Yes, Jill Stein is a Jewess. And I don't like her politics, otherwise. But it's like she's one of those "self-hating" kikes, like the way nigger loving white leftists are who effectively work for teamjew. I'm just giving her the benefit of the doubt here, nothing more.
Remember, once the Jews go, everything goes.
Video: Jill Stein names the Zionists
Of course, what she's doing is the it's not reelz judaism fallacy. But naming the zionist is just one small step away.
Lot of shill posts from South Africa coming through recently. Protip: you might want to get a US proxy if you want to blend in a little better.
>>373401Go suck off your orangeman.
>>373401>Lot ofLiterally just one guy.
>shill postsMore like shitposts. This isn't really shilling.
>Protip: you might want to get a US proxy if you want to blend in a little better.Don't discourage alternative country users from posting. It's bad enough that flags diminish anonymity.
>>373395Jill Stein has a 0% chance of winning. There is no point in voting for her.
I encourage my liberal associates to vote for her in protest, because I want Orange Man to win. I liked the economy better under Orange Man, so I want him back.
>>373402There were several posts from a SA flag in a short period of time, encouraging anons to either not vote or in this case vote for an irrelevant third party candidate. Interesting you would bring up Trump as I didn't even mention him. One might almost think you have an agenda.
>>373406Orange man is a cringe faggot and did nothing for Whites, in fact he actively harmed us, by lulling us into a false sense of security, and making his retarded base think they were winning bigly when he sold them out to kikes. and people saying oh he was obstructed! he could have just used an Executive order to get what he wanted done, i'm not saying vote for stein but trump was far worse than bidup.
>>373417>lulling us into a false sense of securityAre you implying that whites would have woken up and overthrown ZOG in the four years that Hillary Clinton was president? I have my doubts.
>trump was far worse than bidupI disagree.
I have a family to take care of, and Biden has made food and gas unaffordable with his gay economic policies. This wasn't the case with Trump.
>>373418>Are you implying that whites would have woken up and overthrown ZOG in the four years that Hillary Clinton was president? I have my doubts.Not the point. ZOG would have gone back to sleep thinking their propaganda was effective enough to quell the masses.
>>373431>ZOG would have gone back to sleepWhat is that supposed to mean?
>>373434I really doubt the censorship would have been ramped up. Nor would there have been nearly as many riots and protests.
>>373441>I really doubt the censorship would have been ramped up.Do you not remember where SJWs were in 2014? It was oppressive as fuck. We'd still be there if it kept going at that rate.
>Nor would there have been nearly as many riots and protests.No real basis for that.
So you think that R.F.K. Jr. To win?
>>373447Is robert kennedy jewed or nah?
>>373447>So you think that R.F.K. Jr. To win?>>373469>Is robert kennedy jewed or nah?RFK is kiked to hell. Kiked even more than Jill Stein who is a kike herself. The only thing he's good on is the coronahoax, but I can't see him actually putting Fauci or anyone in big pharma in jail, much less actually delivering justice.
So, on the zionist platform we have:
Trump: philo-zionist
Biden: philo-zionist
RFK: philo-zionist
Stein: anti-zionist
So, on this item alone, she is the only palatable candidate. Unfortunately, if you goto you will see just how horrible she is on other positions.
>>373442>Do you not remember where SJWs were in 2014?Yes, shit was bad then, but they really ramped it up when Trump won. Trump caused a collective aneurysm in the uniparty, and leftists, which motivated them to up their game.
>No real basis for that.There haven't been many riots since 2021, and there weren't very many riots during Obama. These riots were top down events, orchestrated by jew know who.
But in the end, all elections mount up to is a dog and pony show to fool the rubes. Trump sounded different, but that's all part of the act.
>>373474> more it seems more like a 50/50 type thing.
>>373474I personally feel like the “anti zionist” kike is a scam
>>373474>So, on this item alone, she is the only palatable candidate.The probable Lolbert Party candidate, Michael Rectenwald, is apparently anti-Israel to the point of removing Walter Block's endorsement from his page over his pro-Israel stance. I don't think he's an open borders retard either, so he has that going for him.
>>373481>Michael Rectenwald>First of all, there are NO special "LGBT rights." So, no, I'm not "down with LGBT rights," because they don't exist.I'm looking at his twitter feed. I'm sold. I don't think he'll repeal the snivelling riots act, but none of the others will.
Bad news, the Lolbert Party has blown it yet again, and nominated a literal open-borders homo for its presidential candidate. Looks like I'm back between Orange Kike and staying home.
>>373562>open-bordersFucking libertarians keep stumbling on this bullshit. Open-borders fucks up everything. Even Democrats are distancing themselves from it recently, because it's so stupid.
>>373562I was just reading about that faggot a few minutes ago lol. It sounds like the contest got pretty heated, which to be honest, I mostly just find hilarious. It's basically a contest over which literally-who gets to take home maybe 2% of the vote if they're lucky. The "libertarian party" could nominate pretty much anyone and it would be the same difference.