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The Biotech Revolution
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We've already seen how AI is disrupting society, but biotechnology may have an even bigger impact. Imagine a world where everything from plastics to fertilizers are grown from biomass. Where cell and immunotherapies are personalized. And where gene editing tools are widely available. This is what is over the horizon. The U.S. has already put together a National Security Commission on Emerging Biotechnology (https://www.biotech.senate.gov) to establish itself as the leader in biotech. How will biotechnology change society and how will it change geopolitics?
Honestly I find myself divided whenever I hear about tech like this. On the one hand part of me thinks this stuff sounds pretty neat and I'm looking forward to it, assuming of course it doesn't end up bundled into some sort of Jew-controlled neo-feudalist dystopia in which elites get to enjoy gene-editing and cancer cures and the rest of us get fried grasshopper patties and shitty drinking straws that dissolve the second you put them into a drink. On the other hand I seriously wonder if the world is going to completely and utterly collapse long before any of this can be implemented. I feel the same way about the AI revolution, actually.
>How will biotechnology change society
People are going to start living a lot longer A LOT longer. I also think we will see gene and cell doping in sports and gene edited babies. We are already seeing cloned race horses (https://www.kheiron-biotech.com/index_en.html)

>how will it change geopolitics?
Entire supply chains are going to be made obsolete. Biological data is about to become a resource.
Reliable consumer use biotech, gives a pretty large lever.
For fags obsessed with control and domination, they're going to want to lace it. Start the legal process of calling anyone modified in this way a product rather than a person.
That people are stealing company or government technology and they're just getting that technology back. By taking a spleen or seven, oh boy regeneration horrors here we come.
They're going to mandate for the scary whateveritisthisyear to see an obedient populace.
But seriously, the technology is ready, the governing bodies ready to stick their heads in their ass and suffocate and it'll be kind of wild as the hippy years seem to come back.
Because you can add something that makes everything just... n i c e.
Eventually they'll get stuff that alters the body in tiny but important ways. A few more stemcells can change healing times.
Just producing vitamins what a trip. Goodbye scurvy.
There's going to be a few fuck ups no doubt so don't trust the lowest bid contractors.
>"Whoops we just chopped off your telomeres and a bit more too bad you can't sue."
More levers for everyone. Might even get to a clockwork orange in rehabilitation.
So something that might not be known is that some sort of insect wing flexs and pops that kills and flings dead bacteria, via mechanics rather than chemical or whatever.
We're in for some strange times.
And somebody is going to try doing a forever neurotrophic and then try growing a brain in their left ass cheek.

I'm expecting in the further future biotech field read out sleeves for easier reading and access. A semi-bio clone with veins and other kind of readout info, able to make a self contained blood vial on demand.
It'll probably have all the stuff that flows through it and you can just read the averaged composition. Maybe even manual immune responses or other biological functions by the tap of a finger.
People are going to seek out second generation bio-alterators because the first batch was just wasn't for fucking around with safely all the time.
>Start the legal process of calling anyone modified in this way a product rather than a person.
This is one of my biggest fears with biotech. That people will be made into products. Imagine if you could make humans produce antibodies or other biological products. Test subject and bioreactor could definitely become the jobs of the future.
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I mean that's already a thing. There's virology research and toxicology research.
Honestly they'll do something like they do with horses and anti-venom. Humans are just not cost effective, if there's other options.
>Humans are just not cost effective, if there's other options.
I'm not convinced that will always be the case. The mass separation steps are the most expensive steps in the production of antibodies or other biological products. Using humans could significantly reduce costs if the final product didn't need to be purified. Remember back during covid when they used humans to produce antibodies against covid?
Also it is funny you should mention antivenom because there was a man who slowly made himself immune to antivenom and actually used his blood as antivenom to save lives. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Haast
Immune to snake venom*
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opossums are our friends - don't kill them.jpg
>Immune to snake venom
Some animals are, perhaps some human mutations might also be.
>perhaps some human mutations might also be
I've never heard a case of this irl. Animals that are immune to snake venom are those who frequently get bitten by snakes.
The dude used a process called mithridatism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mithridatism#:~:text=Mithridatism%20is%20the%20practice%20of,doses%2C%20aiming%20to%20develop%20immunity.