If there was ever any question of who was winning this race, it's gone now.
And I wasn't kidding when I said Haley was relying on Democrats. 70% of her voters were undeclared.
Trump shitposting in real time
Proof the Democrats are trying to subvert the primary and voting for Haley:
>Be Hanover, NH
>Be overwhelmingly liberal, Trump gets 841 votes in 2020 (only 10% or so of their total)
>Be Nikki Haley
>Get far more votes in Hanover (Over 1400) in a primary than the previous GOP nominee in the general
They had a genius plan. Invalidate their own primary because the state is home to too many White Gentiles for their taste, and get them to thwart Trump by crossing over. It still failed, lol!
>>370838That doesn't sound too unlikely. Of course Hailey is going to get far more votes than Trump could in an area that's all bourgeois liberal democrats.
On the topic of news, every time I glance at a news channel or some fag breadtuber, the comment sections are truly fascinating. These people (a good chunk which are definitely bots) spew intense hate toward Trump and Trump supporters like he's eating eyeballs or something. I've never seen such extreme emotional outpour, even from right-wing equivalents. It really creeps me out.
>>370866It's getting hard to tell who's a bot and who's just retarded.