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Rant Thread.
375526 375527 375556 375563 375568
I'm tired of seeing the triumphs of evil people and their toadies.

I hate the Globohomo and how they're trying to hide behind the devils they worship all while trying to destroy human free will so they can escape the potential consequences of being tyrants and degenerates.

I hate the political extremes. Both left and right. The extreme left are either a bunch of oblivious adult-children who want freebies and their reddit-soy-bullshit or they actively-create the very things they're so hateful about. The extreme right are either bloodthirsty armchair warriors who have never held a gun in their life, or they're leftovers from the Bush/Reagan eras where THEY were literally just as fucking bad as the dems are now. And the worst part is, these evil-idiot faggots have gotten so fucking cult-like that they make politics their fucking religious identity. Any single little smidgen of even a fucking IMPLICATION of being similar to "the enemy" is grounds for being apostate/heretic/misogynist/racist/whateverthefuck.

I hate the short hedge funds. Those fuckers are responsible for deliberately-creating financial deficits all so they could make easy money. They belong either in federal prison or a six foot grave with bullets in their skull for the evil they've done.

I hate the people who get on the news by shooting up the innocent. Those limp-wrist, misdirected and manipulated idiots go after fucking innocents instead of the people that matter, the people that deserve to die, the people that need to be removed so that Globohomo's illusion that they're untouchable is shattered. Fuck you. you stupid bloodthirsty cunts. You faggots enable the fucking Globohomo by being fucking morons.

I hate the communism vs fascism debate because it's just a retarded extension of the political extremes that want easy solutions instead of putting effort to unfuck their problems. Both ideologies will fix fucking nothing. Communism as it was practiced was a means of control over populace. The money of the USSR (just like Cuckrock's DEI money) was given to make countries dependent on them. Fascism isn't a fucking magical cure-all either because absolute power attracts the worst of the worst in people.

I hate fucking religions and their endless infighting because they can't stand how the other guy thinks their life should be lived. Jew, catholic, christian, muslim, fuck me, it's not enough that someone has an opinion on how life should be lived, they have caused a metric fuckton of trauma because of it, when the most important thing they SHOULD be fucking doing, is connecting with God. Just like any other fucking moral group, they ignore the foundations and intended purpose, instead, they fucking moralize themselves, their neighbors, their enemies and their fucking own church to death.

This next one's gonna sound schizo as fuck. But I hate the Cult of the Black Cube, and this is because it's personal. You people are the most evil cunts I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with. You deserve to be consumed by that spirituality-hating creature you worship. You think that God isn't absolute and you preach this like you want to deny God's (and any named deities') absolute power. You think you're above consequences because you're "the dragon's right hand,", well guess what? That creature will chop both it's hands off just to make something suffer. It will completely consume and destroy every limb it has just to witness a living being hurt. It will destroy you, you won't know or care until it's too late, and it will kill you just because it can, not because you're no-longer-useful.

The power you have is an illusion. You are human. If you can accept that, and accept God, God will take you back. No strings attached. Every human crime in your life may be judged by humanity, but God will forgive your sins. It doesn't matter what flavor of religion you choose, God will forgive, God will protect you from that creature, God will save you from that creature. How do I know? I should be dead from that creature's wrath, but I'm still alive, and I have God to thank for that.

/mlpol/... If you have questions or want answers, I'm sorry, I don't have any answers. I'm just a guy who needed to get some shit off my chest.

And honestly? I'm tired of hating. I'm tired of being so angry and hateful at shit and people that are out of my control. I'm tired of feeling like that my livelihood rides on a razor's edge because of some asshole with connections who either wants to bring back feudalism, or has the emotional immaturity of your garden-variety lolcow. I'm tired of feeling obligated to hate people for stupid mistakes. I'm tired of the idea that if I don't fall in line with some psuedo-religious nonsense that I'll be the target of a hate mob who might as well be an organized-crime-ring at this point. I'm tired of sanctimony in different flavors of non-church, and the communal narcissism that follows it.

I'm fucking tired of hating, /mlpol/. I feel like I have rational reasons to hate and fear certain people with percieved-power, and I'm fucking tired of it, I just want peace.
First obligatory, you're a faggot.
Second if you thank God giving everything upon Him you don't hate, anger, fear ect.
He works with what to others is broken and damaged and useless and He does amazing works with all that is given Him.
In perfect love there is no fear.
Other emotional stuff rises can be instead shorted to the fruit of the Spirit by being thankful to God.
He knows what He's doing.
unironically touch grass
Nature is cultivated for many reasons and an enjoyable place is one of them is being beneficial for mental well being.
However it can't supersede the Holy Father. It's a garden, not the gardener. Don't survive in misery, live how The Living God wants you to live. He's alive you can always ask, and He'll respond.
The Jeebus stuff anon suggested may or may not end up helping you, but either way it seems to me like you're just broadly angry over a lot of very general subjects. If I had to guess, you probably spend too much time wrapped up in your own thoughts, and probably too much time doomscrolling online. The best thing for you would probably be to just go offline and tune out current events for a week or two, and just do something relaxing or fun, ideally involving either the outdoors or irl socializing with friends or family.

>This next one's gonna sound schizo as fuck. But I hate the Cult of the Black Cube, and this is because it's personal.
Yeah I'm not even going to pretend I know what the hell you're talking about, but most of the google results point to this book, so I assume it's related:

I tried to read a little but I couldn't even make it past the foreword. Whatever it is it seems pretty cringe.
>It doesn't matter which religion you choose
How can the same God be through contradictory religions?
Jesus said that He is the way, the truth, and the life, and that no one comes to the Father except through Him.

>tired of everything
>everything is compromised, money and control is unimaginably abused
The patriarchs dealt with this issue. Abraham came out of Babylon under a one world system under Nimrod, full of idolatry, sensuality, and economic power. He wandered the desert for decades waiting for the promise which God made; a heavenly country to inherit. Moses refused the pleasures and power of Egypt in order to share in the sufferings of the people of God, to seek that better country.

The book of Hebrews (chapter 11) says they had many chances to go back, but continued to desire the promised heavenly country. "Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them."

Jesus taught that the kingdom of heaven is the fulfillment of these promises, the future country which will actually endure forever with power and justice (Daniel 2:44 mentions this kingdom). He said to repent and believe on His name for the forgiveness of sins so you can enter, and then live by His instructions and begin laboring for Him so you can increase your rewards and inheritance. He promised His 12 disciples that because they gave up literally everything for Him and stood with Him in His trials, they will receive thrones in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus also said whoever gives up anything for His sake and the Gospel's will receive a hundred times as much and inherit eternal life.

Jesus said that whoever tries to hold on to his life in this age will lose it, but whoever loses his life for His sake will find it. Think of if Abraham tried to stay in Nimrod's Babylon to find a political solution, or if Moses tried to stay in Egyptian politics and reform it to help His people. They would have just died out assimilating and practicing the same culture that was so disgusting and wearisome to them. They had to decide that a political solution was not going to work, and stake their and their children's future on blind faith in the promise that God made.

Jesus makes the same offer to us now

I decided to pursue the kingdom of heaven as Jesus spoke. Cured me of the weariness and frustration of powerlessness at seeing my people being assimilated by money, psychology and distractions. Now I'm much healthier and more able to live differently from how this world expects us to live. I still try to help my people see the complacency and danger, but I now consider that people aren't willing to act to change without being changed inside like what happened to me (when I believed, Jesus Christ started working on me and changing me over time to fit His words)

Kingdom of heaven is partly civnat, in that it's by choice to enter. And partly ethnat, in that it's those who are spiritually the seed of Abraham, those who make the same kind of choices that he did. Extremely high bar of entry because you have to invest your whole life to inherit the fullness of it. Genius setup, really.
maybe if you spam horse pussy anime and vote you'll change the world
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Well, it can't hurt to try.