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Your 90s Nostalgia Is A Hate Crime
373944 373950 373961 373984
Why do liberals want us all to think that every single point in history before our postmodern rot was unlivable misery?
In the 90s, life had a positive outlook. The Berlin Wall had just fallen, giving us a sense of optimism that lasted until it was broken with 9/11, broken again with the Iraq War, and Completely destroyed with the 2008 Financial Crisis. In the 90s, entertainment and media didn't seem to worship ugliness and or overtly feel like it was trying it kill us. It was back when young people still harbored dreams of one day owning their own homes. It's a normal thing to be nostalgic about.
373936 373944
"1990s nostalgia?" I genuinely can't tell whether this is serious. I lived through the 1990s. They were fucking horrible. Bill and Hillary Clinton had the BATF burning White children alive in Waco, Texas. Niggers burned the cities down. OJ Simpson smirked when a mostly-nigger jury decided that murdering honkeys wasn't illegal. It was a horrible fucking time. There was no "sense of optimism." The Clintons sent all our jobs to China, India, and Mexico and everyone was terrified, losing their homes, having to split up families and scatter around the country chasing the jobs that were left. It was a horrible fucking time. There was no optimism, except for the smirking niggers and sheenies on TV telling us how wonderful everything was and how much everyone loved Slick Willie. There hasn't been any real optimism in this country since Reagan left office, and his eight years were a short break from the unrelieved misery and despair of the 1970s.
373938 373944
Wouldn't you agree that things have gotten much shittier in the past 34 years though? A lot of the things you mentioned have only gotten worse since then.
373942 373944
Some things are worse, yes. Some things are much better, like gun rights. It seems really, really bizarre to me, though, to put "90s" and "nostalgia" in the same sentence. 1980s, yes. 1990s? Holy fucking shit, are you serious?

Nostalgia means the new crap has to compete with the best of the best from the past.
Which is problematic.
If people remember a time with beauty, they can't peddle shit so easily.
>It seems really, really bizarre to me, though, to put "90s" and "nostalgia" in the same sentence. 1980s, yes. 1990s?
The 80s were 40 years ago. People who are nostalgic for the 1980s are in their 50s-60s.
373960 373970
I also lived through the 90s. I wouldn't call them horrible at all, but I will acknowledge that the nostalgia overlooks a lot of the downsides. It's like boomers and 1950s nostalgia: they fondly remember the cars and the music and the drive-ins and all the lost Americana, but forget that all the societal rot that eventually boiled over during the 60s and 70s was still present in a more subdued form.

That said, even without the rose-tinted nostalgia glasses, it still was an objectively better time period to be alive than today. Bill Clinton was as corrupt and sleazy as Biden, but he at least tried to be less obvious about it. PC bullshit was being slipped into movies and commercials and whatever, but it was subtle enough that you could just roll your eyes at it and still enjoy the rest of the movie. Nigger ghetto culture was everywhere, but actual niggers mostly stayed in their urban containment zones. My high school I think had only like three actual blacks in it. White kids wore baggy pants and used black slang sometimes, but it wasn't like all that unintelligible "fr fr no cap" stuff the zoomers do.

At the time my Dad would have been about the same age I am now, and adjusted for inflation and whatnot I think he made about as much money as I currently do. He was able to support a family and pay for a house on that income, my Mom didn't have to work. My family didn't have the internet until like 1998 or 99 or so, and even then I could only use it for an hour or two at a time because it tied up the phone lines. Hanging out with friends meant you called them up and met somewhere, and if you wanted to play video games you had to go over to somebody's house and hook the console up to the TV. Going to the movies was still fun and affordable, and nobody got shot. Movies had some mild degeneracy but were still worth paying to see. Music was a hell of a lot better. Except for the super-wiggerish ones, teenagers still mostly listened to white bands. Even black gangsta rap was objectively higher quality than "mumble rap" or whatever the kids like now. If you went back in time to 1995 and told people about lockdowns and vaccine mandates and mass censorship, they would think you were writing a dystopian science fiction novel.

The other dimension to consider is that "postmodern rot" goes much further back than the 1990s, or even the 1950s. The 1960s was basically just a continuation of a counterculture that was already in full swing during the 1920s. The "sexual revolution," fetishization of black culture, abstract art, all that stuff was in vogue with the Great War generation that was rebelling against the values of their Victorian parents. F. Scott Fitzgerald's early short stories are an interesting insight into the youth of that time period. You can probably follow the thread even further back than that; even during the 19th century there was some weird stuff going on in European art circles.

No era is perfect.

>It seems really, really bizarre to me, though, to put "90s" and "nostalgia" in the same sentence. 1980s, yes. 1990s? Holy fucking shit, are you serious?
Everyone is at least a little nostalgic about the era they were a child in. Even people I know who had incredibly fucked-up childhoods still get dreamy-eyed when they remember old cartoons or video games they grew up with. Part of it is that whatever was going on socially or politically at the time was just part of the boring adult world that you didn't have to actually deal with, so you could just enjoy the good parts of that time period. Sure, the 90s had the crooked Clintons and the LA riots and OJ and Waco and globalization and all that stuff. At the time, though, I was only cursorily aware of any of it, and didn't really care. For me, the 90s were about getting up at 7 am to watch the Ninja Turtles and Inspector Gadget, blowing into Nintendo cartridges to make them work, riding my bike to McDonalds to buy a Big Mac meal for under $5 (super-sized, even), being served edible food at Pizza Hut, wasting quarters losing at Mortal Kombat and that vector Star Wars game, watching my VHS copy of The Brave Little Toaster every time I was home sick, buying a single drink from the food court at the mall and then wandering around for hours, peeling the "parental advisory" stickers off of Nine Inch Nails cassettes so my Mom wouldn't realize the songs had bad words in the lyrics...

All things considered, the 1990s were a pretty fun time to be alive; I'm glad I got to experience them. Mostly I feel sad for kids that are like 10, 11 years old now, because I can't imagine what they could possibly feel nostalgic about 30 years down the line. Roblox? Scrolling through shitty TikTok videos? Putting on a hazmat suit to go grocery shopping during the "pandemic?" Then again, maybe that's how people my Dad's age felt about all the silly degenerate shit that I liked as a kid.

No era is perfect.
>In the 90s, life had a positive outlook
Respectfully disagree. The 90s ushered in the era of grunge music which was designed by the Jews to encourage a nihilistic lifestyle of doping. As opposed to 80s hair metal which was all about the lust for life. Yea, it was degenerate in some ways, but so was grunge, only grunge made you want to kill yourself.
Yea, shit was better in the 1990s than they are now, but that's like saying this shit smells better than that shit.
I miss the innocence of childhood.
Sure it was on the basis of not knowing and not knowing to go seek that information out yet, but it is a time of wonder and imagination.
Before having creativity and hope and other stuff stamped out.
Hardest part is maintaining it with full knowledge and an easily hurt heart.
That's also why communist regimes tried to erase the histories of their people.
File (hide): E3662EEE98ED099E876736509C6CF598-726804.mp4 (709.8 KB, Resolution:460x816 Length:00:00:14, Zoomers-wouldnt-get-it-1718905450082.mp4) [play once] [loop]
>blowing into Nintendo cartridges to make them work
It's not all sunshine and rainbows but I get your sentiment. There's a whole fuckton of things that all cuminated in this insanity-fueled fever dream that is "today"; I kinda just gave up on stewing on such things and defaulted to "just Revelations having a go".
No nostalgia here. 1980ACE's were bad. Good ol' jew-lover goy propaganda everywhere. The jewboomer generation and the silent not-really-anti-commie generation might as well have had these for their official slogans:
"Don't EVER think OR feel, let YOUR REPRESENTATIVE/SENATOR/JUDGE THINK FOR YOU! If you DON'T, then you're a COMMIE! Even if you aren't a commie, because (((WE))) need an enemy to rally against!"
"You should ALWAYS buy NAME BRAND because NON-NAME BRAND is owned by commies! Even if they AREN'T commies, they're SECRET COMMIES! What's that? Why is Sam Walton not his real name?! You're unamericuck for thinking he's not a real true (((blue capitalist)))! He isn't a jew, he was never a jew, he never changed his name, and he's a 'muricuck hero!"
"There won't be a draft! There WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER DRAFT! No, instead, (YOU) should join durr 'MURICUCK MILITAREE for NO PAY, NO BENEFITS, NO REPRESENTATION, NO HEALTH CARE, AND NO MENTAL CARE! WHY?! So you can fight for foreign invested companies like Boeing, General Electric, Ford, Monsanto, and (2,500+ others that we won't talk about) that donated millions to extreme judeo-communist politicians that sent extra millions to pissraeli politicians living on stolen land! Why!? To exchange future war favors, of course! Didn't you buy your war bonds already?! You aren't a 'muricuck if you don't have your WAR BONDS in a safe!"
"Jimmy 'Killer Rabbit' Carter was the fourth best presididn't ever! He quadrupled the (((US goyvernment's soycial expenditures))), ALL FOR YOU, GOY! IT WAS ALWAYS (((4YOU)))! NO, HE DIDN'T EXTEND THREE NOT-WARS AND HE TOTALLY DIDN'T CAUSE 9 MORE DURING HIS PRESIDIDN'T, SEE!"
"Presididn't Raygun was the second best! He created SPACE WARS by inflating (((DARPA))) funding for billions that actually went into ultra-super-mega-nigger top secret agencies for 'things' like the COINTELPRO(gram) which was to spy on everyone in the US but don't worry that won't happen! The AURORA program is gonna spy on everyone outside the US! After all, if they ain't red, they should be dead!
But wait, the SKYBLUE1/2/3/5/6 and HAARP1-15 programs are going to 'study the effects of causing UNKNOWN DAMAGE to the magnetosphere in order to understand weather control mechanisms'! There's nothing sinister about any of that! You're a CONSPIRACY THEORIST! AND a commie! Why don't you trust the goyvernment, pinko?!"

The movies are easily forgettable, except for They Live, Aliens, and a few others of social, active, or humorous concern. Now, most anime was great, especially for how rare those were to get ahold of.

Less than 1% of badgeniggers, attorneys, prosecutors, judges, politicians, etc. etc. etc. etc., received more than a tiny slap on the wrist and a 5 petro-shekel 'non-influential fine' for committing felonies on VHS tape. Especially bureau shitheels, bootlickers, goyniggers, and then-faggots. Contempt of X title/rank/positiion/delegated unelected bureaucuck was usually the major fear. Failure to appear was second. Committing an actual crime was last.

1970ACE's were far worse, and 1960ACE's were insanely bad by all comparisons. I grew up mostly surrounded by flower children. Old as I am now, can't blame them for their disgust at how the Jewnited Estates Empire fell apart.
The Summers of Love were, to put them lightly, poorly led attempts to detox 'muricuh away from the !!!endless wars, endless profits, endless markets, endless (((consumers)))!!! jewshit ultra-capitalist ideology that began flooding the US since 1926ACE.

Except for a few technological subsets, specifically early analog electronics, firearms, things that make loud funny sounds, and similarly related REDACTED sectors, nothing has 'gotten better'.

Likewise, don't forget 'planned obsolescence' is the reason why most gadgets, objects, and everyfuckingthing else fail after X number of years.

Am I jaded? Haven't stopped being that way since 1981ACE.
the 90s were so prosperous in America that The Matrix described 1999 as the pinnacle of human civilization