with garnish.
>It's looks just like the one you had in Canterlot in the princess palace.
"Right, fucking magic horse land. Of course the house can make cook."
>You don't have anything to drink.
"Alright I'd like the drink I'm thinking of."
>Usually you wouldn't consider getting swamp water soft drink, but have to test the boundaries.
>A downward sounding double doot answers.
>It seems to be a negative.
"Hmmm, how about swamp water?"
>A double ring checks out followed by a ring a pause and another ring.
>Starting to eat the sandwich, it's crispy, crunchy, juicy packed with the right flavor.
>It's everything you wanted in a BLT.
>Out of the corner of your eye you see a glass full of pond scum
>and a hoof.
>Turning, whatever that was is gone.
"Whoever that was come out right now."
>A pony with a more fuzzy ear pokes her head out, glistening with sweat.
>What the fuck.
"What are you doing in my house?"
>She squeeks, lays flat on the ground, then responds.
>"Bringing the glass of swamp water master, whatever punishment you desire to place on me for being seen and heard is right and just."
>The fuck?
>Then you see it, wings unlike a pegasus or changling.
>The rarest pony.
>A bat pony.
>"Yes master, you own the complete royal S.M.A.R.T. system. Which means you are our owner."
"How many of you are there?"
>"24,001 master, there are no clones of me so only one of me."
>Horse land why you do this?
>Groaning and rubbing your head you hear the complication speak up.
>"Would you desire one of our entertainment programs?"
Great stuff man. Thanks you. ^^
>where and what climate
Thestrals (bats) inhabit Everfree forest
>night vision
This is a complicated question. Ostensibly, the knly bats that would have advanced motion-tracking would be the variety that feeds in blood/insects, as fruit doesnt run away
>best princess
Nightmare Moon, duh
>gender roles
Well, female batpones are hawt af
>Batpony religion/Secular/Philosophical
Kinda like Russian, where it's shit and you deal
>How would Anon if
Anon would get snuuu-snuu'd
Depends, if you're going with FiM only, they maybe have ceremonial armor?
>what do they eat?
I ladies. Passing on 8 and 9