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Shattering their sacred cows. Pre-HAPPENING thread.
Mentlegen, our problems stem from spiritual forces fucking around.
Now this is about the finding out.
There's no calls to do anything here, this isn't trying to raise a personal army.
This is a place for the soon to be happenings and why those occur.
This is a repository of shitposting.
This is for pony posting.
They want to corrupt, degrade, enslave and murder.
The flesh puppets are intensely entwined with them, but to the spiritual forces the flesh puppets are replaceable.
The answer is Jesus.
Having been made holy and without blame, the loop people do is simple.
Love God, Love one another, continually.
Even in fuck ups and awful situations, keep getting up and that's how the race is done.
Right here is how this operates.
Believe Jesus won and is sharing His victory with us all.
Live the life you're meant to live.
Rest in God He'll move and guard and shake.
Know He is God and He loves you.
To clear His house walk in and cast them out and stay out.
The twisted structures crumble.
>the race is done.
Agreed. The race of black niggers is done. They will all be wiped out. It's over for them.
So, is this in concern with an actual happening, or nah?
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Simple answer to the 'problem' of judeo-xtianity's issues: cease being an unknowing, unwilling goyim-golem. Read the torah, tanakh, and tanukh, using the understanding that kikes inevitably corrupt all that they touch, syncretize, and regurgitate.
Understand that 'yahweh' was originally one of the 180~ deities that kikes had, and after their NON-ENSLAVED TIME throughout the Middle Babylonian to Late Babylonian Empire Era, 'forcefully choose' to marry 'yahweh' to Ishtar, the Late Babylonian Era syncretic [with some Persiatic and Middle Egyptian influences] goddess of fertility, sanctity, holiness, and bondship?
Why, exactly, did 'yahweh', a MINOR storm deity of human sacrifice, incest, rape, and slavery.. become the 'El', IE: 'the greatest'? El was the suffix
Did the kikes have 180~ deities when they split off from the majority of Canaanites? Yes. It is well understood that kikes DID originate and seclude themselves from Canaanites, with whom they share they closest genetic relationships... at least until kikes began sister-fucking, mother-fucking, and daughter-fucking. There is no kike with greater than <5% Semitic heritage. The only mostly pure Semites... are the Palestinians.
If you have the most basic understanding of kike psychology, you inherently actualize that, for each and every single time a kike accuses, that is their groupthink projection. In regards to what the whore-ridden 'old testament' babble [re: torah/tanakh/tanukh] has to say, this much is clear: kikes were guilty of incest, rape, slavery, degeneracy, whoreship of false idols, cannibalism, and murder. That is why they were expelled.
Similarly, kikes did not spend "430 years" in "Middle Egyptian Empire Era slavery". The entire archaeological record of hewjewism is Canaanite. In other words, not even CLOSE to Palestinian.

Complex, long term solution: the facts. Understand that you have been, or are, controlled by an actual barely Stone Age religio-tribal mishmash of pseudo-Canaanite derivatives that have syncretized themselves thousands, if not TENS of thousands, of times throughout history.
It is a fact that kikes experience neither guilt nor shame due to their extraordinarily tribal religio-psychology, they cannot be reprimanded. Since kikes do not experience either, they cannot be corrected when they are wrong. The kike version of doublethink does not exist; conformity is necessary, not expected. Hence, the insane degrees of malicious propaganda and unsubtle 'excision' of any kike which does not bow down to the absolute authority of theocratic rabbinical tyranny.
Rather, the insidiously bizarre state of onethink exists throughout kikes. No, kikery is not a monolithic grouping. There are numerous competing sects and sections which do not agree upon much; however, kikes must always support kikes. The only (((correct))) answer, for kikes, is to ever control golems, to direct goyim, to support kikes.
A modernized, correct term is called a mind virus: a condition in which an individual or group is incapable of selectively (or non-selectively) understanding the contexts, precepts, and concepts of their existence within the group. A hive mind without the mind, merely a hive of willing adherents to which no action (save for 'old testament' RE: torah/tanakh/tanukh 'rules') are illegitimate, illegal, or wrong.

lulz solution: Satan's Guide to the Bible.

Seriously, why do none of you controlled-opposition preacher faggot cunts do, at the absolute minimum, the basic fucking research instead of vomiting out yet more pigshit kike propaganda?
Here's a tip, niggers: jesus 1739ACE <- jeshu 1722ACE <- iasus 1703ACE <- iasus 1688ACE <- iasu 1672ACE <- yehu 1661ACE <- yeshu 1634ACE <- yehoshu 1610~ACE <- yehoshu 1520~ACE <- yehoshua <1400ACE. Care to explain that in historical detail, hm?

During the Middle-Late Roman Expansion period, there were hundreds of 'yehoshua' named kikes, whether orthodox, ultra-orthodox, non-orthodox, semi-orthodox, (((heretical))), rabbinical, or what the fuck ever groupings.
It was and still is not a stretch for there to be a hundred of 'yehoshua' named kikes burning on stakes, or simply burning, during each and every single kike rebellion, day by day, 'Judea', or more correctly: "The Land of the Yudez", was most of Late Canaan. NOT Palestine. Utterly different genetic groupings. Utterly different archaeological groupings. Zero effort on your part, faggot OP.
Basic genetics, archaeology, and basic common sense does not support your pigshit half- or pseudo-kike flakey nonsense.
>Seriously, why do none of you controlled-opposition preacher faggot cunts do, at the absolute minimum, the basic fucking research instead of vomiting out yet more pigshit kike propaganda?
You sorta asked and answered your own question there. Pretty obvious you knew the answer before you asked, and pretty probable that you're intending to press the question rather than get an answer.
So let's do a bit of preliminary: how many categorical explanations are there for intellectual laziness?
>judeo-xtianity's issues
What I'm saying extends a bit further, the death of the cultures kikes, and other dunecoons have fostered in the western countries.
A total wipeout of everything Weimar.
>kikes inevitably corrupt all that they touch, syncretize, and regurgitate.
>'yahweh' was originally one of the 180~ deities that kikes had, and after their NON-ENSLAVED TIME throughout the Middle Babylonian to Late Babylonian Empire Era
>Why, exactly, did 'yahweh', a MINOR storm deity of human sacrifice, incest, rape, and slavery.. become the 'El', IE: 'the greatest'? El was the suffix
It's quite simple you said it yourself.
>kikes were guilty of incest, rape, slavery, degeneracy, whoreship of false idols, cannibalism, and murder. That is why they were expelled.
'yahweh' is the model kike, doing all they wish they could do with none of the consequences.
>Did the kikes have 180~ deities when they split off from the majority of Canaanites? Yes. It is well understood that kikes DID originate and seclude themselves from Canaanites, with whom they share they closest genetic relationships... at least until kikes began sister-fucking, mother-fucking, and daughter-fucking. There is no kike with greater than <5% Semitic heritage. The only mostly pure Semites... are the Palestinians.
I do always enjoy your technical rants, because it's useful and true.
>It is a fact that kikes experience neither guilt nor shame due to their extraordinarily tribal religio-psychology, they cannot be reprimanded. Since kikes do not experience either, they cannot be corrected when they are wrong. The kike version of doublethink does not exist; conformity is necessary, not expected. Hence, the insane degrees of malicious propaganda and unsubtle 'excision' of any kike which does not bow down to the absolute authority of theocratic rabbinical tyranny.
Rather, the insidiously bizarre state of onethink exists throughout kikes.
Once again you're correct.
>No, kikery is not a monolithic grouping. There are numerous competing sects and sections which do not agree upon much; however, kikes must always support kikes. The only (((correct))) answer, for kikes, is to ever control golems, to direct goyim, to support kikes.
That's true.
> 1739ACE <- jeshu 1722ACE <- iasus 1703ACE <- iasus 1688ACE <- iasu 1672ACE <- yehu 1661ACE <- yeshu 1634ACE <- yehoshu 1610~ACE <- yehoshu 1520~ACE <- yehoshua <1400ACE.
Like you said it is a common name. Why wouldn't they name others something similar. Variants of glorifying a god.
There's even a minor mention of that in the Bible.
>'Judea', or more correctly: "The Land of the Yudez", was most of Late Canaan. NOT Palestine. Utterly different genetic groupings. Utterly different archaeological groupings.
In essence driving non-corporal beings to submit.
>That doesn't change the kike problem.
It's patching the big bleeding hole. Limiting them.
You're correct, it doesn't directly solve the kike problem.
If it's done in time nearly all actual Christians won't be constantly sucking kike dick.
<There's a clearing out of the churches occurring around this time as well.
This is just a heads up for the coming Happenings.
Once the next dozen or so occur, within the week glow honey pots will spring up as well.
So enjoy the show.
>It is a fact that kikes experience neither guilt nor shame due to their extraordinarily tribal religio-psychology, they cannot be reprimanded. Since kikes do not experience either, they cannot be corrected when they are wrong. The kike version of doublethink does not exist; conformity is necessary, not expected. Hence, the insane degrees of malicious propaganda and unsubtle 'excision' of any kike which does not bow down to the absolute authority of theocratic rabbinical tyranny.
Rather, the insidiously bizarre state of onethink exists throughout kikes.

In the early church what you've said shows up. The letter specifically to jews trying to not do jewry, via Christ.
Through perfect obedience, not subvert all rulers and nations and positions.
All of Hebrews.
The research you've brought forth matches their conditions, both the writer and recipient.
The only language kikes know is blood sacrifice.
They're ever thirsting for more.
Usury and money counting is just blood sacrifice with extra steps.
Lies, backstabbing, eating away nations is blood sacrifice.
So if someone wanted to reach one of these slippery, slime like lie-smiths everything would have to be done to even get a hand hold in them.
To have them be useful members of any group, lt alone society in any part?
And expecting behavior of extreme selflessness, charity, forgiveness, meekness, humility and love?
Without inevitable betrayal?
But also at a certain point a new kind of mind overcomes the old jewry one.