>>375280if you're that short you should never stand next to a woman that tall for an official photo
>she's 5'4oh no no no no no no no no no no no no
>>375281The whole world is run by goddamn gnomes.
>First wamen prez
I can't believe we did it first.
>>374873why is it that all female presidential candidates laugh like maniacs?
>>375281can't get uppity with the jews goyim, only whites.
>>375310Because all politicians are evil, and the deranged, forced-laughs that politicians make is amplified through a high-pitched female voice.
>>375310Administration is the realm of men. For a women to have the fortitude to sustain within politics would require her to have rejected her womanhood, her humanity. What's left is a psychopath.
>>375325Hence why Harris is childless.
>>374873Acidic corrosive cringe at this hag
I trust the Don shall eviscerate her in a debate and generate maximum lulz in doing so
>>374982Think of all the deceased voters ballots the Democraps will be needing to overturn the election this time
Is Biden even alive right now? Maybe he refused to step down so they pushed him down the stairs and said it was covid. Who knows at this point. American politics is such a dog and pony show
I saw the ad where she calls Trump an "existential threat to our democracy". Just fucking end this farce. Only the most braindead coma patients can still believe that fucking narrative. God damn it.
Gonna repurpose this thread into a Harris info dump
>>374873She's a <50IQ, heavily inbred East Indian descendant whom happens to be a wannabe dothead. Heels Up Harris was her
likely official sexworker name while [working as a barista & bartender], due to the number of paid-for sexual encounters which occurred during her time as a [drink server].
Indians, whether native (in India that is) or immigrated, utterly despise her: nearly all family and politicuck connections are ziofags, with an unusual number of banker and human trafficking (((friends))).
She would be unable to remove herself from a soaking wet paper bag with excessive aid.
I saw this image today, and realized that I can no longer tell the difference between clever memes making fun of Democrat propaganda and actual Democrat propaganda.
We're reaching astroturf levels that shouldn't even be possible now.
>>375449Based imaginary old man.
Do people still make these "and everyone clapped" posts unironically? Those were already regarded as jokes even back then.
>>375450People who live unremarkable, pointless lives can't resist making up stories to feel better about themselves and fight off the crushing weight of nihilism.
In case anyone needs a refresher on who this woman is:
>She falsely imprisoned nearly 2000 non-violent Black men in prisons for manual labor past their release dates. (https://prospect.org/justice/how-kamala-harris-fought-to-keep-nonviolent-prisoners-locked-up/)>She barred DNA testing from a case that could have freed Kevin Cooper (who is largely believed to be innocent of his convicted murder charge) from death row. (https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/05/17/opinion/sunday/kevin-cooper-california-death-row.html)>She allowed millions of illegal immigrants poor into the country and gave a finger-wave "do not come" response with absolutely no plan of combatting or limiting the invasion at the border. (https://apnews.com/general-news-3400f56255e000547d1ca3ce1aa6b8e9)>She turned her attention away from Planned Parenthood who had been exposed for illegaling selling fetal tissue (aborted fetus flesh) in exchange for sums from $30-$100 by their own admission, and instead prosecuted the journalists who exposed that information for breaching privacy, despite being said and filmed within a busy restaurant and confirmed by The Centers For Medical Progress. (https://www.centerformedicalprogress.org/2015/07/cmp-statement-in-reply-to-planned-parenthoods-cover-up-of-baby-parts-sales/) (https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/pp-baby-parts-sale/)>She laughs and responds with absolute nothing answers to every bit of important discussions with statements like "X is like Y but with another line on the side, I love X!". (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/07/22/kamala-harris-coconut-brat-venn-diagram/74494862007/)>She funded the Minnesota Bail fund to release violent criminals because they were involved in George Floyd riots, including Shawn Tillman, who immediately went back on the street and killed a St. Paul rail passenger. (https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/kamala-backed-bail-fund-puts-murderer-on-the-street/)>She hid Biden's cognitive decline (despite how obvious it has been) from the public and then staged a coop to threaten him with the 25th Amendment unless he stepped out of the presidential race and endorsed her for President. (I really don't need to source this one, it's pretty fucking obvious).Remember when MSM outlets were parroting the same dialogue about journalistic integrity and misinformation to imply that reports of Obama vaporizing Syrian kids was a hoax? Harris' campaign is playing that card again but this time their strategy is to label their two male opponents as... Creepy and weird and so like, not vibing. Yikes. You wouldn't vote for these two weirdos, would you anon? You friends and family might think you're a creep.
You would think that spending $200 million dollars would get you more than "orange man weird"
>>375566They're just rapidly throwing new stuff at the wall to see what sticks now. They have a lot of money, but very little time to astroturf.
Wow, the shills even come here....unreal.
Looks like your little fag strategy of spamming cartoon mares didn't work to keep the shills out
>>375574It did keep the redditors away though
>>375574It was never meant to deter shills. Shills are deterred only by the fact that this board is so slow that it's not worth paying people to post here.
Horsepussy just deters redditors and other normies who would otherwise shit up the place.
>>375583Shut the fuck up, you retarded nigger. I made this thread, and I'm a regular. The thread is an obvious parody of the 2016 Hillary Clinton threads, repurposed into an info dump on Kamala Harris. Learn to recognize irony.
>>375588thats why its spammed all over pol about 1000 times daily?? fucking kys degenerate faggot
>>375594Lmao, imagine being this retarded. Learn to take a joke.
Besides, since you didn't notice, this thread was made before Biden dropped out and the Harris astroturfing began.
Ask me how I can tell you're a tourist.
4cuck is being raided by her paid shills. We all knew it but here's a screencap.
>>375594>spammed all over polOh, I see how it is. You're a 4/pol/ refugee who's come now that 4/pol/ has been rendered unusable by the sudden influx of astroturfing last week. Calm down, Anon. We're chill here. Embrace the mares.
>>375600It looks like they're already here.
>>375602It's probably a good thing. Might spice up the site a bit.
For any 4/pol/ refugees, mlpol allows doxxing. If you want to doxx your raiders feel free to use our site.
>>375599I suppose they need to put that money to use. The woman literally has fuck all for a platform. Every ad and speech has just been some sort of "fuck the other guy, I'm just better mkay?!".
The democrats obviously in utter turmoil, probably busier debating whether to cheat harder this November or appease former Biden donation monies than actually giving a shit about Harris and her retarded antics.
"Orange man bad" is her entire platform.
>>375652They seem to be putting a lot of work into astroturfing a serious campaign for her, or at least serious by lefty standards. I don't follow normie social media at all so I have no idea whether or not it's actually successful, but they seem to be trying pretty hard to meme her into office. From what I've seen the memes are pretty bizarre, something to do with coconuts and Trump/Vance being weird. Also, apparently Kamala is "brat," whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean; I assume it's some kind of zoomer slang.
>>375682zoomer here, I have no idea what the fuck "brat" is supposed to mean other than the normal meaning of "petulent child with a superiority complex", which I guess fits this bitch halfway decently.
>>375692I didn't even know she had positions on anything. Quite swell that she rectified that for me. How nice of her.
Sad. Many such cases.
>>375699mods, obliterate this man's penis
It's impressive that she can talk for a minute straight and say absolutely nothing.
>Losing independents
>Losing Hispanics
>Underperforming Blacks worse than any modern Democrat
Still tied. Wtf is this methodology?
https://www.zerohedge.com/political/kamala-cant-win> This race is Trump’s to lose. Kamala has no shot at legitimately winning the 2024 Presidential election. > Should the DC regime install Kamala, it will mean the end of our constitutional order and of free and fair elections.> The regime cannot survive the installation of another astroturfed and unpopular political leader into the highest office in the land.> Not only is Kamala a train wreck in her own right, but Donald Trump has never been more popular than he is right now.> Kamala is a line in the sand. If she can be installed in the presidency, then there is no reason to keep holding elections; the DNC and its media apparatchiks can simply make or break the presidency with a snap of the fingers.tl;dr the literal only way Kamala can win is if they cheat again, and if they do it will be so obvious that only the most oblivious normies will honestly still believe in the system afterward. Either Trump wins or the last tiny shred of legitimacy the American system has left goes sailing away in the breeze, one of these two things will happen.
>>376024Polls seem to heavily bias toward specific sides, which if true, is probably even worse. Imagine a poll secretly overwhelmingly democrats still coming out 50/50. How horrible can a canidate be that half your own party prefers the literal opposite.
>>375797>>375795man...you guys are faggot degenerates
>>376127I can't delete it now, but this turned out to be fake news.
>>376127It ain't photoshop, just camera trickery.
I genuinely no longer know what is true about this woman. There is fuck all on what positions she even holds, apart from "Orange Man Bad" or some shit.
She is literally running purely off media constructing this cult of personality. Don't even know why they bother, James K. Polk became president with most of the country not even knowing who the fuck he was.
My mind is boggled to hell man. Just...
>>376270Biden proposed this shit earlier this year
>just delete everyone's 401kYeah, voters will love that.
How the duck did her chances go DOWN during her own convention?
https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/16/business/harris-price-gouging-ban-inflation/index.htmlRemember a couple years ago when Turkey put price controls in place to control inflation, and it resulted in bakeries closing because they couldn't afford to bale bread at a loss? Imagine that in American supermarkets.
>>376276They’re polishing that turd as hard as they can, but there is only so much polish in the world
This is what alcoholism does to your body.
Drink responsibly, bros.
>>376514Trump: Builds the wall
Kamablah: Hits the wall!!!!!!
Funny how she looks like a monster when she squints just the right amount.
>trailing in polls
>Trump lead grows each week
>switches to Trump's positions
>same ones shitlibs taught to hate for 8 years
>wants to BUILD THE F***KING WALL now
>thrashed by army of gold star families
>only interview was disaster
>friendly reporter
>in the tank for her campaign
>cut down to 18 mins
>had her VP chaperone
>still looked retarded
>>374873Leaked 47th president of the United states (2025 - 2033)
>wired earphones in
>and holding the phone up to her ear
She's a terrified, drunken wreck lel
Kamala Harris: As President I will sign Reparations Bill
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tWUDHSk19QOnce you attend the Kamala Rally, you stay at the Kamala Rally... FOREVER!
https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/113108859330006911I can't wait for him to bring this up in the debates tomorrow.
>>376651>Vote for Kamala if you want this to happen to your neighborhoodA feisty reminder that most of those faggots and bitches crying foul actually voted for it.
>>376660>most of those faggots and bitches crying foul actually voted for itPeople in Springfield Ohio voted for that? I don't believe so.
Oh shit, with Kamala is getting help from Destiny, how is Trump going to react when Kamala invites another woman to fuck her husband in front of her? Can Trump handle those kind of psychological plays?