>WARNING: this article is unbalanced towards certain viewpoints.
The editing is locked, lmao.
>>373768Who has her nudes? They were posted on 4troons.
>>373768It seems that neither Palestinians nor Israelis are nice people.
Being fast and brutal is one thing, but that is a LOT of death. It looks like it's an excuse to end as many Palestinians as possible in ways that would be very illegal to depict in creative writing or in any kind of visual media. Good thing it was the people under the blue and white flag that did this, otherwise it might cause some kind of incident.
>>376385Over 1,600,000
actual Semites, the only remaining Semitic people on this planet, murdered and killed since 1971, all to save some basic jewbitch with 10+ plastic surgeries and lots of AI photobrushing? No. There is not a single (((jew))) with more than 5% Semitic inheritance, and that is ONLY due to those inbred goatniggers raping Semites during the Roman-Pharisee Era.
The day when all kikes, their goyim, and their golems are wiped out will not be soon enough.